PTR Notes 2.6.6

I’m impressed with the new items. I can now go faster, keep several pylons active, take no damage, and reduce any skills cooldown in t-16 and grifts 65. Just WOW, what a patch…sad panda

The thing is, we know, we KNOW they can buff set damage easily and at the drop of a hat. We KNOW they can up legendary affixes on existing items. They just didn’t do it. There is no way this upcoming blog can adequately explain why they didn’t do anything we know they can do.


Can’t speak for Rage, but I’m like

I cracked up. Good one!

You might be right. I mean, we all know, for a fact, that the List 1 changes could have made it in with all the other stuff. And that’s the part that frustrates me.

They could have given the casuals all this other cool stuff and made Barbs instantly happy with our List 1 fixes. It’s been 3+ years since Barbs received a single meaningful buff.


I found the person to blame here lol

Apparently we found our Mesiah lol

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Fluff brings up Morticks around 6:30 in and even he says that addition alone isn’t enough to bridge the gap for barbs for damage. Like its been stated Mortick’s does nothing to increase our damage!

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Yet another patch where the Barbs (and Monks, too) are left in the dust. Why am I not really surprised?!

Patch after patch has been released and apart from the buffs in 2.6.4 we did not get anything (useful). And as most of the sets for ALL classes had been buffed back in January, 2019, we aren’t getting anywhere near other classes.

Thanks again @Free and @Rage for putting so much work into your analysis. We can only hope that the devs put at least SOME of your work (List 1) into fruition, maybe, JUST MAYBE, in patch 2.6.7.

Guys can soneobe try F&R IK 6 Hota with COE cubed? Thats a build i will try to give a shot in the next patch.

F/R with COE in the cube wouldn’t be great for pushing as compared to Endless Walk Set with COE then BoM in the cube for damage mitigation. No BoM means you are taking 80% more damage which is huge.

Now for speeds you can run F/R with BoM in the cube then use a GoJ as your weapon and Furnace in the cube or vice versa depending on what rolls better.

You forgot mortics, you got free 50percent dmg reduction from em. Yeah, its not 80 but some folks run unity instead for extra elit dmg and i did gr 113 with ik hota f/r pre upcomming mortics patch. Not gonna run endless walk ever, stupid set. If someone gives it a chance in ptr i am curious about the results.

For speeds I prefer to rock Nems for extra elites and Bracers of the First Men in the cube for the damage. I guess you could sub Morticks but would that really make the rift go any faster in the end?

Nope, none of the items will make any difference except for farming builds, nothing…Pretty well season only too, to help with more build options/drop.

Yeah the only build I see benefiting from anything is pull zbarb using FoT for pylons…which can still be nerfed. Cain’s is used already in rats zbarb build so that just gets a little bonus but again nothing ground breaking.