Phalanx/Condemn Notes 2.7.4

Do you think it is worth bumping a skill to pick up the archangels for the season?

Depends how stinky they are. Ideally they’d help take down the Rift Guardian.

Correct. Punish/Celerity for max aggression; Smite/Reaping for a more defensive approach.

Slash/Zeal is my preferred variant to Punish/Celerity. This comes in handy when fighting multiple elites, so I can target them all at once. Alternately, in a crowd, when I can’t even see the elite, I can just hose the zone directly in front of me. Also, Slash/Zeal is a Holy attack, so it provides additional healing. By the way, in my experience, the extra healing from Slash/Zeal is more effective defensively, then the effect from Slash/Guard (and your AS gets a 10% bonus as a byproduct).

All the technical notes aside, congrats and on your finish and on the lucky primal drop.

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Thanks again for the explanations! I must confess I had never gotten into the technicalities of the left click skills. I’ll soon try Slash/Zeal on this build to fully grab and remember the difference!

Congrats R2 148. Hope you clear 150 soon :smile:

Here is the Video of the GR148 Clear
With a few more gameplay tips…

I also gave this build a new name to make it faster to type out.

A6 Phalcon > A6 Phalanx / Condemn


Nice vid! I have to really practice the gameplay loop more often in a pushing scenario. I also hope down the line, we get some better single target buffs to this build. Running Falling Sword for Angels seems like a must for the RG in the upcoming season. I’m also hoping Kassar gets fixed so we get extra cooldown and damage.

Grats, can you put a sticky on it? We need some stickies up in here.

Thanks for the video!

Great life management with only… 600k life - wow!

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Are you guys sure WoK isn’t working for skill damage? I accidently loaded up the original armory profile wearing it and did a 139, lol.

I’ll double check it again tonight.

Checking now one more time and Kassar doesn’t affect the sheet Phalanx damage, when it should and was in the past.

Okay thank you. Maybe it was the prophet rune that made him so gonzo. I went back to aughild and did 140. Time would have better but i got big stinky & died 4000 times.

Have played sufficient games in the last 24 hours on Akkan-Phalanx-Condemn APC – and I think Blizz and gamers community have a New Champion dethroning Necro-Blood-Nova for … .
Slowest Stricken Stacking Build in the current Game :scream_cat: :mending_heart:

Is Primary Attack to stack stricken the only controllable factor within gamer’s fingers? 0.0

Are there no alternative pointer / tip / to best RNGesus? except to pray for ADDS. from either Pylon at 99% or RG w minions. O.m.g #Hapless.Facing.RG

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Is it also necessary to do so in solo? (I’ve just removed my AD parangons points for my piece of mind and cleared gr 135 - not sure there was less lag, though.)

No, the adjustments are for group play only. Solo plays fine (for me, anyway).

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Thank You for this forum-post content + how-to-stack Stricken with this APC build.
Finally did a GR145 with lots of luck and RG Orlash with adds.

Even with Adds. from Power Pylon - taken at around 95% HP, Orlash was surviving at 33% HP with power gone. oohLaLA – Jeez, V.v. close shave.

Btw, I say APC has a lot of potential as S-Tier TK. What do you saders’ folk opine?

I’ve made some progress: I’ve just cleared gr 137 in 12’51 on a great set of maps! That’s the highest tier I have achieved in NS so far, on par with what I did with Akkhan Thorns Bomb. in era 2021-1, back when I was parangon 3200. Except this time, there is probably room for an additional 2 GRs.

I’m still playing with Unity + CoE instead of F&R and it feels like at parangon 3850, I am “condemned” to use Smite/Reaping to survive, especially vs the Boss. Or maybe I’m just not doing it right…

Anyway, Phalcon rocks!

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It’s not just you. I have settled for Unity/CoE despite having quite a ton of extra paragons (you can check the leaderboards for my death-free NS top finish with this variant). The build, when using F/R, is a beggar’s build that depends on good graces of the map and mob combos. I really do not enjoy playing like that. Completion means nothing to me unless I can stay alive first.
You are never truly in control of your survivability unless you have a Unity ring on. Even with that, just to be on the safe side, I use life per hit on both helm and bracers. Although that might come across as overkill at the first glance, lag spikes cause my hireling’s cheat death to proc often enough, even with the defensive approach. Life per hit helps me recover quickly.

Everything we recently acquired: Phalcon and AoV Fists Angelic effect causes massive lag in group and solo.

It is a big downside to being a Crusader lately.

As for survivability, come visit season and try Valor… it is cheat death city.