Post your D2r Change wishlist here

Instead of having a dozen of individual posts talking about individual changes

lets just all post our personal wish list here, ideally explain the change, the why ,etc. the more info the better

let me give an example with my Wishlist:

- Holy grail stash tab: A stash tab where you can deposit 1 unique item of each and it shows how many of the game’s unique items you have found over how many there are to be found

- Mercenaries rework: Act2 merc domination is boring. Would love to see changes to other merc. ie:

  • act1: can now use crossbows. norm= cold&fire arrow nm=Explosive arrow & ice arrow, hell: immolation arrow& freezing arrow
  • act 3: don’t have melee attacks anymore, they gain +1 to their main skill per 2 level, + global and sorc skills apply to those skills, norm= frost nova& firewall&charged bolt, nm= Glacial spike+shiver armor & fireball& lightning, hell: ice blast& meteor& Nova
  • Act5: now can use all melee weapons and dual wield. norm= Frenzy, NM=Leap attack, hell= Throw weapons

- The 9 circles of Hell endgame: Once you finish nightmare you arrive at Act1 of the 9th circle of hell, completing each circle of hell unlocks the next. Each circle of Hell Grants +2level (mlvl+alvl) to the game. On the final circle of Hell, all areas have at least Alvl 85, allowing them all to become “optimally” farmable for all items in exchange of a really hard time killing monsters

- Loot filter: Allows you to filter out items you dont want to see highlighted and personalize the visibility of the highlight of items you want to pick up. Ideally it would also be applicable at vendors, allowing you to see better items with mods you want (ie: +3combat+3foh scepter or +3 enchant 2 socket staff for Leaf). Also shows the ilvl of items

- Improved crafting system: 1)Removing specific item restriction and only keeping item type (ie: a weapon is a weapon). Having a chance to keep the sacrificed magic item’s mods, meaning if you craft a +3 sorc fire+100 life amulet, the craft has a chance to retain one or both mods, ideally make this a rare odd and better odds based on Item level of the base. These changes would make crafting much more interesting and would boost the entire magic items economy

- Reforge the Synergy system: Make global synergies rather than specific ones. Fire skills buff fire skill, aoe skill buff aoe skill. Also make synergies less about damage and more about perks, ie: Firebolt is fire and projectile, specing in projectile skills grant it an addition projectile at some point. This would fix the massacre Blizzard did with 1.10 when they added synergies which ruined a lot of normal skills that recieved bad synergies but also oskill and charge skill that became trash due to impossibility of getting those synergies on other classes. this change would allow stuff like a Paladin with Dragonscale shield to use his Hydra oskill and buff it through Projectile and fire skills. what i worked on when i wanted to make my own D2R mod before they announced it wouldnt be a thing docs.googleDOTcom/spreadsheets/d/1mRk7BNo9Mf5HciVSb0aFXuZcU1joQhPbSesyrHTmqJI/edit?usp=sharing

- Expansion: Back in the days, Diablo 2 was set to have an other expansion, i feel that this expansion pretty much revolves around what Diablo Immortal is today, a story that happens right after the destruction of the world stone. Since Diablo Immortal is set to be a Mobile only game, i would be curious to see Immortal’s story being adapted as a D2R expansion, obviously you keep everything of the base Diablo 2 game, it just added playable content, no new class, no new skills… it just new monsters, bosses and environments

- Stackable consumable: Rune, Gems, keys, token should all be stackable imho, not potions since they have a gamplay impact as opposed to the other that are more “in town items”, this would free space and make a lot of sense. It would also make the Cubing system much much more interesting to use since you have to handle lots and lots of consumable for it and its a pain in the butt to deal with tons of individual items rather than ie: a stack of 20 pruby

- Transmog: even tho i hate the term “transmog” since it literally means “looking foulish”, im using it so most people understand. I think D2r assets look so great that it would be a waste to not be able to take full advantage of them. Creating a cube recipe like “Armor+Standard of heroes= rerolls its appearance” or “Standard of Heroes+ Item= Infuses that item appearance in the standard, cube it with another item to apply that Appearance”. This would keep everything looking like Diablo 2 but give people styling choice. It would also make bad items with good models much more Hellslayer is bad, but looks awesome, people would buy hellslayers to use its model

Please refrain from attacking others based on what they wish, this is not a “blizzard should do X” topic, its just what people would like. You are as welcomed to want nothing changes as everything changed


Classic stash with a shared tab.


