Private loot entails AFK farming

You are correct, and it happens all the time. 8 people standing around Baal while one person try hards. They are just standing around with their click bot at worst or just animation locking themselves so they can get to the item that drops quickly.

You can’t counter this by not grouping with these players – the boss drops loot anyways.

You can’t really counter this by going hostile – They might be able to defeat you, you have to go to town to hostile.

If you are reading this and have argued either of the two above reasons, understand that you can refuse party and go hostile even with private loot.

Okay. In ploot scenario you still can do nothing and get the loot. In classic loot scenario you need at least to be quick and attentive.

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Please don’t bring ploot at d2r.
At least for pc gameplay!!

This is wrong in 2 ways.

  1. In a personal loot game, if you are not in physical proximity to a monster kill, you get no drops whatsoever.
  2. In an FFA game, you can wait in town, wait for monsters to be killed, and then go to a cleared area and scavenge all uncollected drops as slowly as you choose without any danger.

Please become better informed before making false arguments. If you have questions about how personal loot and FFA loot works, please ask me. I am willing to remedy your knowledge gaps. From this forum, it is clear to me that many anti-personal loot posters are arguing against their misperception and not factual reality.

To add since this also a common misperception, personal loot does not change total drops and does not mean that personal loot means up to 8x more drops in comparison to FFA loot. If Baal drops 5 items in an 8 player FFA game, Baal drops 5 items in an 8 player personal loot game (and not 40).

just like how it is now? you can just run around and scope up items that everyone else fight for, think about it! ^

man if you got such a big problem with afk players, dont play with them .

have you tried diablo 3? not a problem in that game. same for just any other game, it happens so rarely that it is no problem

If implemented with certain ideas around leeching/AFKing, Personal Loot wouldn’t be as bad as some think. There could be certain rules in place like the ones I listed below. Also, there are other rules that could be made as well: Allow the creator of the game to set what levels can get loot, or a timer that disallows certain levels to see/get items, but can after the timer is over. There are so many ideas that could be implemented so that way lower levels(especially level 1’s) couldn’t get Hell Baal drops because in reality a level 1 cannot even get a hit in on Hell Baal, let alone stay alive so they don’t deserve drops if they can’t kill the monster/stay alive.

Position yourself so they get hit with poison, or whatnot.

Weak argument. How’s that AFK if that leecher will have to run over the party path and collect those items? Do you think they will drop to him in the safe zone? If he is weak then he wll die a lot of time to the mobs main party didn’t bother to kill. If he is strong then it is useless for him to not be with the party and attack he will get exp + items. Or there is another nice possibility that players go different directions and kill everything even faster and then just go collect what the others dropped.

With currenty system you just kill mobs for nothing in case someone collects those items faster than you. It is a pure win-win for private loot compared to FFA here.

How about that: 1 monster drops to 8 times more items with ploot? Which makes the game 8 times easier and ruins current balance and economy.

which is wrong.
ploot = drop allocation based on a dice roll pretty much.
a monster dropping 5 items in FFA will still drop 5 items in ploot in total : (1 each for 5 players 0 for the remaining 3 others)

moreover it only apply to players at the very most 2 screen near the monster death.
if 3 players are 1 or 2 screen near the monster /boss death , it’ll be divided between those 3 only.

nothing to do with the balance/economy considering it doesn’t increase the total amount of item.


Oh no. no. no . no. Personal loot does not mean up to 8x drops. You are quite mistaken. The total drops are identical between FFA and personal loot. The only difference are how the identical number of total drops are allocated. You are arguing against a system that you do not know what it even means.


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So you need Deus Ex Machina to distribute the goods? Seriously? ffa loot is much more fair. Each player has a chance to get an item which he couldn’t even see with the automatic random. Pseudorandom may also punish you badly without any chances to influence on it.

A couple of posts from other threads! :slight_smile:

weird way to phrase it.
it’s merely another type of drop allocation that is optional / toggleable at room creation for the people who simply want it.
indeed the system decide who gets what but it’s fair , i don’t think FFA could be called “fair” considering not everyone play mouse + keyboard (some play with controller) , have low ping (lot of people have high ping) and so on.
and same thing for other possible no fair things like pick-it / bots.
in the end it’s about preferences : you like it you join such games , you don’t …well you don’t join them.
more than the loot themselves , it’s a system allocation that allows you to play the game while not caring about your ping or the floor that much and mostly concentrate on team play / killing monster.

it all boils down to preferences , but in the end it doesn’t change anything loot rate wise.
it’s not “better” nor “worse” , it’s different , for differents preferences.

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Not a fan of ploot either, but let’s see what happens.

I hate to tell you this. Actually, I take that back. I do not hate to tell you this. Deus ex machina already decides the drop/no drop chance and the item’s identity/rolls.

Deus ex machina is how D2/D2:Lod works at it its most basic level. A computer program using RNG and formulas already determines drops.

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