Three of these Blizzard D2R surveys have already been e-mailed out to a select Blizzard players. The first asked explicitly if the players were interested in personal loot replacing FFA at D2R launch. I do not support this. We now know that FFA loot will be preserved in D2R and if an alternate loot system were to be introduced after launch, it would be at game creation and require opt in.


That literally means it is completely accurate, right? :joy:

Interesting, didnt knew they had asked already. But yeah, shame about the wording, and also, more interesting if they asked about Timed Allocation imo,+ explained what they meant by ploot. Since lots of people as we have seen here, immediately assume D3 system.


They did not to my knowledge in their 3 surveys ask about timed loot. I never received one but there are screenshot or verified reports of each.


It’s a generation of people who were raised on the “if it’s hard to achieve, a credit card can make that go away” mentality. Unrelated, but it’s also why there’s no Portal 3. Once Valve realized they can make more money selling vanity cash-grab stuff, well, you know. At least Blizzard hasn’t completely derailed that way, and what I saw of the work VV has done so far, I’m very hopeful. Can you believe the self entitlement in some of these posts? Here’s one from blash:

blash is not the only one who has authoritatively explained to me how it “will work” or “works”. Not only are they fully convinced that they can bully the developers into adding a feature to the game, but also that they can dictate exactly how it will be done with such certainty that they’re doing things like explaining how it “works”. I guarantee you that as soon as the game launches, they’re going to be on here boiling over in fury because someone was faster than them at picking up even trivial crap like a Sol rune. Oh I can see it now: “See?! WE NEEDS HAS PLOOT SO CAN MAEK LORE HELM NAAOOOO I WANT NAO!!!1111”


We have to be here to stop that. Because they will cry about it

That is literally D2 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This is why after both the betas were finished I suggested a containment thread for plooters.

The mods will eventually realize that a ploot thread everytime Timmy didn’t click fast enough and wants to come onto the forum to screech about it, is going to get really old, really really quickly.

But hey, it’s their operation. If Blizzard promises classic gameplay and sneaks in a ploot toggle after the refund window is closed I will have lost all respect and D4 will not be bought.


True the numbers do favor my statement more so than not. exaggeratation was there. I also did say in my opinion before the numbers so it wasn’t said as a factual statement. Granted this statement is also from my view point so it can be taken as factual by others without intent or mislead.

You did great at it. I do say you did counter argue my statement very well. in a civil way.

True, 4 different polls will always lead to different results depending on when, where, how, and the current pollers available to give an answer to that question/statement. Yes they did give a strong incentive that QoL changes where needed in D2R if it where to go anywhere past launch because if they made a pure graphic only remaster then probably most would not buy into it. It would die in around the first year (assumption) and only the die hards would be playing at that point.

I don’t think that many people will refund it. I believe (assumption) only 10-15% will refund pre-orders.

At this point. If they change the loot option its hard to estimate where it will go. Though i do think as long as they don’t make Ploot overlap and not increase drop rates to flood economy. Aka not allowing them both (Ploot/FFA) in the the same made game. making it where you have to toggle it saying you want it before joining the game. It will be more accepted than to force it on everyone.

I also appreciate you not attacking but doing discussion.

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Do you ploot advocates ever think of anything else other than ploot? What will you do on launch when you find out that D2R will have traditional shared loot? After months of demanding ploot day in and day out, are you sure that you will be able to handle it?


The only issue i have with that kind of polling is that they sent it to select players. So not everyone got a voice and those that did get it some sure there where a number who decided to not voice up when they had a chance.

Their going to keep advocating until its in the game. Rod said at least at launch it wont be but that statement “promise” ends there. Who knows what they have planned post-launch


Oh I agree, and then the ploot lot will then demand increased loot drop rates, as they want ploot because they think it is their ticket to getting lots of high runes with doing minimal effort.

yea as long as they don’t tweak drop rates idc what they add… FFA is there and that’s the style i prefer

now the only change i wouldn’t mind is a small bit of skill rebalancing. (necro golems, Druid summoning as a whole)… small 1-4% increases to try and bring them a little closer to their classes top build. i doubt my wish will happen but can wish.

appreciate the no attacking me since i was talking to someone you find the need to do that.

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Oh i’m not attacking you.

I agree there could be more synergy tweaks, mostly minor, but that would enable some more niche builds to be viable.

You seem to have some struggles understanding what is being said.
Asking for an option is exactly the opposite of what you are claiming it to be.

The only bullies around these parts are the ones insulting and caps-locking away.

Get some arguments and stop this petty game of pushing a false narrative. It is easy to look through and nothing more than irritation by now.

Stop made-up crying by non-stop caps-lock crying. Very wise strategy to avoid crying. 20 years of training to be tough have tought you well.

Currently it looks more like the “Timmys” are the ones who are having a temper about giving a new option for people with a cooperative mindset like us.

You have been told numerous times that many of us do not share this mindset.
Naturally there will be people asking for higher droprates at some point. But that does not mean that they will automatically get that.

You might also want to keep in mind that duping and botting is already increasing drop rates drastically in the current economy. So even to just preserve the current state, we would need higher drop rates.
Still we are not asking for it.
I for one am used to far lower drop rates than you are used to. So i know what i am asking for and what i will be getting.

Stop making up false equivalences and overgeneralizations. It is not helpful for the discussion.


Huhhhhh 20 char???

Strange summary, since I don’t see anyone asking for D2 to be turned into pay2win. If anything, personal loot actually makes the grind LONGER, which is kind of the opposite of that.

Also, very ironically, D2 has been kind of infested with ways to buy gear for almost its entire history.

Nuts to your generational nonsense, too. I was playing D1 before I was a teenager.


If anything, it’s the other way around. I haven’t seen anyone claim they’re going to quit if personal loot doesn’t get added, but I HAVE seen people claim they would quit if it was. I have also seen numerous people express that they have no faith whatsoever in the developers and don’t want them to do anything to the game out of fear they’ll mess it up somehow.

So who are the bullies? The ones asking for an optional change, or the ones making threats about quitting and essentially calling the developers incompetent?

I believe I’ve posted 3 or 4 times that the posters who want personal loot aren’t necessarily in lockstep about every facet of it, and that even if we were there’s no guarantee Blizzard would implement it that exact way. However, when you ask one of the posters “How does X work,” what do you want? A response that tells you how they would like it to work, or a response telling you it’s up to Blizzard, stop asking? Really, your claims are ridiculous.

Or even funnier, we’ll play with some of you and get loot fine, and you’ll be left speechless.

Play it same as I did 10 and 15 and 20 years ago. Better yet, hopefully play with some of you and click faster than you.

Oh, so you’re a psychic now, huh? Can you do anything useful, like pick out lotto numbers?


The silver lining is no optional loot system at launch means that the complaints about wanting an increased drop rate will come 100% from D2R players expereincing FFA only games.


And yet some how i feel it will be blamed on the community that wants Personal loot without a drop chance increase by at least 5 people i can think of on the forum.

Can we lock this thread already? This horse has already been dead and beaten and decomposed now :confused:

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