Plz fix bone spear visual

what the heck is going on here? where are iconic expanding circle trails?

that’s all



I love the new spear. Less clutter and looks more like something I don’t want to be stabbed with


but the circle trails!!!


I love the new design too.

Also, looks like aiming will be easier. The circles were a distraction.

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Definitely agree. Bone spear looks so weak and at first I didn’t even think it was the same skill.
Same goes for charged bolt and lightning imo. Sure it’s more realistic, but I was hoping they would stay more true to D2’s version of it.

Also for aiming, don’t you aim with the mouse and not with the skill animation? Once you’ve shot it it’s too late anyway


I hold Shift + Click sometimes. Then adjust aim afterwards.

I sometimes have trouble telling who it was actually hitting.

The rings are what made Bone Spear iconic

They need to make them a little bolder / lower opacity on them for sure.


Agree on this, it looks like a flying spaghetti xD


I made a Post on this as well brother and the brown freaking druid wolf probably brown pets now 2 -- they also changed the iconic bone shield -- Bro why they changing things like that when they’re supposed to be updating the visual renders.???.

honestly i wouldn’t be opposed to a better looking and thinner bone wall and bone prison


I noticed these things right away,
Right a reduction like that would be more understandable, since tactics have been used with those skills for dupes and crashing games.

taken away the sound barrier breakage was a stupid move. on VV’s part they must’ve missed the concept behind thee art… I’m super triggered by them making un necessary changes to things they promised they’d keep as an original. Players that grew up with this game and is an all time fav game for them like myself Notice these things @Blizzard…

I’m pretty sure that was the Lidless Wall shield.

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its just kinda faint on the visual effect maybe need to turn it up a notch

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Honestly, I just don’t want seizure city.

I agree. Needs to be a little wider too. Looks like teeth, but just one tooth lol.


When I first watched the demo’s I literally just thought bone spear was a level 1 tooth

Pretty sad


D2 was a 2D sprite game and couldn’t rendition things as well as it wanted to. So for all we know, this is exactly what lightning shouldve looked like all along. I honestly hated the old animations for anything electricity. It was extremely distracting and if 2 or more lite sorc’s were spamming lightning and/or bolts, you couldn’t tell wtf was going on anywhere on screen. Once you are spamming 24 bolts and have 80 fcr, you’ll appreciate the lightnings lack of effect much more.

I agree it needs faint ghostly animated rings that expand behind it and then fade away.

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I don’t care much for what might have been intended, only for what the game has been all this time. Also I’m not saying I don’t understand why they decided to tone down the lightning, just that I don’t like it. To me it feels like the new lightning effects come from an AAA battery rather than true lightning.
I never had any issues with playing a party almost full of lightning sorc/ama/assa.

Agree to disagree I guess

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