Hi, i play Frenzy barb, and the bug is really annoying with this build… We all know that the move speed pylon bump the ennemies when we touch them, so the bug is that ennemies can’t die during the bump, they die only when they come back on floor… they are totally immortal in the air, with 0% HP, and instantly die when touch the floor again… so i kill them in 1 hit since they start to get bump, but i must wait 2 sec more that they fall again… then my barb rush on the next ennemie. But during the whole bump, my barb still hit this dead flying mob, so i’m forced to cancel my click and restart the attack on an other mob… so in result, i have to click with my frenzy spell on ennemies, ONE PER ONE, its insanely unconfortable, imagine if it would be the same with the whirlwind build… click on each ennemies any times… please make them killable in air
Posting it again, a day later, just because you didn’t get an answer the first time isn’t going to help…
I played H90/Frenzy Barb for two straight weeks on the PTR where the set was introduced, and have played some on a non-seasonal Barb, and I have not noticed what you’re claiming is something we all know about.
Are you able to post a video of what you’re claiming is the bug being experienced?
I mean, when you take a move speed pylon, with the boots logo, and then you run faster, when you rush into an mob, on contact of your body, the ennemies will be throw in the air for a short time. And “Posting it again, a day later, just because you didn’t get an answer the first time isn’t going to help…” In fact i can wait some days, this is not the problem, its just that i dont understand why 10 peoples that whrited after me get an answer in 5 min, but not me in 24h? I tought an order of needs would be respected? And ok i will do a video it will easier i guess, i post it soon.
The replies you see in other threads are all from players just like you. A response from blizzard will have blue text, but Blizzard very rarely responds here. None of the other posters you are referring to have gotten any response from Blizzard either.
The last 5 responses from Blizzard were on:
Please read:How to Write a Good Bug Report - #3
- We read every single thread that is posted on this forum. However, we will not always respond to every thread. If you do not get a blue response, please DO NOT bump posts. We will ignore and possibly delete any post that simply says “Bump” or demands a response from a Blizzard poster.
https://youtu.be/Xmlrct9dJ7c Here is the video, we can see really good on many ennemies that they still alive in air with 0% HP and i still hit them. They die only when touching the ground again.
It looks to me as though you kill most of them while they are in the air. They will die when their falling animation ends.
You can not damage them while they are in the air because they are already dead and have no health left for you to take. If you just walked away from them after hitting them in the air, you would see that they will die when they land.
You just have to wait for the animation to complete, but they are already dead, that is why you can not damage them any further.
YES, exactly, now we understand us clearly. So this fact is not normal, we cant say that it was planed at game creation… its a coding forget, clearly, and its really uncomfortable. To avoid this i must stop my right click (frenzy spell) and click again on an other mob to go to him and let the previous die alone when landing, again and again, i must click on any mobs… borinnnnnnnnngggg… imagine if its the same with whirlwind set, must click on any mob, this is not normal gameplay… it shouldnt be like that… and im sure the majority of diablo 3 players would be agree.
So, tell me if I understand you correctly…
You are saying that while the mobs are in the air, but still dead, they are absorbing your attacks still, and it prevents you from hitting the alive mobs, unlike WW which can hit through all the mobs?
No, i say that my barbarian is stuck by attacking a dead flying ennemie if i dont stop using my Frenzy spell. Am i really alone to find unnormal that we can hit flying dead mobs ??
I have never played Frenzy Barb much, but isn’t that how it normally works? Don’t you normally have to click on the mobs one-by-one?
Nop its not normal use. Its a bit like WW if you have the spell on right click, your barb rush the mob, hit him 1 time, kill him, and rush the next who is under your cursor, you just have to keep pushing the right click and he will chain them all alone, dont need to click on them one-by-one
Sadly, I think this may indeed be considered “normal” by the devs. At least there are some Rift Guardian bosses, and Malthael that have to finish their death animations. I’m guessing in order to avoid any error message popping up. Sure, with a single target boss fight, you can simply stop attacking.
Multiple targets on the other hand, I can see it get annoying to have a dead target to click on and waste attacks on them. Dead foes should automatically be removed from the target pool so you don’t have to manually force your character to attack the next foe.
@OP With Frenzy barb I have the Frenzy skill / spell set to left click. One thing I do to partially remedy attacking only one enemy is to use Shift+click. Force the attack and let the game decide which will be the nearest target. With the 90 Savages set there is a mechanic where the Frenzy damage gets divided between multiple targets, which also may be helpful.
yes, when enemies are knocked up in the air, they cannot die even if you do enough damage to kill them. They will only die when they land. This is clearly a bug if you ask me.
Hopefully it is fixed soon…