Post your D2r Change wishlist here

  • Splash dmg as add for one rune and/or random roll on items.

  • Charm inventory - Twice as big as it is now

  • stack runes and gems

  • if not implemented for release (friendlist like d2 or bnet mode like WoW)

All is fine but friendlist is the one and only must have of it.

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My thoughts:

  • Implementing unused/cut player, npc and monster speech files. This kind of addition would really enhance the story side of the game for those who enjoy the campaign. There exist unused class quotes, npc greeting lines, quest dialogue and gossip, monster taunts and so much more.

  • Unique models for unique enemies. I have noticed that the super unique ā€˜Dark Elderā€™ has his own model. It would be nice to see this treatment on other enemies, such as The Countess, Rakanishu, Shenk, Lilith etceteraā€¦

  • Quivers visible on character models. Simple as that.

  1. more character slots
  2. either 2 more char non shared tab or transforming 2 shared tab out of the 3 into character non shared tab.
  3. no change on any kind for drop rate :stuck_out_tongue: (in other word : for drop rate to stay the same or atleast for it to not be increased)
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  1. Dont change any core mechanic(like stackable runes and things of that nature)
  2. Reduce the drop rate of items by 50%
  3. Increase the difficulty by 50%
  4. Reduce experienced gained by 50%
  5. Reduce the drop rate of High runes HLRā€™s by 80%
  6. Get rid of auto party
  1. Proper lobbies for PlayStation, Xbox and Switch.

  2. Mouse and Keyboard support for PlayStation, Xbox and Switch.

  3. Proper chat support, both text and voice chat, for PlayStation, Xbox and Switch.

  4. Cross platform play for all platforms, but only if the above three changes are made to consoles.

No ploot. Is this post 90000 on ploot for ya buddy?

Iā€™m for this but only single player. I recently returned back to d2. Ive grinded about 50-60 hours already with a 520% mf lvl 89 sorc. Ive already done about 500-600 lk runs and have got zilch. On hr i have is cause of hellforge. And the Dropcalc.silosoen says The shako drop on hell meph with my plvl and mf is like 1:400ish. Im well over that and nothing. Donā€™t eliminate the single player grind but make it less horrible. Not being able to game as much during the week cause of work and unless you fully dedicate 8-10 hr non stop runs on weekends completely ridding you of free time, you might never see those amazing runewords.

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Exactly, SP following the exact same rules as MP is ridiculous in my opinion. Out of the 20 hardest to find items, you can count yourself lucky if you get more than one after a whole year of heavy playing.

In MP thatā€™s ok, it makes a distinction between heavy and casual players.

But in SP, it looks like artificially extending the game too much.

I know about /players 8.
Iā€™m just saying, it would be nice if level 99 was reachable in singleplayer.

I would bet that no one ever got all 7 chars to lvl 99 in singleplayer without mods or a bot or some kind of hacking.

And you claim others are spammingā€¦ Then come into a thread, just to talk nonsense about ploot, and responding to a 11 day old post. It seems unhealthy.

Thing is, in SP you can install mods to get whatever droprates you want.
So in a sense it seems smarter to just have the same rules for SP and MP.
Now, if they added a SSF realm for BattleNet, it could be a different topic.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

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i would question the person sanity if someone would do that in solo.
Unlike jrpg game , you donā€™t have to get the max level of a game, itā€™s a goal you can aim for on one char sure , but itā€™s meant to be veryyyy long and tedious.
not something easy to reach and itā€™s good to be this way. (especially considering it doesnā€™t give much stats between lv 94 and 99 despite the huge difference in term of exp )

could be fun :stuck_out_tongue:
though sadly i doubt many would like that.
i would for sure though.

I know I can install mods or even tweak the mpq files myself, but I always feel like Iā€™m cheating when I do that.

I would prefer it if it was something more ā€œofficialā€.

  • Corruption
  • Melee Splash
  • End Game Maps
  • Merc Rebalancing (including full equipment slots for them)
  • D Clone Respawn Rework (no more Sojs)
  • A4 finish maps/ remaining 3 quests
  • Charm Inventory
  • Gem / Rune stacking
  • Skill re-balancing
  • Minor Grief Nerf
  • Replace ā€œindestructibleā€ modifier on some Uniques and replace with ā€œRepair dura 1 in 4 secā€ to let them spawn Ethereal versions
  • In-Game Trading Interface
  • Loot Filter
  • Modernized Game Creation / Filter / Search
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Well, I completely agree on this one.

Maybe Iā€™m looking at the game simply as a hobby and most people want to really have to work for it and ā€œsufferā€ and spend a good part of their lives to get to lvl 99 even in singleplayer.

Maybe they should add a difficulty option in SP? Like ā€œregularā€ and ā€œinsaneā€ and in the description it should say:

Regular - Holy grail and Lvl 99 take about 2k hours.

Insane - Holy grail and Lvl 99 take about 50k hours

iā€™d say the word ā€œinsaneā€ is a little exagerated.
That being said with /players 8 in single offline , itā€™s rather fast as long as you know what you do.

and since itā€™s single player offline , you can very well use mods i guess if even that is too long for you.
(like the density X10 one )

I want: trainers allowed, at least in single player, MOD support in single player, you should be able to use say hero editor, if it is in fact just diablo II but with better graphics

Can someone explain melee splash?

There are runewords and rings that allow melee AOE.

For example my rift sin will do frozen orb, tornado, fire from the torch, and if Iā€™m using a wisp Iā€™m doing additional chain lightening.

With venom as well. My kicks spawn 374646363 spells every global.

All spells do AoE. Most melee spells do not, except WW.

The spells that come from runewords are subpar (generally). And again, thatā€™s depending on items which casters can use same item and do too. Also, we donā€™t want to force meleeā€™s to use a subpar weapon just to use AoE. Look at the most powerful weapons: Grief, Last Wish, BotDā€¦do they have AoE on hit? I dontā€™ think so.

The point isnā€™t to break the game. Even with melee splash, the melee still barely catches up with spellcasters.

Look at dbrunskiā€™s melee splash clear speed:

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  • It would be cool to have ā€œClansā€ and a ā€œClan Stashā€ to drop items off for the group, if someone needs.
  • It would be cool if you could ā€œFully Equipā€ a Mercenary, i.e. Main Hand/Off-Hand, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Belt, Rings(2), Amulet
  • It would be cool if there was something similar to Diablo 3 (when loot drops), like the item glows or something, would be a lot easier to catch, especially when rushing through places. Iā€™ve sure Iā€™ve missed items in the past
  • Reworked/Buffed Skills that no one ever uses
  • Reworked/Buffed Items (Uniques, Sets), maybe even new items (Sets/Uniques/Runewords), more choices
  • Charm Stash, Stackable Runes/Gems
  • More End-Game Content
  • Goblins! MXL can do it, so can you! :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess Iā€™ve played rabies druid, zealots, sins of all kinds, barbs without ww. Never had much trouble.

Trying to think of the few specs that are 1 mob at a time builds.

Edit ill have to watch the vid.