Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

No. because I am waiting since season 2 for DH to be part of meta. I learned to live in the moment not in the future.

What? DH hasn’t been meta since season 2? Lol

Exactly. Do you even know what meta means?

Barb on the other hand was part of meta since for ever.

Stop trolling me, man. I play this game since 2012. People joked this game should be called “Demon Hunter 3” for YEARS.


You are right about demon hunter not being in the primary meta configuration from season 3 and on.

P.S. The name calling does not elevate the quality of the discussion.

Sure. For whole 1483 Paragons :))))).

Oh Piwewe and where it is written I have to play only this game? Mega casual player since RoS+, specially after Thrive on Chaos change, but I recognize little trolls like you by far, far away. People like you nerfed Inferno difficulty and ruined this game years ago. You should be playing Candy Crush :rofl:



Every PTR

Most Posters: Reasonable discourse

Barb-Haters: NERF!


Cries For Attention
Hey Look at me
Listen Guys Hey
Guys Come on Guys

Most posters have been having a reasonable discourse. There are a few people on the extremes who have been disrespectful.

Name-calling/naming and shaming is a violation of the CoC.

My suggestion and thoughts are similar.

I have counted. There are more than 50 unique posters who have written that barbs were OP/buffed too aggressively on the PTR. Several of these are posters whose main class is the barb.

Are you really so delusional that you think there’s a group of people out there that actively dislike the barbarian so much that they would proactively spend their time trying to get it nerfed? Don’t you think it’s probably more likely that most of the people that think the changes to the barb need to be tuned down a bit are you know… Trying to be reasonable and basing their opinion off of their ptr experiences?

I don’t even care if the barb gets nerfed either way, the most I’ve ever thought should be done was changing lamentation from 200% to 100% which is fairly minor, but saying anybody who thinks the barb was OP in the PTR is a barb hater or a troll is ridiculous. It’s a PTR and this is the PTR feedback thread. Calling anybody who thinks the barb that was rolled out in PTR a troll or a barb hater is just toxic and counter productive. Let people give their feedback and you can give yours. Literally what this forum was created for.


Well barb on ptr is similar strength to post nerf chantodo, and way behind starpact, and this happens any time barb gets anything close to meaningful damage so yeah, it does seem like theres a group of people that just hate barb


What is your evidence for this? The PTR non-season leaderboard was not reset after the last patch. The highest post-nerf wizard clear was 131 on PTR non-season. As such, the wizard PTR leaderboard is rather uselss for comparison. The comparison people are using is the current era leaderboard and then expecting a 2-3 grift decrease for wizard post-nerf.

|Hey|Free |Thanks|
| — | — | — | — |


Top chantodo clear is 144 in 13 minutes, and it got a 3.5 gr nerf so 141ish

Maybe because you’re asking for nerfs to a class that has been forgotten for years and was always far behind other classes when it comes to highiest GR clears…

Just because barb suddenly might be almost on the same level as Wizard or Necro doesn’t mean it needs to be nerfed.

I’m not even a barb player, but if I get borred with my DH I’d like to try a different class that is fun to play at least for me without worrying about any nerfs, just because it can clear the highiest GRs from all classes…

If all other classes were only 3-5 GR levels behind WW Rend I would have nothing against it.

In fact I would try just like Free did to work with other players who like to play the same class as I do to make it better, by buffing some underperforming legendaries or sets.

I would NEVER ask for nerfs for the strongest build out there, just because I don’t know how to play that class or don’t like it.

I seriously don’t get why all the people who cry for nerfs hate barbs so much. Would you ask for nerfs to DHs, WD, Monk or Crusaders too if they suddenly could clear a GR as high as WW rend can with a class set that could barely clear GR100 before too? :roll_eyes:

Every class deserves to be on almost the same level of power as the other and if a class that you don’t play suddenly can clear the highiest GR in the game than maybe be happy for them and ask devs to make your favourite class better too instead of behaving like little kids who can’t stand that the class you’re playing can’t do the same thing or is 5-10 GRs behind…

In my opinion the chantodo nerf wasn’t needed and was pointless, but guess what even after the nerf it is still possible to clear a GR140 with it, so it’s not completely destroyed…


Incredible lad, this Gasnick!


Nobody has argued against the barb getting buffs, just their extent. Also I play barb on switch. Again, not everybody that thinks the ptr barb build was op is a barb hater or doesn’t play barb, that’s just a fabrication you guys use to try and delegitimize anybody who doesn’t agree with the ptr rollout.


The amount of dumb, blind and biased people towards barbs are way too high, period.

People are trying to reason balancing an obviously overbuffed multiplier for ww barb in comparison to the next closest in line, the chantodo wiz and all we get are, yall hating on barbs, yall wiz and demon hunter players are just hating.

Did you just assume that everyone is like you? Dumb, blind and biased to only one class?

God forbid me to play every single class and know what balancing means. Because bringing it down a little bit is hating. Any respect anyone ever had for barbs just shiits down the drain with this toxic barb fangirl community.



Maybe all barb players are so outraged because you’re asking for nerfs to a class that has been ignored by the devs for years and barb players are sick and tired of being the ugly duckiling of D3 RoS.

Now after all this time barbs get some love from devs and you want to take it away from them just because they might overthrown Wiz in damage and become the best class DPS wise for a change…

So tell me who’s blind in here?

I wonder if there would be so many people asking for a barb nerf if chantodo wasn’t nerfed… :thinking: