Proposal to change the seasonal theme

Yeap. That’s why I added this part too:


Yes, of course.

And I want to note such important thing: this suggestion was made for the theme of season 20 for TEST ON PTR. I.e. at first we will test idea with 9 slots. If we will see that it is too overpower, the number of slots will be decreased to 6. If this amount of slots will be still overpower, the number of slots will be decreased to 4. We will never know TRUE data about 9 slots (and their power) without test (it is usual practice in the newest history of D3). Please, do not forget about this simple thing. The idea of this thread is NOT about the FINAL seasonal buff. Thanks.


What about this bonus for s20:
4th slot in cube with one of the legendary gem?

I think a gem themed season could be interesting in its own right. Like allowing legendary gems in helm, chest and legs or similar (only 1 in each).
But imo save that for another season. Even if S20 is changed, it should be something related to the basic cube functionality.

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personally for my leap ss build this season power does nothing. Still need leap boots, still need fotvp, still use rorg or coe. not sure about other builds but for me id much rather, 2/2/2 cube slots or something. then i could do a fota shoulders and leap boots, sounds cool, still would prob need something for cdr.

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Poor reading comprehension makes some people really xxxxxxxxx

Yeah. You are the best example of one of them. :smile:

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The jubilee twentieth season should get something interesting and special. Surprise us please!
It should not be remembered by the players as boring and unremarkable.


To be honest, compare to season 19 is not strong enough, but adding 9 legendary powers… This would only help Bots in my opinion.

Just imagine adding 3 amulets of element invul, plus ice cilmbers, and still 5 legendaries to add power to your build.

The season 20 theme is really bad in my opinion, but adding more legendaries power it’s a crazy.

I think appart from choose any lengedary in Kanai’s cube i would add double effectiveness in legendary power (like double stacks, double %, adding more runes if the legendary grant 1 skill rune… Etc etc)

Adding a 50% up to a maximum 100% bonus to cubed powers would greatly benefit the seasonal buff

That could be interesting. Quite a few legendary bonuses cant be increased like that though. Heck, the most interesting ones can’t, so we would just end up with even sillier damage multipliers instead of something good.
Then more slots is probably better after all. I think anything more than 1-2 extra slots would be silly though.

Then that opens up there door to change builds around

moderators, you where, times perishing you have not lack forces moderating Russian forum, check it out in this topic, that saw this subject! how long can you ignore the ru segment?


Every solution breeds new problems… (с)

+1. I completely agree with the author.
Yeah, 9 kanai cubes are amazing for the season theme.
please, Devs, put second (and maybe third) Cube in town!

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Don’t dream, this will not happen. It would be way too powerful. Just a 4th cube slot would be reasonable and quite welcome.

With 9 slot we’ll take all dmg multipliers and after just damage reduce stuff. We have unity, stone gauntless, aquila, few element immune amulets. Its not fun to be immortal

Im not sure even 6 is good for balance. But 4th extra-slot for rorg would be nice

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9 cube slot is stupid. Anyone who thought that just doesn’t know how to read.

But season 20 theme is worse than RoRG season theme.

They won’t make a 4th temporary cube slot because it involves changing UI elements which they won’t do for only 3 months of gameplay.


I repeat again:

Now all your opinions are just opinions. Only test will show TRUE picture.

9 is stupid as hell, yes.
But I think they won’t do it, for this reason, and one another:
I anticipate (if the season theme is swapped) a high popularity and a ton of posts with: keep it plz