Post your D2r Change wishlist here

charm inventory plz i dont want farm in my cube

Well i gave my personal wishlist in theme of the topic, so whats the problem.

No never it changes the balance of the game

  1. Smarter Merc AI (Please stop standing in the fire or getting stuck on walls)
  2. Gem/Rune tab (Gems and Runes stack in this tab, and only in this tab)
  3. No max character limit (Mules are still going to be needed, as we can’t create infinite accounts anymore, there shouldn’t be a limit to characters on an account for Mules)
  4. The Cube recipe that upgrades the base item for unique items to also work on set items.
  5. Merc Balancing (make all mercs equally viable, without nerfing the Act 2 mercs)
  6. Controller skill bar available to K&M players as a toggle option.

List is in order of my priority.

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i hear this a lot and im genuinely curious as to why people put this weird restriction on stacking, runes and gems are a major clutter in inventory when farming, why prevent stacking to solve this issue?

why not allow stacking up to 20 and in that specific tab it goes to like 1000?

Dont mean to bash your suggestion, just some flaw i personally see in 5. Merc balancing.
Merc power is highly dependant on the gear they can wear (see insight or infinity for example) How do you suggest this is solved without just pumping other acts mercs stats up and them becoming just overwhelming with no gear investment? I hope the answer is not remaking the runewords or adding new gear for those mercs.

Because that changes actual gameplay with gem and rune farming, where as the stash tab only reduces the need for mules.

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The moment you let things stack in inventory, you kinda change the game, by reducing how often you need to go back to town to unload.
That might be seen as a good change of course. But certainly a direct gameplay change.

Only allowing stacking in the stash is more of a pure QoL change with much less gameplay effect (just saving some mule time).

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My wishlist is that they add no further changes than they already have. I think the QoL updates they made are enough. Nothing more is needed.

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  1. at the very least 50+ characters slots

  2. more PERSONAL (non shared) stash tab to make actual mule more efficient and less in number needed.

so that we can do as we were able to in OG diablo 2 (we could do an infinite amount of account for free there )

just that and i would be delighted :stuck_out_tongue:

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Indeed it slightly changes the game play

the current gameplay that consists in:

  • Ignore runes and gems to not cause inventory clutter


  • constantly go back in town to stash stuff

Both situations i find detrimental to the gameplay of the game

Im not in the team that thinks inventory management is a Fun game mechanic lol

you will never use that stash stacking mechanic if picking those gems and runes is a pain in the butt in the first place

I agree there is issue with my suggestion, and that I don’t know the best way to implement it. I just know that the mercs seam highly unbalanced, even before end game itemization comes into play.

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Mercs really need a nice balancing job, i have to agree since i suggested the same

A2 merc hegemony is boring

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it’s impossible to balance them.
But making all of them have some kind of aura and improving act 3 merc overall would be a nice step.
Act 2 will still be better due to tankyness + aura + infinity/insight , but at the very least , if every merc had some kind of aura , it could be a + in that direction making them on par with act 2 merc at equal gear (no insight/infinity)

Yeah could be possible solution. I dont think they can ever be balanced so well that none of them isnt more optimal or stronger, and strongest is what most people would go for, but atleast you wouldnt feel bad for using another merc, if it provides you with atleast an useful aura or something along those lines.

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Giving all mercs an aura would be boring.
Like most things imo, the goal should be to have mercs be very different from each other, but balanced. Exceling at different tasks. Turning other mercs into act 2 mercs isnt much of a change, other than having more merc skins I guess.

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lol that changes noting wtf you probly never play diablo u can run with your cube with all gc just stop call change balance its the same logic use cube or other inventory

I know, but please provide a different solution then, something that doesnt break items or something else in the game at the same time.

While i agree that leveling the Perk playing field between merc is a must

i have to say that giving them all auras would be boring

Keep auras to A2 but give different perks to others

Like A1 mercs get aoe with Frozen and Explosive arrow

A5 merc get Warcries and leap attack

A3 gets better damage with better spells (looking at you inferno)

People would be more inclined to use an Act 1 merc with Brand to get amp damage if it came with Frozen arrow, its a direct competition to A2 merc with holy freeze and Reaper toll

go play diablo 3 how does this sound for you?