Personal loot confirmed?

MF runs with friends are always a thing in D2.

Since you’re all friends, you share loot fairly.

Your friendship also gets tested if it is real this way as it is currently :slight_smile:


Better yet. Allow players to create public game that are either public loot or personal loot.

No. If there is a certain X% drop chance in a 8 player game, then simply make the personal loot drop (X/8)%. The total amount of drops are unaffected.

In relation to the trade economy, I have shown why personal loot promotes a more robust trade economy in comparison to global loot. It also, discourages leeching and autoclicker cheaters. Pease see this link for the math and simple logic.

D2R: Personal Loot is a MUST for this game! - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (


Drops are heavily influenced by the killing blow, and the Magic Find that this player has. This means that if someone with 300 MF does 99.9% of the damage, and a noob swings, deals 1 damage and kills baal, the dropped loot is very likely to be much worse than if the person with 300% MF would deal the killing blow. This is how it currently is in D2. If loot is crap during full player games, then its because noobs were all attacking the boss with their crap gear with zero MF, and they happen to deal 1 damage and deal the killing blow. Loot is crap across the board in that scenario.

Apart from Individual loot ruining the game-economy and overall player-base progression, it would also cause other issues.

Every noob with zero MF would either get individual loot based on their low or non-existent MF value, or they would receive the massive MF boosted loot rolls because of the player with high MF killing the boss.

Scenario 1:

Individual loot is determined by the MF value stacked by the person dealing the killing blow to the boss. The person with a well-geared and MF stacked character deals the killing blow.

The noob with zero MF that now benefits from someone elses MF stacking sacrifices, would get much better loot that he or she simply doesn’t deserve. This further gives an incentive of noobs to watch netflix and not care about the game, and just wait for the loot to be given out for free to them.

Scenario 2:

Individual Loot is determined by the MF value of each individual player, regardless of who deals the killing blow.

The noob with zero MF would moan and whine on the Forum because his or her loot is all quivers, pots and white/grey items, where as the other player with high MF and a well-geared character would get Crown of Ages, 2 random Uniques, 2 rares, and 2 blue items.

This noob then realizes, its best to stack as much MF as possible, and leech public games, dealing zero damage, and hoping for someone to join that actually deals damage. This means games will be infested with noobs stacking MF gear and everyone dealing zero damage standing around in town frustrated that none of the good players are joining multiplayer games anymore.

Scenario 3:

MF is averaged across all players. It doesn’t matter who did the killing blow, and instead calculates an average MF value and everyone gets loot based on this average MF value.

The Pro player now feels like his or her MF value is being reduced to very low levels and thus wasted, rendering Multiplayer games contra productive to the desired loot acquisition efforts. The pro player now prefers to play Solo, in order to not gimp his or her MF stacking efforts while still being powerful.

Public games in D2 are not about “Fairness”, they are about the fun of playing with others and get much better XP and the opportunity and benefits of sometimes getting lucky snagging items that are meant FREE FOR ALL “first come first serve”. If you suck at clicking fast, you need to get better at clicking faster, and get faster internet, or you earn your loot solo like any other good D2 player.

I play public games only for a couple reasons.

    1. I am bored and my team is not online, and I want to get more XP than during solo play, with the occasional “icing on top” of getting lucky with sniping boss loot faster than others.
    1. I am playing public games to Rush or Carry people out of boredom, and to show off my powerful characters and enjoy how noobs drool and envy me for my character level and my gear. I enjoy giving tips and tricks as well as help out the occasional player with spare loot I have lying around.

Until I am end-game geared, I always play with my team to get to Hell difficulty on the first Day of Ladder, and then everyone is doing MF solo. Multiplayer games with my team and friends, are done to get XP for everyone and we share the loot that might or might not drop and we split the profits evenly among the team.

Public Chaos and Baal runs have always been about leeching XP, chatting, having fun, die 100 times in a row laughing at eachother. And once in a while someone gets lucky and gets a HR or godly unique. Thats the best part about Multiplayer in D2. Rolling new chars with others, XP grinding with others, but also MF’ing solo to ensure the loot is yours.

If you cannot SOLO high level content then you do not deserve to get the spoils of that content, SIMPLE.

D2 did never hold your hand and advocate “everyone wins” mentality. D2 is about “Educate yourself, invest time and effort, and you will reap the profits”. If you want “everyone gets everything with no effort” then you need to play D3. D2 was always a game that revolved around “get good, or lose”.


The most likely option is that the leecher (irrespective of their magic find amount) lurks waiting for others to kill and swoops in to get the good drops. Therefore, the leecher gets a disproportionate share of the gear. This highlights why personal loot is better. If a game has a single leecher at most they can get 1/8 of the drops if personal loot. In global loot, the leecher can get far more than 1/8 of the drops.


