Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

That’s just like, your opinion, about his opinion, man.

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Yeeeeaahhh… huffs

Didnt they flat out say they are going for 70% true to original 30% wiggle room, because the purist are acting like they are entitled to 99% original 1% wiggle room. This is still a game that has to draw a playerbase, it cant be 100% catering to the minority psychopaths that have been worshiping the original for 20+ years.

This is not a game, this is the remaster of a game, wich means 1:1, as they wrote in the main d2r page day one.


It’s already confirmed it’s not a 1:1 remaster. They are intentionally changing lots of things to make it smoother / quicken the flow of the game.


That’s not what remasters are, while many are close to the original many make changes. They also never said it is a 1:1 remaster. As they said at blizzcon they are looking for around 70/30. 70% the same, 30% different.

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No, the 70/30 thing was specifically in response to the visuals/art side of the remake.

“Every choice we make with the art, the models, the environments should really ignite that nostalgia and then reinforce that emotional connection from the original game. We came up with a 70/30 visual guide…”

They have been clear about keeping the gameplay much, much truer to the original than a mere 70%.


I dont wana hear it when the game has 100k population because you boomers want to live in the early 2000s. Nothing positive was coming out of the D2 communities mouth in D2’s prime, now the small playerbase that is left is trying to convince everyone it was a perfect game and any little change will ruin it. We all wanted changes back then. This game is being made for everyone, not just the handful of people that decided to play the game for 20 years.


A) Stop calling anyone who likes the game as is a boomer. Personal insults aside; you’re ruining a perfectly good word used for an entirely different group of people.

B) The game is being made for everyone to enjoy the legacy that was diablo 2.

C) They aren’t going to go into full game changing development mode on this title. That is a massively more involved undertaking than they have announced they are doing, and they have a whole new Diablo title coming out for that.


Honestly, from my perspective I would like to see the remaster come out, gameplay wise as close to the original as possible. That said I think there are a lot of really cool features that could be added but would prefer the modding community to do that.


Discussions and points of view aside, people pre-ordered the game based on what they announced at Blizzcon.

That is exactly what should be delivered on launch.


We had 20 years with the original, there are no good reasons to not fix the headaches of the original, we dont need modded servers fracturing what is already sure to be a small community.

You are correct in that they plan to keep a version of D2 & D2:LoD in D2R that are close to the original. They have already announced optional changes.

In multiple interviews, Blizzard has consistently reiterated that additional changes are on the table if the players want them. Blizzard has also stated that the designers have a list of things that they would love to implement. Lastly, Blizzard sent out a survey that seeks player feedback on 7 potential changes (some already announced and some unannounced). There are:

  1. Remap keybinds
  2. Shared stash
  3. Auto gold pickup
  4. Dedicated charm inventory
  5. Balance changes to items
  6. Balance changes to skills
  7. Personal loot instead of FFA loot
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Nobody is advocating for massive changes, im just sick of things like a skill bar being bashed as too game changing, god forbid we be able to have more than 2 buttons on hotkey. God forbid we be able to stack runes…the primary trade currency of the game…no no we need 90% of our stash space to be wasted on items that should be hoarded, now i have to go trade to make room because logic.

Idc what they said, every blizzard game has bots, how does words give you any confidence at this point?

I know bots quite well, I am not worried about dumb bots, they will always exist, but bots that have the access they have right now, those I’m worried about. Regardless, nothing about personal loot changes that. They will still run regardless of loot choices, only way to combat them is a bind on pickup.

So if personal doesn’t stop bots, what are you arguing against?


Im not the one conflating bots with ploot, i only want ploot because fighting over drops isnt a valuable game experience, and it gets rid of pickit hackers. I brought up bots as a counter argument to people saying it will destroy the economy…and my point was if the game endured bots and dupes then it can work around a ploot system as well. If we have FFA loot multiplayer will only be for exp runs again, everyone MFs alone or joins baal runs and MFs a quick spot while the others are running, aka leeching players buff.

You said you were 31 just yesterday and now you’re calling people boomers? Ok.


how is that at all relevant? I was born in 1989 not 1946-1964, are you trying to say I fit into the boomer category because of my age? I called them boomers because like we typically see in boomers, they refuse to modernize and expect everything to remain cozy and comfortable like they remember. Its not that I ACTUALLY think they are that old, just act like it.

I nonstop see you talking how diablo 2 is bad and how was it bad. What do you really want then? Which changes are you suggesting?