Proposal to change the seasonal theme

The season theme is lackluster. It may seems to give players a lot of possibilities but it’s not truth. Like th RORG season, it will give 1 or 2 “new” builds and thats all.
Only high paragon players or full party players will get some fun giving up
some toughness to get more DMG, that’s all.
Add a 4 slot or the theme will be a big fail.

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That is why they can put a 2nd or 3rd Kanai Cube at town.

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Blizzard should cap paragon at 2000 as part of the season theme, and a test for permanent implementation.

Hm, very interesting - the first post was unhided at last (after several days - very bad practice for the work of moders in the case of thread with so many likes and the absence of violations of forum rules in the first post), but its main suggestion and all arguments from this thread were fully ignored (PTR was started already) and we do not have even now no one blue post in this thread. Nice.

Good work, Blizzard. Like your work with D3: Immortal and WC3: Reforged. :woman_facepalming:


+1 agree with 9 legendaries in Cube

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Deaf ears and blind eyes nothing new.
As shown on aaalll fronts.

As for this thread tbh i think 3 per cube would be over kill…fun? Totally.but game breaking for sure.

2 per slot would be great. Some classes mostly REQUIRE a wep and armor regardless…soo really takes away 2…for those classes this seasons buff is pretty useless.

As i stated weeks ago. I was afraid theyvset the bar WAY to high with s19 theme and wont have a next season (s) theme at the same level…season 20 is proff …


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If you had even half a brain, you’d know that you can’t “like” a post here without an account. Account = real like.

And the S20 theme SUCKS. For the most part people would just ignore it and cube everything they’ve always cubed.


S19 theme was good, not because of OP ( yes, it was too OP ), but because it brought new actions in the game, not just another “passive” damage multiplier. Honestly, I hoped things continue in the same direction… some additional options/events that can add a real variety. S20 buff ( a small buff for 2,5 builds ) promises to be really dissapointing, If they don’t change it. At least, the proposed 9 active slots of Cube look more or less acceptable. Actually, they can activate every possible legendary bonus for each class, and it still will be far behind the power of Pandemonium buffs.

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I think that the season 20 buff is fine but certainly not enough to stimulate many to play. Just add in double death breaths and we are good.

I unhid it because it appears that a group of folks abused our flagging system to get it automatically hidden. There’s no violation at hand here, which is why I fixed it. I agree it took too long to undo, and I’m going to pass that feedback on to our tools and support team.

I’ve been reading a ton of feedback and, as I tend to do with PTRs, I focus a lot more on listening than I do on speaking. There’s two reasons:

  1. Interrupting player feedback tends to derail threads for a number of reasons. We want discourse to happen as organically as possible so it’s as indicative as possible of general community desires. When I do post, I try to make sure I’m bringing something to the table, like new information, behind the scenes insight, or a clarification.

  2. I simply don’t have the time. There’s a lot going on in our world during an active PTR. If we want to get the most out of PTR, especially the most amount of player feedback we can take action on, I need to spend less time typing and more time reporting. I do my best, but there’s just not enough hours in the day. I gotta eat sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On to the feedback itself on this topic: It’s very easy to see something as truth when you’re only participating in one small slice of the conversation. I spread my listening among all our communication channels (here, Reddit, social media, Twitch streams, even logged into the PTR and reading general chat) and also receive international updates from my regional counterparts about local player opinions. I’ve seen a great variety of feedback on the current Season 20 theme. Largely across many channels, people are pretty excited about it.

We’re still going to consider all the feedback we’re receiving, and it’s not falling on deaf ears. However, our decision making will be guided by what we can logistically manage tempered by what the majority of players express they’d like to see. Not everything every player wants is possible (game development isn’t actually magic, and there are limits), but we’ll always strive to do the best we can.


I think the seasonal theme is pretty lackluster in my opinion. My problem with Kunai’s Kube since the beginning is that there is always going to be those one or two items that are mandatory for specific builds and thus giving the illusion of choice; it’s just another thing I have to click on before I can actually play feeling like a chore.

Themes should drastically change the way the game or a class is played, not just add additional power.


If they accept this proposal I might play season (for real) for the first time.


If they change it to what the OP proposed with 3x Weapon, 3x Armor and 3x jewelry legendary effects in cube (9 overall) than maybe I’ll give S20 a try too and play it longer than just complete Season Journey.

Otherwise I just complete S20 Season Journey and forget about D3 RoS until next season…


Nevalistis, thank you for your attention to this topic
The main idea :bulb: was the follow:
The S20 idea is ok, but the way how dev made that real is pretty strange and annoyingly pointless. Our teoreycrafters (Undertaker one of the skilled one) already provides calculations how it could impact the Season’s attractiveness for common players.
Also there is no “fun” for skilled players - who’s trying to play records and, what’s most important , the different builds, to design then, to go deep into the mechanics. There will be NO interest for them. But they are the heart and the soul of the Diablo, they motivate others to play.

Truly, I realize that you also has limits, and you have to, let’s say, fight for us and our rights for spectacular game play.

So, once again, THANK YOU, but I know for sure You can do best!

With all my respect for You and for Blizzard team!


I am curious about the reason this flag-abused topic was unhidden.
Especially as the biggest offline thread original topic also was flag-abused, that topic is now deleted it seems.

To me, this feels like damage control.
But I am all ears for being proved otherwise.


When a thread derails into pointless arguing about the same things over and over - including insults, trolling, and name calling - the mods sometimes scrap the whole thing. Even more so when that thread is one of many on the same subject. It is not like the concept of “offline mode” is being stifled or that Blizz CMs are not aware some players want it.

In THIS thread the OP did not break the forum rules - hence the reports were unwarranted. Using the flag as a downvote is considered abuse of the reporting feature.

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Were there insults trolling or name calling in the OP?
It was flag-abused as a means of downvote, pretty obvious.

The thread derailing, insults, pointless arguing, I can agree on, but that kind of derailing is present in all the other offline mode threads also. Does not really explain why this particular thread was closed and the others not.

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This thread? No. The offline thread? Not in the OP.

Because it takes HOURS to clean up threads like that post by post. When it has gone far enough off track the mods just delete the thread. If it was unique and held input that could be found no place else, they might have had incentive to spend the hours cleaning it. However, as you said, there are multiple offline topics already - mostly with the same people saying the same things. Don’t be shocked if the trolling and arguing in those gets them eventually locked or deleted as well.

This is not even a controversial subject. EVERYONE knows some players want offline mode. The same arguments have been made for it for YEARS. There is no “damage control”, because a player stating they want offline mode is not damaging. It is a dead horse topic some feel passionately about.

IF they (Blizzard) change their minds, it will be announced in one of the D4 developmental Blog posts during the course of game development over the next few years. Nothing we say on here is going to influence that decision.


Hahaha careful. …or you will get silenced like i did for speaking the truth…lets alone mocking a bluebird…kekekek. but yeah…your not wrong though


Oh honey, they already tried to silence me. My post was “hidden by a high number of community flags” lol. Too bad they were all bogus and it was unhidden very quickly within 10-15 minutes.

The only thing they accomplished is wasting their daily flags & abusing the flag function, which would only affect THEM.