PTR 2.6.10 Testing Extended

Hi all -

We wanted to provide a quick update regarding PTR for 2.6.10.

As some have experienced, we are seeing reports of some latency and login issues with the current update with PTR. Due to these items, we are planning on extending PTR for an unspecificed amount of time while we continue to troubleshoot the issues behind the scenes.

During this time, we are asking for help! We would love for people to jump in and play the game as you would on PTR.

As you are doing this, we will be doing some things that will be changing up the game as we troubleshoot some items on the backend.

  • Starting later today, we will be turning off the Shadow Clones seasonal theme. This feature will be turned back on sometime tomorrow.
  • Starting tomorrow (and after we turn back on Shadow Clones), we will be turning off the fourth slot in Kanai’s Cube. This feature will be turned back after a short period of testing with this disabled.

There may be some additional testing that will occur after these two phases, but we will update the thread regarding any additional items or adjustments to these testing periods. Please continue to provide feedback or report any issues you encounter through the PTR as we will be paying close attention to these on our end.

Thanks again for all the help during this PTR testing phase!


The clones have been re-enabled and the fourth Kanai’s Cube slot has been removed temporarily. We will update once this changes back over. Thanks for all the testing and feedback!

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10/16 UPDATE
PTR Timeline Update: The PTR will be extended through the weekend of 10/17 -10/18.

  • Stay tuned for further updates on 10/19.

10/20 UPDATE

  • PTR is scheduled for an Update (scheduled for this week)
    – PTR and will be extended to 10/27
  • Patch will include:
    – Seasonal Theme Adjustments
    – Item Nerfs/Buffs/Updates
    – Bug Fixes
    – Dev Comments