Please nerf ww rend barb, it is much stronger than chantodo wizard before nerf

I want mild barb Nerfs (primarily just change lamentation from 200% to 100%). I’d prefer a wiz Nerf. But, if barb goes through as is then I think wiz should probably just be left the same (especially since the Nerf to wiz is apparently not working correctly). But no matter what, thorns necro should be nerfed. Making that play style for pushing is awful. As a necro main even I want that nerfed.

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a 33% nerf isn’t mild though


wtf thats not mild, if lamentation is on its own grp in the dmg calculation (i don’t kown that exacly i intended to be active with the start of the new season if my fun doesn’t get ruined until then…) then that would be an overkill
a nerf by 33% overall is NOT mild -.-

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Why not call for other classes to be raised up, rather than nerf a class that has had it’s first buff in years?


That would have been the case, if not Blizzard took the route to actually nerf something.

Thus limiting the powercreep a bit.

The nerf to wiz was needed, but to that, it’s not needed that we would have another outliner that exceeds the top by several levels.

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The only time where nerfs could be justified is if every class could solo GR150 in less than 5 minutes without any augments and under 2000 paragon…

Right now after over 5 years from RoS release we don’t even have a single class than can solo GR150 no matter what paragon or items you have…

Why cripple any class in favour for another. Honestly nerfing chantodo wasn’t smart. If it was left alone, just like the current WW rend should be we wouldn’t be having this conversation at all and barb could finally be a part of META not as zDPS support, but an actual damage dealer…

Anyway what can you expect from a player who only plays with wizards and has 7515 paragon with 130 augments, but no barb other than asking fo nerfs… You clearly have no idea how to play with a barb or only choose to play the most OP build that is currently in the game…

After all this time that Wizards reigned as the most OP class many can’t just deal with the fact that a barb who was neglected for years could take it’s place…

In my opinion all classes shouild be balanced arround 5 GR from the most OP class in game as it’s nearly impossible to make all classes equal unless of course we get all classes buffed so they can (finally) solo GR150…

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Oddly after EzFrank got shown to be a Wiz only player they never came back into this thread :thinking:


Yes it is. That’s like 2 GRs.

Also I’m using the word nerf loosely here. This is the ptr. So, giving feedback on thinking that the changes in the ptr seem overpowered isn’t asking for a nerf - it’s giving feedback for something that may or may not be implemented in live.

Also I’m not asking for buffs to every class because not every class needs buffs. It’s easier to tone down one batch of changes that aren’t yet implemented than it is to try and get 5 other classes buffed.

If the changes to barb go through as is, then great. But you may as well leave chantodos alone as well if that’s the case and slowly bring the other classes into line, but given how long it took barbs to get buffs I don’t have much confidence in other classes getting fixed timely. And for the record, again, I do not play wizard. I main necro (and am happy that thorns, a build based off a broken mechanic, is being taken out of the game for solo) and then on switch I play barb and necro primarily.

The “barb community” reallllly has an issue with anybody having an opinion other than their own…

I think they more have an issue with the only buff they’ve received in years, and every other class calling for it to be nerfed based on one player with 10.5K paragon.


we also know how good blizz is with numbers lately…better leave ww in a good place than annihalate the build

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OP has been identified as possible bot account(s) who mainly uses Wizard to bot, so maybe he’s running away from all this exposure?


Lamentation going from 200% to 100% is only about a 2-3 GR drop.

And honestly, I fully expect this to be the final outcome.

In a perfect world, Barbarians could enjoy being top dog for a patch or two. But just look at this toxic community. They don’t want to play Barbarian, so they won’t be happy if Barbarian is numero uno. So we have to have a dozen threads whining about Barbarians being OP.

How many threads were made when Chantodo got buffed to scale with attack speed as well as 4,000% weapon damage per stack?

This community is so toxic and selfish. Heaven forbid a class you don’t play is amazing for a while.

So here we are. All the whining and crying has me seeing deja vu. I just hope we don’t get Mortick’s 3.0 and nerfed back to oblivion after all of these temper tantrums.


Let’s assume we ignore darkpatator, does anyome mind if I use a grift clear of 131 as a benchmark?

For anyone who missed it, darkpatator discussed the current potential of the ww/rend build if the PTR goes live as is.

This is a reasonable solution. Barbs still #1.

The barb buff proposal asked for a 4.1 greater rift increase was necessary to achieve intraclass parity. Are you really complaining that you think a grift gain of 8.5 isn’t a big enough increase?

well there are 20 threads that barbs should be nerfed but wiz was fine huh?
and bazooka won’t even get nerfed -.-

edit: and i know what ptr’s are for but with barbs that’s too much again and wizz was ok…with both builds…seriously -.-


There is a difference in asking for a reduction in the magnitude of a buff in the PTR before it goes live and asking for a nerf after something has gone live. If something gets through the PTR as OP, it makes sense that it would be nerfed later. I have supported these nerfs in the past and currently.

This has been the case for a long time. DH marauder was nerfed after season 2, static charge monks were nerfed, etc… Most recently, both wizards Chantodo and Necromancer’s thorns/bone ringer.

The PTR is Public Test Realm. It is used to find bugs and presumably decide the extent of nerfs/buffs.

If they reduce lamentation from 200% to 100%, I would be OK with that. If it goes live as is @200%, I would be ok with that. However, if the nerf hammer comes to barbs later if they are OP, it will be interesting the comments of posters…

At the end of the day, it does not matter what I say, the developers are going to do what they are going to do.

if barb would be nerfed in 2 seasons to an ok lvl i would be fine, but there need to be other changes happening to barb in that time and an interesting seasontheme to keep me playing
and don’t use static charge as an example they killed that build, like nerfed it 3 times until it was dead and i assume marauder was also replaced after the nerf back then…blizz is good in killing builds more than in creating them


Now I get why people don’t like conversing with you.

At no point did I make any such complaint.

You’re really bad at this.


How many greater rifts do you think the current barb buff is?

Remember darkpatator has pushed on live and only completed a 133 using the “exploit” barb build. He did 140 within a day on the PTR using what he claims was suboptimal gear, a wrong rune, non-ancient shoulders (and as such not augmented), no FoT, bad pylon order, and on only the 2nd open map that he got on the PTR. He thinks he can do 144-146.

Why do you still think someone with 10.5K paragon is a relevant measure?