Proposal to change the seasonal theme

The majority of players that think this theme is amazing and fun are CASUALS that don’t push leaderboards. So yeah, T10 will be a blast to try out new builds that can utilize this P.O.S. seasonal theme! So much fun, I can’t wait!!!

  • Or Necro’s which I don’t blame them for liking the theme but how about looking out for your fellow gamers that don’t play Necro’s???

I’m casual as and couldn’t care about leaderboards, but s20 theme is lame especially since I don’t own or want to own necro.


What ?!

Ooook! Carry on please, as you are way around this.

Don’t be jelly btw. You will maybe come up, somehow, with a decent idea which they will mostly like not implemented it. No worries! :slight_smile:

I have 2 of them. Since I bought the XP I figured it was mandatory to have them. They make for excellent mules - good place to store all my other decent characters stuff in without clogging up my stash. :smile:

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One more writer, not reader. TS is top player. :woman_facepalming:

Provide proofs. Say, calculations. :thinking:

Just simplest calculations. And water from you. :smile:


Nice stash space, just buy more Necros. Gj BLIZZ :)))

Geez man, you and your “calculations”. You didn’t do any calculations! You are just ASSUMING things. Your “calculations” are pure speculative at best and cannot be taken seriously.

The season 19 buff has given a maxim of 100% damage yes? Now, go ahead and do your “math” again, and tell me, how much you can increase your damage based on 9 ( NINE ) Cube items.

Come back with your …math please!


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I did:


Calculations (even “calculations”) are always better than the absence of them.

Nope. TS (top player and guru of D3) provided these numbers:

Are you top player? Nope. You have even less paragon than I.

No problems:

And I know already your answer:
“hey, it is again WoT and I have big problems with reading”. :smile:

At last:

Will I see sometime your own calculations or not? :smile:

Nice. I still do not see any calculations from opponents of this thread.

I think they are running out of ideas for the seasonal theme and cube theme is alright but not really appealing as much as season 19 theme where majority of players including me enjoyed I guess.

I’m always excited for the start of any season, i will be playing season 20 just to play and enjoy the 3 new sets and its gonna be a short season for me where I’m gonna play for 2 to 3 weeks at most. Then will wait to see what is season 21 will bring.

L2READ - player(S)

And just to be clear Wrace, are you in support of the new theme or in opposition of it?

I guess they don’t have sarcasm in your country???

We have both in the case of this thread - both top player and guru of D3 (TS) and “majority of players” (698 likes). The first one has the true vision of the situation, the second ones provided their support.

I am supporting the theme of this thread as can be seen in my posts here.

I have seen a lot of things in this thread that can be not only sarcasm, but also a good joke or full absurdity, so you need to notify in advance that what is written is sarcasm.

Nice. 27 days, 700 likes, full ignorance from devs.

Blizzard literally responded to the thread. That is hardly full ignorance.
They rarely respond to anything these days.

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I’m OK with the season theme as Blizzard wrote it, it suits my interest. I’ve been in situations where I wished I could have a second weapon or equipment slot, even in place of something that was less meaningful for me.

But then, I’m not trying to push past GR70. Heck, this is only the second season that I hit GR70. And with 9 slots, like the OP’s suggestion, it would probably take me most of the season to find items to fill up the cube. For players, such as myself, this season has potential, assuming I can clear the first challenge rift or two, and RNG is kind enough to gift me with a speedy journey to 70.

However, I can see where this falls short for more dedicated players, those who will hit P100 before I unlock my 2nd passive skill slot.

An additional slot, a 4th slot, that was open to any legendary power (maybe even regardless of class, though I can only think of one that could work) would have offered so much more for those players, while still offering some variety for casual players. But perhaps some good can still come of this.

We know Blizzard looks at the numbers, and if they see this change wasn’t broken, maybe they will take more risks in the future. With D4 on the way, I am surprised they aren’t trying harder to break D3. Perhaps as they get closer to launch. Blizzard doesn’t like to give out release dates. So if they announce a season theme of “You gain all of the powers any items you have extracted during the season, without having to slot them, including set items”, we’ll know D4 is ready for launch. :rofl:

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Put your occulus ring on your follower, and use the band of might you gave him yourself. Just saying…

Is there a chance they add something to the S20 seasonal theme ?

With this kind of delay … Is season 20 will be rescheduled and another ptr will be announced to test new stuff ?

No one knows and I could be wrong … but All I know is that it looks S20 is not ready yet and could be facing some issues and that’s why there is delay for the start date announcement.

No. The season 20 preview and patch notes are out.

There was a delay due to sicknesses at Blizzard.


For that purpose you should just listen TS (which is top player and guru of D3) and keep silence like devs doing now. Moreover, TS suggested to TEST idea of this thread on PTR to see its full potential (and compare it with the one of season 19 which gave 15-20 GR+ for top players). Also we already made our estimates and we obtained that even 9 slots can’t give very big amplification for the most builds. Moreover, devs already made one more mistake on PTR (in the case of WZ), so it is not problem to see the overbuff of something.

Though, very funny argument at all: “hey, people, I am casual and can finish GR-70 with problems, buuuut I think that the suggestion of this thread - that was made by top player and guru of D3 and supported by another good players and just clever people - will be overpower and will break something”. Though the most opponents of this thread and blue ones / devs have exactly the same reasoning - “we know nothing, we can’t calculate anything, but we think that devs are right and they do not need to test anything”. Just :woman_facepalming:

Really? You can see something that top player do not see. Cool. :smile:

“Look” does not mean “understand”. :wink:
Their “look” is exactly the same as their “hear”. :smile:
I provided above the appropriate examples.

Only casual could write this. Because this casual do not know that even two sets with their 100x damage will provide 10,000x damage. Also as this casual do not know about existence of items with negative effects.

31 days, 708 likes, full ignorance from devs.