Frenzy bug with speed pylon (enemies with 1hp or 0hp)

When you take speed pylon, (I have frenzy on right click, idk if that makes a difference) and you knock up enemies, they wont die until they land, even if they have zero/1 hp. U need to wait until they land before they die. They will not die on air even if they have zero/1 hp.

This seriously hampers my speed runs…As speed pylon last 2 minutes…I skip speed pylons…which is a shame since it helps with frenzy build…

Please read this thread and the accompanying replies…

Keep in mind that speed pylons are detrimental to many other builds as well.

I have read that(it’s how I know speed pylon is the culprit…otherwise I notice the bug but can’t pinpoint why it is happening), but since the thread is old I create a new one for this bug, cause maybe the dev missed it… So you are saying this is not a bug? It doesn’t make sense then, this has to be a bug. Why are monsters Invincible when they are on air?.. :(… It’s not good if it’s intended, it’s kinda stupid if it’s intended…sigh…

Reading that it may be intended upsets me, as I am just about to have fun with Savage set, and seeing this set benefits from all type of pylons greatly, unlike WW barb for example which doesn’t really benefit from Speed for example…

Blizzard says they read all bugs reports, but they very rarely respond here, and they are the only ones who can say for sure if it is intended or not.

They have known about it for over a year now, and have not addressed it. So either it IS a bug, and they choose not to address it, or it is NOT a bug, and they are silent on the issue.

Both of these are normal for Blizzard. There are several hundred known bugs in the game, and many of them have been around for years.

In the last patch, they did not fix any of the previously existing and well documented bugs.

Damn…just when I found a build that benefits from All Pylons…(for example it benefits greatly from Channeling since we don’t have 100% uptime for WOTB. Well, just skip it for now I guess… It’s a pity tho…

At least I don’t hear that it is 100% intended…yet…so that is a relief (for now)…

Btw…maybe this bug is there on other builds as well, just maybe because it’s not single target like Frenzy it is less noticeable…I don’t think I notice it on WW barb for example… Maybe I should keep an eye when playing WW…

EDIT: I can confirm it happens with WW rend build as well. It’s just harder to notice. With Speed pylon, enemies Knocked Up will not die until they land even tho you deal enough damage to kill them when they are on air…damnit lol…This effects frenzy build mainly…