First of all, two separate game realms; No Changes, keep the game as it was, and Changes; where all the new stuff is added, so people can keep having the original game experience. This is required before adding any other changes imo. All of the stuff below should only be active on the Changes realm.

Stackable gems, runes and tokens in stash.
Not in inventory. Potions should not be included.

Timed Allocation loot, as an optional toggle.
Each item that drops are randomly assigned to a player who were within range when the item was dropped. All items are still dropped to the ground, for all too see, but only the winner can pick up the item. If they dont pick it up for X seconds, they leave the game, or enter another zone (except towns), anyone can pick up the item.
Droprates and everything else would be the exact same as with current Free For All loot. No more items would be generated in either loot rule system.

More of the same in endgame
By which I mean, dont add new endgame systems like “Rifts” etc. Expand what is already there; more bosses/super uniques out in the game world to hunt down. More of the same.

Stuff like mercenaries, skills, some items etc. could receive a balance pass.
An important goal here should be to not take away existing builds or items. Only expand the options.
Except Enigma tbh. That thing just needs a nerf, for the sake of the overall game.

New items
Somewhat similar to the balancing pass. Add new items to expand options. Be extremely careful with the balancing. Better to risk making the new stuff underpowered, than create any kind of power creep.

Players X in closed battlenet… maybe
Would love have this, as it makes soloing more fun and challenging. However, there are obvious balancing concerns, by making solo even better than multiplayer. Maybe rebalancing Players X to ensure it is not as powerful in terms of no-drop reduction?

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  • Bring console skill bar setup UI as a toggle option to PC players
  • Stackable rune and gems
  • Item level to be in shown in game and make it so you can toggle it

1: Skill Bar
2: Balance pass focusing on reducing synergy bloat, giving non synergy skills a synergy, and a small buff to weapon based skills.
3: Fix bugs, such as Next Hit Always Misses, Mana Burn, etc.

Anything else, is just gravy.

  1. Devs release a statement citing what changes will never be made. This way we can end the madness on the forums.

  2. No changes.

  3. Better forum moderation.

Pretty short and easily executed.


Additional PvM endgame content. Ideally something big, like a whole new difficulty mode, but I’d be grateful for virtually anything.


I will put expansion as my highest wish.


No.1 will never happen.

As useful as that could be, Blizzard has a long history of changing their minds later on. So it wouldn’t really matter.

Not very related to the game, but yeah that would be lovely.

Stackable items

Sort inventory/stash button

More viable mercenaries

Buff low end skills, fix broken ones - to a point they are decent but not as powerful as the existing top abilities.

Loot filter

Stat/achievement tracker

Improve lobby / finding games

More variety in lv85 areas

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  • Charm Inventory.

  • Stacking Runes and Gems.

  • Mercenary changes.

  • Item Filters.

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Yeah, that would be awesome, we saw it in PD2 how cool it is to open up just a few more lvl85 areas

thats why i brought the idea of the 9 circles of hell to slowly increase the alvl of Hell areas up to all being alvl 85 and opening up a myriad of Farming options


Here is my wish: Suggestion for new game mode

Here is my change wishlist:

Stop playing your Cherry Blues for changes that are for sure not happening for the next 1.5 months, if even then.

Blizzard is doing their own unbiased polls, use your typing power in those to make your 1 vote be heard.

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its not because its not happening soon that we cant talk about it now

it allows more visibility and also allows the discussion to evolve. By talking about it it allows people to realize what they would like, what they wouldnt and what their boundaries are, so for when that mysterious Blizzard poll appears, they have already matured that reflexion in their mind

Discussing about it here is not gonna sway the polls to way or another, 200 people having a better understanding of their decisions is not gonna make the not forum-going majority to vote different.
However i do enjoy the comical aspect of these discussions so be my guest and continue, realize though that it will be very very very very unlikely it would effect the results.

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Not all are receiving those polls, obviously.

Even then, a poll only gives you broad indications. Forum posts can go much more into detail about what is meant by those answers.

You would be surprised mate

When i go on reddit or Facebook group, everyday i have introduce new people to the marvel that is Consumable Stacking and most people are like " Oh wow yeah that would be awesome to have"

If people think like you… not talking about it reaches Nobody, talking about it reaches somebody… there a major difference between 0 and 1-

Again this post is meant to just talk about our personal wishlist, its not meant to be “The game should have this or else”

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