Poll - personal loot

Ahh pls dont confuse them with reality of d2. They already confused by ploot supporting.

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I advocated for it at first, or at least open to the idea, but I want it left alone. Don’t mess with the drops rates!

I %100 support it being an option

I %100 support people who don’t want it also

If it’s there I know I’ll play public a lot more
If it’s not then I hope player x is an option

And if not at all for anything…I’ll still play but mostly alone


Drop rates wouldn’t be an issue, with personal loot they’re the same.

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The drops are based on who killed the enemy.

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This is partially correct.

The issue is that you get free loot, you can join any public baal run and get free items. That’s the problem

FFA loot means you have to go and loot for yourself.

This happens with both personal loot and FFA loot.

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No ploot for da game no

how, people MF solo 99% of the time, this only evens the playing field against jerks who will inevitably run pickit programs and cheat to pick up the good loot in multiplayer. Why return an archaic system the developers didnt even want in the original?

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who cares? so you are okay with leechers with mobility classes doing nothing and stealing items from contributing players? you are okay with melee characters having first priority on drops because you happen to be a sorc that needs 2 teles to get to a drop? Thats insanely stupid.

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Personal loot has already been done in the Diablo franchise (D3). Everything is Bind on Account. There’s no community visibility and engagement like in D2 because of that (nevermind the auto-matching system for joining/creating games). Personal loot has no place in D2, and yes it’s frustrating to feel like “you never get to snatch anything because something something etc.”. Buuuuuut THAT’S a huge defining chcaracteristic of Diablo. Controlling loot drops was done with WoW. Aside from wiping, the need for guild structured raids exists because of shared loot. Can you imagine if everyone got their own personal full raid drop in WoW? Dead economy, dead community. Making a multiplayer game that rewards solo-play as equally as group play is a waste of time and totally counterproductive.

D2’s drop rates are fine as is (YES, high runes are omg rare and yes, most elite set/uniques that are necessary are rare), but everyone being able to farm up all their own crap whether grouped or solo like in D3 will kill D2:R. Perhaps not instantaneously, but it’ll certainly relegate the appeal of D2 to the likes of some old retro novelty found in 1980’s era arcades.

[south park reference]
“Hey D2:R is here! :smiley: …aaaaand it’s gone. :expressionless: ”

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this game will be dead on arrival if its only appeal is to the boomer audience that drools over the nostalgia of the original. Its a good thing if everyone can farm their own gear within reason, what makes diablo 3 meh…is the excessive drop rates and loot explosions…but i dont think there is anything wrong with me being able to find a shako in 100 hours of farming…ill still be motivated to trade to avoid that 100 hour grind. But its certainly better than the dozens of items i never found in 8 years of playing diablo 2.

Nonsense, people still play on battle net even with shared loot. So why should remaster be dead after release lol. Tend of thousands players played with it and didnt mind.

tens of thousands of players isnt going to motivate blizzard to invest in the games future, you know why WoW gets an expansion every year and diablo games get one in their entire life? because people actually play WoW.

Why are they doing remaster then?

Because it’s an easy cash grab? Its literally a HD graphical overlay, so much so that you can toggle between old and new graphics. If you think there are enough old heads to mimic the current D2 economy you are insane. Current D2 is flooded with dupes bots and real money trading, something that will take time for hackers to figure out how to do on the new servers, good luck getting any runewords of high value when 2-3 high runes drop on the server a month due to a very small playerbase. and good luck affording them when they are so rare. Cant wait to see the tears of how inflated the economy is without the bots and duping.

Thats is what I want to see. Rare items because not everyone will be able to find them. Only lucky ones or players who know how to find them. I cant wait for that.

Trading will be amazing without bots flooding economy with items. Atleast for a while.

You honestly talk like one of these players who cant have top gear without buying it on site or from bot users. I used to play on battle net when bots werent such an issue and it was amazing when certain items were rare.

What a joke, diablo 2 was plagued by duping and exploits within 30 days of release, diablo 2 never had a umolested economy. Not that I think the remaster will skate by without being exploited as well. How many you’s do you think exist on here? Most of the people with nostagic feelings either paid their way, or benefitted from the deflated economy botting and duping caused. They remember a diablo 2 where you could randomly get some guy to trade you an enigma for some obscure low level set just because he had 50 of them and wanted to fast track his low level dueler. That wont happen in the remaster lol.

Again great.

I was playing on battle net in time when bots didnt exist that much yet but duping was a issue. It was damaging the trade. I would love to see clean unaffected economy without bots and dupes. Without it I could sell well items I will find.

So you prefer economy with bots and dupes and easily obtainable items? Because it sure hell does sounds like it.
If not why do you keep arguing about it? I already told you i prefer clean economy with items being truly rare.