Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

I might be wrong or anyone else on this forum. I still have the right to express my opinion. If I say barb is currently op at PTR that is what really think about it. Blizzard will decide how to handle all this in the end

Yeah here’s the thing… I’m not calling for any buffs to my class, its fine where it is, especially with the thorns Nerf it’ll be more in line with the other classes and that makes me happy.

Wanting balance across classes isn’t bad and giving feedback on the ptr forums is exactly what these forums are meant for. Free did a great job getting the barb some much deserved buffs - kudos to a job well done, I am happy that the barb got some love. But l but I’m also free to have the opinion that the buff is a little overboard. You, the barb community, and the blizzard dev team are welcome to disagree with my opinion

Again, I’m happy the barb is getting buffed. You guys worked for it and deserve it. I just happen to think it’s too much of one, that is all.

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I think the most critical thing is that the final barb buff number is “right” that goes live. If the current buff number is not OP, great I will roll a barb next season.

If the current PTR numbers are OP, then you can imagine 2 options:

A) The buff that goes live is less strong (a couple/few grifts from the OP number). This is what I prefer.

B) The barb buff goes live as OP. Posters start calling for nerfs (like what has occurred for every OP build in RoS ranging from the early DH marauders build, static charge monks, to the present nerfs to necromancers and wizards). Blizzard most likely will give in, and a subset of the barb community will be exceptionally salty.

I am not sure if the WW/rend build is overpowered, I just want them to set the right number to begin with.

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At this point I could care less if barbs are OP, they certainly deserve a turn but if that Rend build is FoTM and everyone rolls barb, RIP Servers lol.

You guys should want that build toned down for your playable standards :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s one thing to roll solo on a PTR, it’s a whole different beast to roll 4 man with multiple Rend barbs on live server :weary::scream:

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It sounds like the shift to rend being the primary damage dealer has helped decrease lag in comparison to the past incarnation.

I mean yah it’s a bit better for sure, but compared to any other speed build it’s still high calculation and more prone to lag, especially if there are multiples and if it’s too FoTM there will definitely be multiples in speed metas.

I bet the only reason you’re complaining is because the chantodo vyr wizard was your fav and they are nerfing its dmg. You don’t want blizz to keep buffing and giving the WW barb new items because every time they do it becomes “OP”. Don’t forget that a LOT of people wanted the WW barb to get better, and now it is finally happening. Don’t ruin it for the barb players just because one class got a little nerf. It’s all about leveling the playing field. Everyone knew that the chantodo vyr wizard was OP, while not many other builds/classes could match its power. Now that blizz are gonna nerf the chantodo vyr wizard dmg, and they keep making the WW barb better, vyr mains are upset. Well if it’s such a big issue for you then just go play ww barb next season since it’s so OP and you won’t have anything to worry about. The chantodo vyr wizard is still gonna be good, all of the builds are technically “good” well, some. I personally never cared about the vyr wizard becuase most of players I’ve played with seemed like the type of people who thought they were better than everyone else just because they were OP, now that they won’t have that advantage anymore they are trying their best to give ww barb the stick and convince blizz to make the chantodo vyr wizard OP agian. God forbid one class/build gets better than the vyr wizard for once. Don’t forget that they can always do more with the vyr wizard in the future if they want. Tbh it seems like the only thing you care about is the chantodo vyr wizard being the only build that’s OP. If the OP class isn’t your class, than it deserves a nerf, right? “OMG, ww barb is so OP. Nerf it so my vyr wizard can be better than everything else again.” Blizz will never truly let the chantodo vyr wizard get too weak, simply because a lot of people love it. And a lot of people love the ww barb as well, which is why they are buffing it, so blizz is trying to balance out the two so that nobody feels like one overshadows the other. And while the ww barb may get powerful enough too top the leaderboards, it doesn’t mean that the chantodo vyr wizard automatically becomes sh*t. I am pretty sure that the chantodo vyr build is still gonna be the best wizard build, it may not be as good as it was because of the nerf, but it’s still gonna do great nonetheless. WW barb used to be trash, but people still loved it. Just because it’s getting better doesn’t mean that the chantodo vyr wizard is gonna become trash. But that’s just my opinion.


10k paragon… please. Chantodo Wiz has cleared 135 with only 4600 paragon.


One thing that all the barb proponents seem to be forgetting is that this is a PTR. It’s meant to be tested and have feedback given. Why does so much of this community take a difference of opinion personally and get offended?

