PVP and free trades.
League of legends has around 50 million unique users per month. They were actually almost double that at one point.
PVP games are easily the biggest.
PvE and no trade.
They’ve already confirmed that both will be in D4 buddy. Sorry.
a MOBA vs an aRPG, yeah right, nice politics.
no need to take a side here really;
-i may play D4, we’ll see details later.
You were trying to debate whether PVE or PVP games were bigger. Stop deflecting. There’s no comparison. The majority of gamers prefer PVP. End of story.
If no active D3 players play D4, but they include great PVP and open trading, it’ll still be many times bigger than D3.
i wasn’t, i just didn’t believe an opinion.
-but comparing 2 different genres won’t help you win that debate.
It isn’t a debate. PVP games have more users than games without PVP. That’s the point I made.
And a game like LoL has alot in common mechanically with an ARPG. If LoL had a story and COOP, it’d instantly be an ARPG.
sorry, that one won’t fly.
Lol. Great reasoning. Your well thought argument will certainly sway opinions.
that’s a problem on forums:
-often, resistance gives frustration and posters become personal and off-topic.
Yeah, you really need to stop. If you can’t think of facts to contradict mine, maybe you should actually consider my point?
stay civil please;
PvP games are bigger than PvE games: could be true.
comparing different genres to prove that PvP games are bigger or better than aRPG’s or RPG’s: wrong.
Players start in different starting locations. Each starting location has inherent advantages / disadvantages. Saying PVP makes no sense in a game with character progression is absurd for someone like me, although I do understand that if you have limited to no experience with such, this would come across as something convincingly stout. PVP can work anytime a platform or medium facilitates the hand-eye coordination required to interact with the user interface. In other words, PVP works in any game that has PVE. We don’t have to debate this. You’re not interested in pvp and want nothing to do with it. I’m not interested in arguing a case of defense for something that you’re not even interested in nor will you be participating in as far as I can presume.
I’m sorry but was this:
Also returning in Diablo IV will be PvP, which will come in the form of specific PvP zones. Areas that will by their very nature will feel more dangerous and hostile than others due the perceived threat of Nephalem gone rogue.
“Rather than being super balanced arena matches, it will be more reminiscent of Diablo II open games where someone might gank you,” Luis concludes. “We’re not promising players that it will be a fair fight. John and I could run into you and we might murder you and being two versus one that’s not fair. There’s no expectation that it will be finely tuned, but we are building the game with PvP in mind from the beginning. And that is because it’s difficult to kind of back into PvP later.”
Fake news? Specifically, the part here that states: “but we are building the game with PvP in mind from the beginning.” which directly contradicts what you stated: “You want to play PVP, go play a game that is built from the ground up to be PVP.”
Looks like I’ll be playing D4, thank you for the recommendation.
this surprises some maybe, but i agreed with this long ago;
…in the case of Diablo, if the PvP is instanced and gives no gain in normal gameplay.
-like HC, i don’t play it, but have no loss, except the thrillseekers on the forum, who’s posts i have to skip.
i’m only triggered on PvP and trading in Diablo, because of the dangers;
1 that PvP could become not instanced.
2 that trading could change droprates, raise botting, attract crime.
Those are all massive online battle arenas and first person shooters. You’re not making your case here.
Even this there isn’t really any facts to back it up that on average this is the case.
Also if we were looking at the games with the highest reported monthly users that would be PUBG and Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go had 147 million as of mid-2018 and it’s a mobile game.
PUBG reported an impressive 227 million in mid-2018 but also reported that they had sold 50 million copies on PC and Xbox meaning that even if everybody who bought the game was playing it still that would still be 177 million mobile users.
So if the logic here from the OP is that Blizzard should copy what the most popular games are doing, it sounds a lot like they should be focusing on Diablo Immortal.
nice new angle, surprising, good for you.