Poll - personal loot

Will you buy the game if there is personal loot?


results: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-HZMMTDJ89/

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This thread is exactly what this forum needs right now…wait…


You can’t post on these forums without owning the game. ROFL


Yes I will but I’ll feel dirty about it.

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I already bought it :smiley: I will play it anyway.

But I think personal loot will flood the game with too many items and will destroy economy and trading.


How would this happen?

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How? Just common logic, if more people have personal loot, there will be generaly speaking a lot more loot in the game. Items will have a lot less value in trading because of it too and items will not be as rare as they should be.


No. It’s not logical at all. All the drop rates remain the same, the loot is split up afterwards. There is no more loot with personal loot.


Loot is split up after how?

The same way it would be in any other game, though there are many ways to do it.

It’s not hard to distribute drops based on who is in the area at time of loot drop, plenty of games do this already.


So basicly you dont know. You only think its good idea but have no clue how directly split it.


its not about how hard it is. It’s about changing the D2 loot system. D2 did not have personal loot, so D2R will not have personal loot. The devs have said themselves they will not be changing anything major. in fact, they specifically touched on loot, and how the only changes to loot pre-launch will be the icons and how they appear on your character. cosmetic only. Expecting anything more will only lead to disappointment.


Its easy, give the guy with 300mf doing all the damage the magic drops while the lvl 60s get unique and runes.

Looks like someone didn’t read the welcome post, specifically the line stating “Petition posts are frowned upon.”


LMAO good one, i hope its sarcasm right? :smiley:

Correct, I do not know the hypothetical, specific, type of distribution system the developers would choose in this futuristic scenario.

Really got me good there, bud.

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Sure that, I will be playing it, that’s why I am trying to argue here. If I was not sure about that, I would be long gone from these forums! :slight_smile:

I just think, it is completely stupid to implement changes, noone can calculate / know the exact consequences of. If this were a random game, ok. But D2 has so many fans still, who play this game with freaking 25fps and on 800x600!!!

Now the thing is: people, new to this genre are not going to be able to play a demo, like it was the case in 2000. People now watch a stream and YT videos to see, whether they want to buy the game. And on Twitch and YT, you never see just gameplay, but also get the opinion of a streamer on top for free (if you want it or not). So if there are changes, that do not work, or change the gameplay, you can guess, how good a MrLlamaSC (whose channels are going to go through the roof as soon as D2R is released), Rhykker and co. are going to talk about that in their streams…

I see no advantages for a changed release version. Not for Blizzard, nor for a lot of fans. And all the rest can get some well tested (not gamebreaking) changes in future ladders and patches.

Have you calculated the exact consequences of elimination of duping and reduced botting in D2R on the item economy?

I can explain mathematically that personal loot and FFA loot can have the same number of total drops and that personal loot players will most likely result in less items in the trade economy in comparison to FFA.

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So please, explain mathematically, also make a documentation proving that your thesis has scientific basis and you’re qualified to do such affirmations… don’t hold yourself !

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Welcome to the “modern” gaming where you need to work for the casuals.