I am in no way advocating against the barbarian getting buffs. I’m advocating that the buffs be balanced. That is it. If the barb gets rolled out as is right now it will almost certainly get hit with the nerf hammer in the future. If you don’t believe me then look to D3s past. Builds that are severely out performing other classes and builds they get brought back down. I’d rather have the barb get a buff and then not have it redacted the next season after everybody falls in love with it.

On the PTR, seasonal or not seasonal, the WW buff is out performing almost everything even with low paragon. Saying that I want the buff to be slightly less powerful is not an insult to you or anybody, it’s an opinion. It’s also not asking for a build to be nerfed, since it’s in ptr it’s not an official build. It’s providing feedback based on my own personal experiences and observations.

If you want the changes to be rolled out as is, then great for you. I’m allowed to have a different opinion on the issue.


How many years since GR come out?
And in 2019 there are still people who against the solo clear of 150?
Can I ask why? Why the end game, the highest difficulty of the game can only be done in a group? Give me a good reason why and then we can begin talking about “nerf this, nerf that”.
Nerfing wiz is a dump move, nerfing the current ww is just another worse one. Don’t make it a regular for the new dev team.


A few things:

  1. What’s wrong with clearing 150? Don’t you wanna clear 150 too?

  2. If you can’t clear 150, you either need to play harder or ask Blizzard to buff your particular class.

  3. That barb 140 clear was done by a top player with 10.5k paragons, top tier gears, godly map and mob types. Unless you think average Joe’s can easily get to that level, you not gonna see 140 clears everyday.

Hyperbole doesn’t help your argument (especially point 2).

There are only 27 players who have cleared 140 or higher in the world on the live era leaderboard according to diablo3ladder. 25 played wizards or necromancers (both getting nerfed). The other two are witch doctors @140.

This conversation would be much more productive if we can keep in mind the facts.

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Unlike certain people who argues with the world, I merely pointed out the facts I see.


The fact that it can have a minute disadvantage and still be the dominant solo clear speaks to how much stronger it was than anything else. You’re right, it is an important fact, although maybe not for the reason you wanted it to be.

Yeah, logic and emotion don’t mix well. Now add that paragon difference to the above observation.

Macro’s aren’t bannable and are ‘legal’.

Keep in mind kids, the only reason Wiz held the title for so long was because of nerfs to Necro/Sader/Barb and to a lesser extent Monk and DH. Speaking for Crusaders Hammerdin/BS both got crushed in various ptr when it was proposed by some in the Wiz community that they may be stronger than whatever build Wiz was using at the time. So in a way the Wiz community paved the way for this.


In the end, just remove the rend does triple damage from the 4pc and the set will be on par with where it should be imo.

Also, I think they should raise the 4pc defensive bonus to 60% so that the build properly competes defensively with other top playstyles.

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Please don’t even post.


If they do what you ask then Blizzard is clearly saying “What is good for one is not good for all”. That would leave a bad taste in everyone;s mouth where they have said they wish to ensure everyone gets the same treatment in their aims to create balance.

If by the time Blizzard has finalised all 35
(7 classes x 5 sets - one new for each)

  • With every set each being capable of reaching the same levels with their own mechanics and capability of damage respectively…

Would you still be unhappy about the new set?

Wizards had at least full season with chantodo’s before they nerfed it. At the very least after being underpowered for possibly two years now, the Barbs need a fair go.

I’d like to see random top scores that vary from every class and every set and every combination also from those choosing to use LoN and LoD. Then people get to choose any set or any class or combination, because then, all classes have similar capabilities in pushing rifts but with different mechanics.


Dude , Paragon is a Point who makes you little Stronger and yeah Darkpatator got some Paragon but i Beat he dont need more than 10 Keys for 140 with Barb and 10k Paragon dont able a clear like that . Accept they buffed barb to much . If you do 120 with demon Hunter on Bolas Main dmg i believe in your Text . the Paragon of Darkpatator maybe let him Push around 4 Grift lvl Higher not 30 Grift level . After Paragon 4k Paragon doesnt the Progress you think

With +5 to the primary resource skill (Dex, Int + Str) per paragon point, with 5,000 more paragons than the middle-high players, isn’t that 5,000*5=25,000 ?

I’d say that would give anyone a little more ‘oomf’


5000 paragon player has around 35000 main stat.

10000 paragon player is +25000 main stat. That is 1,71x dmg -> that is only +3,5 GR.
+25000 main stat is more defense too. It is possible to swap some defense for dmg in build. Together it could be +4-5 GR.

My opinion to WW rend barb. It is on pair with prenerf Vyr Wiz. Barb potencial is about 143-145GR. Vyr Wiz is 144 GR max on live.

If Bliz. will nerf Vyr Wiz on live, than WW barb need nerf equaly. 5GR nerf will be enough (for both).