Post your D2r Change wishlist here

Doesnt look too bad, but what warcries in specific do you have mind? if you have thought the idea so far yet?

why u cry i only need stop tetris on my cube you all need balance why are you so toxic d3 is really a bad game

The simple solution is to upgrade their skills based on difficulty. Act 2 mercs have two sets of auras N/H, NM. Probably should give Act 1 access to the other elemental bow skills based on difficulty, same with Act 3 mercs. Probably improve AI based on conditions. No need to add more gear. Leave act 2 mercs as they are, except for pathing improvement.

Battle cry gives attack perk but also reduces the damage of the enemy
Taunt to make enemies attack the merc rather than you
even maybe find potion so he can find you rejuv from time to time lol

id keep buff to Barb but those cries are almost not used by barbs but would certainly be handy on a merc

The fact that a handful of people consider porting back to town frequently to stash loot as ā€œgameplayā€ is telling of the mindset of those people.

Iā€™d like

-more bag space
-a charm bag
-stackable potions, runes and gems
-merc UI upgrade so they donā€™t just stand there and die for no reason
-auto loot on a toggle
-no ladder, or at least no ladder only items/rune words.


reduce damage so it only affect hitters and not casters? since thats what a2 frozen aura does as well? Taunt for me looks like going overboard i can easily see that abused if your able to gear the merc tanky enough.

isnā€™t that already the case ? ladder only items/recipes are no longer a thing.
unless you meant something else.

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see im all on board with stackable consumable but potions is where i draw the line

gems, runes, token, keys are town items but potions are incombat items, being able to stack them is a gameplay advantage therefor i think it should be stackable, theres already the belt for that and plenty that drops, but like the Consumable stash tab that goes around, i wouldnt mind stackable rejuv in the stash tab

Is it? I donā€™t know. I thought they left ladder only rune words. Iā€™d be happy if they removed them and just let all rune words work regardless.

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Didnā€™t say it would be easy, and adding auras to them all might be the only thing Blizzard would bother to do. Only saying I dont like that way of designing things.

Optimally each merc should have a clear strength that allow them a niche for different builds. Like act 3 merc offering something better for single dmg type builds struggling with immunities, etc.

Just throwing this out there, and I know purists wont like it; but how about some new ā€œmerc onlyā€ runewords for each merc, that support their specialties. So we dont just get fully improved mercs for free, but have to build toward it.
Should not be stronger gear than the current stuff we use for mercs (no powercreep, seriously!), just boost the lesser used roles to be closer to the top dog.

Also agree with this

indeed check this thread :

and here is the sentence about it

We wanted to take this opportunity to share that Ladder Only Rune Words, Unique Items, and Horadric Cube Recipes that were once restricted to Ladder rank play will now for the first time be included in non-ladder multiplayer and single player play.

Killing the cow king also no longer make you unable to open cow portal , so you can kill it to your heart content

I get that 100% and concede that point. After some thought, it would also invalidate belts that have more potion slots. Maybe make them stackable in the vault but not in bags.

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such a great CHANGE

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yea never said the contrary though ?
you seem weird man xD

the capital letters+bold wasnt directed at you lol

oh ok , you quoted my message so i thought you wanted to talk to me or about my message (i get a notification when it happens)

This is my requested changes-
Charm Inventory
more Merc balancing to make them more viable
More Runewords would be fun
Trang-Oul avatar option(display aura or Vamp)
Character face collection(5 different choices)
All the changes the Dev commented on in that Twitter post

  1. Fix minions disappearing for no reason.
  2. Fix minions/mercenary pathfinding.
  3. Fix the Next Hit Always Misses bug.
  4. Fix doors appearing closed/open when they behave the opposite.
  5. Fix having to click a random number of times to enter a dungeon/portal, like when trying to enter Tal Rashaā€™s tomb, to the point where it might take like 20 seconds and trying from different angles to be able to enter.
  6. Fix having to use Khalimā€™s flail or the Hellforge hammer for a random number of hits until they work (and the reaction starts at a random moment, not right after hitting).
  7. Fix rubberbanding.
  8. Fix several unrelated spells sharing the same timeout timer.
  9. Fix the lobby and make it more responsive, every 30 seconds or so it updates and many times trying to join a game with apparently 2 or 3 people in it shows ā€œthe game is fullā€ because the rest of the players got in before the next refresh.
  10. Remove 20 chars limit. At least 30, 40 or 50 chars.
  11. Fix some of the bugs in [D2] Massive Diablo II Bug List.

And one that is not a bug:

  1. Make singleplayer ā€œeasierā€ by improving the drop rates a little, for example high runes are almost imposible to come by and it takes months to be able to generate a single zod unless you farm for it. Also, reaching lvl 99 in singleplayer takes several months, and to me this makes no sense, IĀ“m not competing with anyone, I would remove the experience penalties from singleplayer to be able to reach lvl 99 by only playing 2-3 hours a day for half a year.
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My wish is ā€¦



I would like old pierce Guided Arrow back and Hydra to not suck.

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