Us talking about individual loot is like asking for D2R to change the perspective to be a First-Person Shooter. It simply wont happen and thank god for that :slight_smile:

The devs behind D2R know what they are doing and they already said they wont be making changes like that because thats not what Diablo 2 is. They also know they cannot afford to piss of D2 players, like it happened with WarCraft III Reforged, where a massive amount of refunds had to be issued to a pissed off fanbase.


Why would anybody join a game without public loot???

If you make it optional, it becomes the exact opposite.

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I don’t know where the people got the data that 60% of people will return the D2RE if they have a personal loot? I highly doubt if the people will return the D2RE for having personal loot.

Giving players the option to select shared or personal loot at game creation is the best way to handle this. It makes everyone happy (except those who like to snatch up all the loot) and it will have zero impact on the economy as you dont actually increase the drops you just assign what was dropped to players. Sometimes you will get no drop from a boss run which may not feel good but it sure feels better than seeing a drop and knowing someone else snatched it up.

Having the option will keep players playing the game longer as they will be joining more public games and interacting with others. If a majority of players get sick of shared loot and all go play solo they wont last long and the community will drop.

Everyone wins when you give players the option for shared or personal loot. More options is always a good thing. Let the community decide which is more enjoyable. If you are concerned about the majority of players wanting to play in personal loot games then I would say that concern on strengthens the point that we need personal loot. if 80% of the people want personal loot then it should 100% be added as an option.

As previously stated, gold is shared on pickup in a group and if you play in a private game it is actually personal loot.

For lack of better words, don’t get your hopes up.

Anyway its not Diablo 2… Personal loot is a D3/D4 thing. If your not clicking fast then sry but ajust your mouse speed or something. If you dont like low level low gear player to get the drop in ur public game… Play private game. And all ur example are flawd cause if you play a sorc you will have what 60% min of the dmg on boss every game with static ? So sorc get all the gear from now on ? LOL
Stop asking for change and trying to delay the game… Stop asking for change that would ruin the game for all of us the real diablo 2 player who played that game for 20 years. You will probably leave after the first ladder and never come back so please stop trying to ruin the game.

Speak for yourself because for me personal loot would not ruin the game but would keep multiplayer more active.


How it would keep multiplayer more active ? what is the reasoning behind this ? From what i see pepole played D3 and now want D2 to be like D3 and its not.

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nah, personal loot… not good. it goes against the dark diablo world.


I hope personal loot never sees white day in D2R !


If you would use that formula wouldn’t you discourage multiplaying as the guy with high mf will get his mf rate divided by 8. That would mean that mf runs would only make sense of all have a high mf rate. This would make it for new players and players with less experince super hard to get good loot and experinced players would benefit. I am still not convinced that would be really benefical for the economy. I still prefer the global loot over personal loot. It was one aspect I was done with d3 so quickly.

Wait for more information on this one. They said Cross Progression (char saves). So far they have not confirmed that different platforms can play together in the same game instances.

This would Not Be fair in the sense of PC gamers getting a left and right click only setup while console has Multiple skills and utilities available readily. I can’t see a Cross Play ever being a thing from what they’ve said. it would Burn the pc users for Pvp.

I recall a video or Q&A where they stated that you will not have cross platform play at launc. For example, a playstation player can not play with a PC player. I assume someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

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These awful bad ideas have already been implemented in very popular mods and they have a huge following.
Try to consider what is best for the game and not your personal wants for it. This is not D2 anymore, its D2R. Its already a very different game. If its not to your liking, I can respect that. D2 is still there for you and me. If more modern players will play this game due to these changes, then I will gladly forgo these old, antiquated game mechanics. The way I see it, the more attention/players play this game, the better the chances are that D2R team will continue to support it. I want to play with my friends who are now all adults and have full time lives. They are not interested in coming back to a game that has such harsh requirements when it comes to time/inventory management. They just want to be able to beat the prime evils again with the favorite fully geared characters and relive their childhood memories.
For me personally, I enjoy giving more than taking. Can you say the same? I remember back in the day picking up (before anyone else due to positioning) an item that was really valuable and I chose to give it to my friend. The act of giving was more powerful than the rush of trying to compete to pick up the item. I also did not enjoy the fact that everyone knows what items were picked up in a pub game. You become the center of attention and I find this to be unwanted attention.
In conclusion, I support what is best for the game. Even if I don’t like it, as long as it brings in more players.

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Learn to play, get good and stop crying.

D2 is fine as it is.


my only real argument against personalized loot would be the market. instead of “4” items dropping from baal, now you will have “32” (in an 8 person game) dropping. i completely understand that 99% will be junk drops but the “CHance” of more drops is 100%. on a different note i am a “purist” when it comes to drops… i believe that “boss” drops shouldn’t be as common as they are. i would like to see the “drops” from uniques instead of boss drops… would make people actually clear an area instead of farming bosses. my 2cents.