Proposal to change the seasonal theme


I think you need to step off your high-horse and try some reading comprehension before you start attacking someone, even a “filthy casual”, who is actually in support of this thread.

People like you are far more toxic to the community than apathetic devs. Your assumption that your voice is more important than another’s based solely on your GR cleared is one of the reasons people stop listening to you. This player base is larger than just the elites (and elitists like you). At the end of the day we all invested the same amount of money into this game, so we all have a say.

Now, if you can step around your ego enough to see, you’d realize that I am speaking of the fact that the season theme Blizzard settled on is sufficient for me and other filthy casuals:

I’m OK with the season theme as Blizzard wrote it, it suits my interest.

Then I explicitly said that it’s underpowered here:

However, I can see where this falls short for more dedicated players, those who will hit P100 before I unlock my 2nd passive skill slot.

So if you’re going to quote me, you had better do it correctly and not try to twist my words to match your narrative of hate towards casual players. You did get one thing sort of right: Only a casual would think having access to every power extracted for a whole season, as a way to say farewell to D3, would be fun. Because casual players like me play the game for the enjoyment of the game. This isn’t a job for me, and once it feels more like work than play, I’m done. That’s why I don’t push GRs and optimize every piece of gear.

I’m happy for players who enjoy that level of detail and challenge. I had my fill in early days of DAoC, WoW, and other games that were far more complicated than D3. So stop hating on casual players, they contribute as much to the bottomline, and thus the success of a game, as you do.


Its just more power creep and useless. More fodder for the bots that all… Nuff said

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we should start a riot on Blizz to make new season start at morning not late afternoon idc if people at school or working let us lvl blizz we get you work but you pick to do so at that time dont make us wait all day just for you to pick a time that only works for them…its so dumb

Morning for you might not be morning for others. Little thing called time zones.

wrong spot this is old topic didn’t see it delete