Private loot entails AFK farming

It’s an opportunity to do nothing and leeching items. Think about it.


In the current system you can do nothing and leech items. You can’t do it AFK (unless you have a bot), but you can still just follow around and loot anything that drops without contributing anything.


You need to be fast enough and monsters can kill you when you are close to them. Especially bosses. With private loot safety is guaranteed.


This has already been mentioned here many times and ignored by “hateful scribes”
That is just one of many disadvantages.
The people are too spoiled … They want to turn D2 into a casual lame grinding game.
topic close bro


In the current system i can prevent you from doing that by 1) not grouping with you 2) hostiling you - just off the top of my head. its not that hard to defeat leechers.

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i can’t tell you how many time with the current FFA loot system i’am the only one actually continuing to attack the boss while the 7 other players simply stop attacking it as soon as it was at 50% life , and stay near the boss to get the loot like scavenger even if they don’t even try to do one single spell themselves on the boss xD
so nothing to do with the loot system on that part.


And why would you not be able to do either of those things with a personal loot or loot allocation system?

The assumption that you could afk for ploot is odd given you could easily have range requirements and many of the suggestions are to simply have short duration allocation (IE: 5 second allocation and then the item becomes FFA).


lol whats that. The active fighter has much better chances than the leecher because he actively intervenes in what is happening.
Nobody plays with a leecher who takes everything away from you.
With private loot you don’t have a choice - he’ll get something anyway. lel


actually no , the leecher that stay near the bosses in FFA without doing anything has more chance getting the loot , since their character won’t be in a spell / skill animation at the boss’s death while still being near the boss. (as much near as the attacker himself)
happen everytime in chaos run and baal run, you can even beat bots that way.


It’s a good thing most loot system change suggestions suggest it being an option on game creation and you could simply not play in games that use it if you didn’t want to.

Again, range and duration limitations could also make it not any worse and actually likely better in terms of leeching.

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I honestly did not even think about that haha

Nop nop

We have decided on this already, no personal loot.


Oh well, Boutus has spoken. Time for us to give up on it I guess.

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Your loyalty will not be forgotten, young Odda.


We can take the example of “rush” here.
Why should you share the bossloot while rushing?

The people in diablo 2 are very helpful and like to rush in return they get the “multiplayer bonus” at bosskills.
Where did it go when I have to share it with a lownewb?
Thought completely around the corner, that is the basic principle of the wrong system in diablo 2.

Leeching and stealing are huge differences.

You don’t have to do anything if you get exp and loot for nothing.

No idea about D2 but want to discuss it with the big guys. The best

We already have bot farms, all private loot would do is make it so u can focus on combat. As it stands now if u want to loot stuff making a tank build, that does zero dmg would be the best build to ninja loot everything.

The afk farmers are gonna do it regardless, there is gonna be a endless supply of bot loot regardless, the only thing private loot does is mean the majority of us can just ignore bots, and illegal sites because we can get our own. People will still trade, and everything will be the same, minus the bot farmers, and rmt people won’t make as much money that’s it. The only people who support it plan on trying to make money.


Blind loot system comparison

Loot system 1:
Wait in town without any risk whatsoever. Teleport to town after monster is killed and collect loot.

Loot system 2:
Player that waits in town gets no drops from monster kills at all.

Which system is worst: The one that rewards the town “chiller” or the system that requires physical proximity to get a monster kill drop?



what does that have to do with rushing ? did you had nothing to do after your argument on boss being refuted due to skill/spell animation being a thing you didn’t knew about when it comes to picking item up ?
absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand xD
but let’s talk about rush i guess…for some weird reason… a rush is a transaction between two players (even though personally i do it for free but eh to each their own )
if it does get implemented , it would be a toggle , and both player can simply agree to make a FFA game/room , simple as that. (in order to gives him your forges runes or whatever )

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You guys dont play d2 for a long time. No one will allow you to join his party and follow his runs if you just leech…

Go play d3 for your private fairy tale loot, or fight for it in d2.


You have to do dmg to get loot that ends that.