So did a little testing. WW not working, even with weapon master fury is gone like the wind with echo.
But ik hota with mortick is nice. Did an 115 first try. My best was 108 in 2.6.4. For the first time in 7 years i skiped barb bcuz they ignored the class in 2.6.5, i played crusader, and i love it. Nonetheless i’m a barb player and i love this class. To bad mortick was the only buff we got. But to be honest, i knew they would ignore all your hard work with the proposal, they did the same thing over and over again in the past.
I still hope we will see some buffs after ptr testing.
It’s awesome that Mortick increases your IK HotA GR clear level by 7.
Can you tell me what passives and gems do you use for one-shotting that GR 115?
I think …it’s probably because IK set bonus increased damage applied to every skill that the barb used. It just give a flat increase damage on everything.
The increased damage might come from WotB’s Arreat’s Wall and Slaughter Rune… which dmg is further buffed by the IK Bonus.
It is just my guess but hopefully someone can do the maths.
Mortick’s did not give you +7 GR levels. By comparison, in our proposal we calculated that Barbs are 4.1 GRs behind all other classes and need 2x as much damage as we currently have. Mob HP increases by 17% per GR tier.
Please be careful about posts like these because some folks are using it to spread misinformation (see the linked post to yours).
My bad, your are right. The information was worng, i did not thought about it. If you look at my barb you will see that the gear is ok and the dmg was there, problem was the life reg, again not the dmg. And i had a gg map.
sounds to me that the thing WW barb needs most is 100% uptime on Wrath. so… remove rend from the set, add a wrath/ignore pain timer so that we no longer need CDR on gear, and let people spec into damage stats instead.
Well it’ll be fun to setup a LoN WW build to play with but this is a obviously a disappointment. It will be fun to DW with an echoing fury and have Executioner cubed. I guess executioner can be tossed in the cube for zbarbs too.
Hey guys. Not sure if you know this but the developers did hear the Barb community cries. And undoubtedly have made this class/skill super OP. The only problem is which developers heard it.
I can tell you that it is definitely not blizzard devs, but here’s a hint, it’s starts with a letter “G” just repeat it 3x. Cyclone OP.
Man… just think if they tweaked Echoing Fury some more and actually made Remorseless or Fjord Cutter useful, we could use something besides Istvans for HOTA!
I continue to depress myself thinking about this patch.
I think the problem relates to how Blizzard’s communication and silence shapes expectations. You can look to the pre-2018 Blizzcon hype then an attempt to moderate expectations and then Blizzcon itself. Last patch, there was also hope for significantly more stash space that went the way of the do-do bird. Unfortunately, the communication during the last PTR indicated that barbs would get some love this patch. Needless to say, the barb love in this patch is underwhelming. I feel for people who main barbs.
the main problem that i see whenever i look at d3 patchnotes is that it seems they don’t consider the way dmg is dealt or how builds are build (item-wise).
on paper mortick’s seems like a really powerful item, useful for many builds but not considering that we already using insanity rune and that the only other mayor rune (50% dr) is normaly established in another way which cannot be combined with it (like apd give even more dr)
from a barb perspective another letdown when nothing else in the patchnotes could bring barb closer to all other classes (we need raw dmg!!!)
Thats why i read the patch notes regarding mortick as an insult and slap in the face to the barb community “yeahh you guys always wanted the mortick bracers, , and since we know they are nearly useless, here they are, have fun, or maybe not, we dont care.”
Well I gotta say the PTR notes are somewhat making me feel
Also the Season buff - Season of Triune…
The buff for Season 18, the Season of the Triune, has been added
Triune’s Will: All abilities have a chance when hitting an enemy to spawn a circle that gives a power. Only one circle can be active at a time.
Power: Players in the circle receive a 100% damage bonus while active
*** Resource Reduction: Players in the circle receive a 50% discount on resources spent while active**
Cooldown Reduction: While standing in an active circle, any skills currently on cooldown come off of cooldown more quickly
Another Resource Cost Reduction. Really do the devs ever think or even remember that Barbs have to use Fury to make or LpFS work? Heck it’s dumb enough Barbs barely ever use RCR on our paragon points.
Good Grief.
Also - to Free and Rage you boiz must be devo. I personally appreciated your hard work and efforts put into fixing Barbs. Here’s hoping something comes up in Nevs blog post better than a bs “we hear you” statement.