PVP is healthy for an ARPG, and it drives sales

Actually the most popular games in the world that have actual numbers to prove the facts are League of Legends and Minecraft, both with about the same number of monthly users.

Technically PUBG and Pokemon Go have reported higher numbers, but they’re old stats and based on Steam data PUBG has bled around 78% of its playerbase since 2018 dropping from 3.2 million peak daily users to 700k.

So it’s a tie between a PvP game and a PvE game, both games technically include both but LoL has an obvious PvP focus while Minecraft has an obvious PvE focus(and PvP servers are not popular from what I can find).

What are you talking about? You can see PUBG numbers right on Steam. They aren’t self reported. Steam updates every hour. Minecraft has PVP, Fortnite has way higher numbers than anyone else, and even Pokemon has PVP. Fortnight has well over 100 million unique logins monthly.

There is no arguing that PVP games are the biggest.

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Problem is those of us who don’t care about pvp do not want our pve affected by pvp balancing. In my opinion that is what ruined Wow. Trying to balance both aspects made the classes bland, where as in diablo 3 all the classes feel interesting and unique


That’s fair. I hope you realize that the vice versa is also true. We (those interested in pvp) just want the option to do so, and most certainly not like D3 tried to “back into it afterwards”

Fortunately, it appears that they’re going about it this way this time around.

I do disagree that attempting to balance pvp is what ruined wow, however, we don’t need to have that debate.


And here I was thinking people were wanting a deep, action RPG with heavy gothic aesthetics and influence.

Cause frankly, I really could not care less about PvP.


The numbers I’m talking about are monthly active players, since Minecraft and the like don’t all report daily users. The Steam charts do show PUBG has massively bled off its playerbase though.

Also if you want to claim this “But…Minecraft has PvP” crap then guess what: Those games you list have PvE in them as well.

So I guess there’s no arguing that PvE games are the biggest, using your own special brand of “logic”.

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Honestly do not care if the games has pvp at all. I just wanna kill skeletons.

PVP makes no sense in a game with character progression.
Look at Starcraft, everyone starts the same each game, that’s the only way pvp can work.

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Daily reminder that IAmIronMan is a sad forum troll :joy:

OP didn’t even MENTION D2 anywhere in his post and yet you feel the need to quote your embarrassing “Go play D2” post.

It is already confirmed that D4 will have PvP.
Deal with it or go play something else…


You are not wrong, PvP games are by far the most popular ones. Especially when you consider active playerbase over a long time period.

What did D3 sell? 30 mil is the popular number beimg thrown around. How many are playing currently? I’d be amazed if they had even 1 mil players during season start. A month into a season it’s definitely a ghosttown though.

ARPGs get stale very quickly these days. The concept of grinding loot only to grind it faster is outdated. Hell even D2 devs understood this for their next planned project. Game needs some form of PvP, either direct or in the shape of PvPvE (like GRs in D3, except better implemented). The alternative is to constantly pump out content (not just number tuning) which is not a realistic thing to expect.


You want to play PVP, go play a game that is built from the ground up to be PVP. Diablo is a PVE game with PVP tacked on, and it shows. It’s unbalanced and unfair.

If D4’s PVP is open and hostile, say buh-bye to melee builds and classes.


but aRPG’s and RPG’s will stay a big popular genre.

that’s only because the grinding/trading gives more ‘profits’ in other games;
-i used the word grinding/trading with sarcasm in mind.
-at least, D3 is still an aRPG and not a PvP game…

The concept of grinding loot only to sell/trading it faster is not outdated.

ARPG is not a big popular genre. If you put together all the ARPGs that exist in the market they probably still won’t have an active playerbase bigger than that of Dota 2, LoL or CS.

RPGs and MMOs are decaying aswell.

Or it could be because those games are more fun and less repetitive.

Whatever that means.

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Lol! The melee builds in D2 did great against ranged, same with D1 actually. Just because D3 sucks, doesn’t mean no ARPG can do PVP right.

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No ARPG has done it right though. Not even PoE did it right(or well).

np, 2 opinions, i don’t believe them

grinding is grinding: there’s a goal to do it
mobblasting is the fun version of grinding and for me that fun is endless.

you should know, i used your phrase and changed 3 words.

It’s not opinions, Dota 2 has 10 mil unique players each month, and it is less popular than both CS and LoL. PoE + D3 don’t even come close, there is no way. Then what’s left are old ARPGs or indie ARPGs with far smaller playerbase.

The point is that far more players play those games (pvp centric) because they enjoy it more than mindless mobblasting.

No I don’t, because you have a tendency to not make sense with your posts. How is what you wrote relevant to what I wrote?

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I agree on everything other than the RPG genre dying. Witcher 3 is one of the highest grossing games of all time. Same with Skyrim, although it’s older.

what does it prove?
-aRPG’s and RPG’s will stay a big popular genre.
-Dota 2 is a MOBA btw.
-one preferes common cheese, another preferes the rare caviar.

RPG is not dying, but it is decaying. But out of the three, MMO and ARPG, it is the far more popular one. Still, RPGs do not have a big active playerbase (in terms of millions). They are usually played until finished and then left untouched. So the comparison is not really good, but I wasn’t the one that brought it up.

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