Seems like a fine time to discuss it then, before Blizzard gets too far into designing it.


Except they aren’t designing it lol… They’re fixing bugs and preparing for launch :wink:

Sorry but not a fan of private loot :wink: ploot and bind on account ruined Diablo 3, don’t want to see it happen to D2 as well. Want private loot play a private game :wink:


Not saying they are designing it now. At all. And maybe ever.
Just that it makes sense to discuss it before they might design it.

We know how things go when we discuss things after Blizzard announce them. Nothing substantial changes then.

Imo it would be a decent compromise if ploot was only added as a toggle option to private games.

Like what? Since D2 isn’t noticeably changing, what is there to discuss? All D2’s knowledge has been around in the current form for over a decade and is readily available.

Also… arguing for improvements to the game IS productive.

No, the RMAH, 99% of power on items, and massive RNG ruined D3. Personal loot and binding had little to do with it.

Remember, the most people stopped playing D3 before Reaper of Souls. What was before Reaper of Souls? RMAH, open loot, trade.


I didnt care for RMAH, never used it, power on items was not an issue for me. Me finding items that are useless and unable to trade for items that I could have used ruined it for me :wink:

We do not want that to be in d2.
Why do you make assumptions about things that we have repeatedly corrected already:

Also, the horse is dead because you ran out of arguments, then broke the horses legs, screamed in his ear for ~2 months that it never played d2, hijacked its twitter account and are still jumping on its belly because you think it will make it any less of a horse.

The problem is that you are jumping on the wrong horse. You are jumping on d3-smart-loot a very old clepper that really doesnt deserve that kind of treatment. Especially since it stayed firmly in its stable without ever bothering you.

Our steed is standing in the opposite stable. it is called split-timed-loot-allocation-super-horse. We are taking it for a ride frequently and it is quite a good galloper (some might even call it walloper). It rides without injury, takes obstacles with ease and snorts whenever it hears d3-smart-loot’s painful wheezes.

We would really prefer it if you would stop your horse-molestation and get out of that murky stable. Out in the open you can have a good look at split-timed-loot-allocation-super-horse and you might even enjoy what you see.

If you dont, there is still the good old donkey ride down the road with ffa-the-stubborn-donkey-doo.

Anyways, its hard to hear you from up here on the horse. Maybe try jumping a bit higher and speak up, so i can hear you better.

No you want rng loot. To rng allocate. You will be here crying for increase drop chances one month in.

Then come back in one month and argue against it.

At this moment, we are telling you that we will not ask for it. So why dont you take that word that you are given and stop making further wild claims. Ty vm.

Also step down from the horse.


Nope I don’t trust soft personalities.

Then what is your point being here? You do not want to discuss. You do not want to win with arguments, since you are only insulting others. You do not want to understand. And you do not want to give us the benefit of doubt when we clearly say what we want and what we do not want.

Why are you still here and trying your best to sabotage an otherwise constructive discussion?
Why do you buy a game of devs you do not trust.

And why do you trust yourself when you are arguing based on a bunch of dubious assumptions and against all logical reasons that have been put up. Arent you the soft personality that sets his greed over reason, logic and social ettiquette?

No argument to be had. FFA loot is in the game. I don’t have to defend it.

Your job was to convince the masses for ploot. Your shark tank presentation was a flop. And everyone is saying ploot is terrible.

Byeeeeee FFA in 2 weeks.

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We are not asking you to defend it.
We are not asking to remove it.

Not quite, the masses are already convinced. The problem is that those who we actually wanted to discuss with to iron it out, make it safe from abuse, make it fair in comparison towards ffa. Those people would be the self-proclaimed experienced players like you.
But instead of taking the opportunity of discussing it, you are just insulting and trolling and spamming.
Pretty low display of character.

If by everyone you mean 40% most of which were thinking of d3 ploot and not the ploot discussed here, then maybe.
But if you think that 40% is more than 60% and actually “everyone”, then i sincerly hope that your ninja-loot skills surpass your math skills.

Then why are you picketing in the sharktank? If it is so evident that it is a bad suggestion there shouldnt be any need for your presence here.
Your mere helpless flailing against it is actually the strongest indication how good of a system we are suggesting.

When a dog dumps in the street, people will usually not stand around it with signs waving everybody to go around it because they might step in it.
However if a vein of gold had suddenly appeared in the street, certain people will very quickly put a fence around and try to keep everybody else out, so they can take it for themselves.

And in this case the vein of gold has been there the entire time. The fence has been there the entire time. You have been taking the gold the entire time.
Now we come around, there are street works. And we say, “hey, there is a gold mine. Let’s share the gold.”
And since then you are screaming from the top of your lungs that gold is overrated and only for the weak.


You write a lot to say nothing. As for me im playing a true remaster. Until than it’s always sunny in Philadelphia

The amount of effort needed to get loot in those types of games is minimal.
Why you try to push the agenda of D2 being hard? I have no idea why even people put words like “hard” or “effort” in the same sentence as D2. Game is so easy, that statements like this one look hilarious.
And if you find D2 hard then you have a problem, maybe try solitaire instead?

Lotta words there.

Let me simplify the argument.

PLOOT = give me a shako for hanging out in the corner in baals throne room.

You want the loot, then you go earn it.
That’s Diablo 2.


Oh yea? Will that be solitaire with personal loot?


yes and no 20 charss

First of all this is a real remake of Diablo 2, so it is legitimate and normal to expect qol and various changes. Global loot is just a senseless ideology of Diablo 2 purists, however we find alone with the sorceress, whether there is personal or global loot what changes to global loot purists? If diablo 2 purists want everything to stay as it is, why don’t they stay and play the normal version of diablo 2? Nobody forces them to play a remake version with changes. The personal loot is a great idea to encourage the group find and to be able to create groups of find or to be able to play with friends to find.

How dare you.

seven chars.

Speaking as one of these so-called ‘purists’ (I love how you guys have labels for everything you don’t like), we are perfectly fine with small QoL changes, which is what D2R is, but you seem to equate ploot with every single other thing. It’s “give ploot or you bad purist man”.

You are new here so I will cut to the chase, by now we all know why you want personal loot - you think it’s your ticket to playing casually and swimming in HR’s, well it won’t be, so your next demand is… loot drop increases.

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