Personal Loot Pros/Cons

Hey Guys,

New to the forum here and I was curious what everyone thinks the possible pros/cons could be of implementing personal loot. I’m not posting this because I’m necessarily for or against it. I’m just curious what you all think the cost/benefit would be on the natural feel of the game.


Time to start reporting these posts as spam…


There are already about 100 threads made on this topic you can read through.

I agree. There are at least three posts about this just in today’s discussions. This person has to be a troll.

I agree this would hit ad nauseum if I’m using that right. Many sides have been presented continuously in a few other high posts.

That’s injecting something into these forums that we do not need, he presented yay or nay, I don’t see how you can attach more to him than that.

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I question the bolded part. What does this mean, is this a political statement?
If so, it needs be flagged as spam and kept out of this forum.

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And if it is, he flagged the wrong side of the spectrum for that behavior.

I was generally interested in thoughts on the idea. You should find something better to do.

Maybe people have been talking about it a lot. I just got here today and won’t be reading the entire forum before I make a post.

That sounds like a sound approach to any social situation.

Well his name is slacker :smiley:

To be fair, would you want to trawl all these posts about personal loot? It would take hours and its probably very repetitive.

Really the people doing the remaster should just make a decision, sticky a post at the top and end the debate.

-That’d be nice :+1:

Its an example relevant to the discussion.

I suggest 4 threads to you. Each is similar in that they will discuss the pros and cons of personal loot or making it an optional selection.

Stop Asking For Personal Loot - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

D2R: Personal Loot is a MUST for this game! - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Why Personal Loot, Item Filters, and Charm Inventory will ruin Diablo 2 - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Comment in Favor of Instancing loot and Removing Stamina Bar - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (


Your political views aren’t relative to this discussion at all, actually.

I don’t agree with most of your posted opinions on game changes but I must underline that this type of contribution in a forum on both spectrums of a question, is something that I deeply respect.


^ Read through the links that MicroRNA posted.

There is also

Personal vs FFA Loot in D2

Shared Drops ARE D2

and about a dozen more.


Thanks for compiling this list.

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I am not some evil villain, irrespective of what some might say. I just want options to placate both sides on this clearly divisive issue where valid, compelling arguments can be made to support both viewpoints.


It is almost comical how much hate you’ve gotten, called a troll and threatened with flagging etc. for simply stating your opinion on game mechanics.

Especially since those game mechanics do not have effects on the game at large, and every player would be given a choice on which game mode to play under.

Granted, I am one of these players who believe if we can have an autopick-free game, I don’t necessarily want both game choices…but, I think the idea is still a respectable one, even if I disagree with it.