Current Diablo playerbase

he is just stating facts

Nobody want personnal loot, except noisy minotiy.

Keep D2 as it is.
Final point.


For all these snowflakes wanting PL go play d3 …
D2 may not be for Snowflakes such as your self let the modders mod you a carebear d2 you can get your pl in no hostile etc so your princess snowflake self can handle the game… !!


Actually … A special place for charms in the inventory would be great… I played the game for many years and most of the mods. Basically all mods that u can play have some storage for charms only… Thats good. You rly want to mess around with a full inv of skiller and life charms ? When u get an item youll have to put it in your 3x3 cube…

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Shared loot absolutely sucked top to bottom. It was the worst thing about the game. You lose items to pickit and ping. WOW MUCH SKILL!

The rest of your hyperbole is so ridiculous I won’t even address it.


i would argue that 90% of everyone who has ever played diablo 2 would be in favor for personal loot, just a noisy minority on here that cant see their game change


I disagree to add personal loot, its make game more interesting.

Make it an option, play that way all you want. A lot of us have always hated this aspect of D2 and we want the option. I think it would be so amazing.


Agreed! Let the fans who loved the original game experience it that way!

Just admit defeat already haha! I think that some of you guys will learn to love shared loot!


Why do you think avid D2 players who disliked FFA loot in the early 2000s would learn to love shared loot, especially when we now have firsthand knowledge of the merits of personal loot?

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There’s no way to really win this topic in todays day and age. Like said above back in the day we had no idea what PL was so having to scramble over the boss before they died and mass click our mouse for pickups was all we knew. Given the date and games released since, people have just come accustomed to how certain drops work and no other game since D2 back in the day has made people scramble the way we had to for loot drops.

I’m personally against PL in D2 as like I said above having to click faster then other players or by chance of luck get 1 of the 2 legendaries that drop was the fun and intensity of the game. I used to run numerous Baal & Mephisto runs and get nothing and watch my friend get and item or two and be like damn… Then other times it would happen for me.

Also I don’t think they’re should even be a toggle option either or if they do then make it so you can only que and play with other players with it toggled on. Cause when you start mixing things like that in game, you have one side of players playing it to its intended spot for spot remake but with new visuals then you have your Quality of Lifers who are just gonna blow past those players on Leaderboards and etc cause they’re basically always getting items as opposed to the some killing bosses and getting stiffed. It would become way too unbalanced.

Even though like the devs said they’ll never doubt the power of the internet and what it can do and if bots and everything will make it past the new Anti-Cheat software they’ll be using. Bots can bot all they want but reporting is also more intense now then ever so unless they start looping their bots fast enough and off-loading/trading to then another account i’m sure accounts will be banned and all items lost. So hopefully we have at least some nice time between launch and the future before the community gets loaded with those. I also know we were able to have two different D2 clients up at the same time for keeping a mule in place while trading between your chars and not losing the game. I’m wondering if they’re gonna make it the same or account tied through BNET??

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Its going to be hunting season on hardcore with all the noobs.

I C A N N O T W A I T.


Haha this is hilarious!

I have played d2 since the day it came out. There is nothing to “learn” about it.

The rest of what he said is nonsense. Things like “plz automated play so i don’t have to click my mouse”. Big victory you got there.


He is being sarcastic! We shouldn’t get so butt hurt just talking about this kind of stuff. I think it should be an opportunity to have an open mind to accomplish all of our goals of enjoying this game to the fullest. In order to do that we need to throw our ego out the window and really think of all the different factors one needs to consider when releasing a successful game.

A great way to do this would be to add a feedback loop like you see in other apps after you have used their services. This could even be a common feature module that is built out so it can be imported for future games or existing games. It could look like this show in game feedback questions to players who have hit certain triggers i.e.20 hour in game hours, again at the 40 hour mark then again at the 100 hour mark, and you can see how the opinion changes based on play time or the “actual majority of players”. I see all these comments about “this doesn’t cover the base majority of players” but that comment means nothing and doesn’t hold any weight because it’s not based on facts. I say we get the facts by showing these feedback/survey screens after particular points of in game hours. Then all the people making decisions can look at something tangible and make choices with hard facts. I do strongly believe that many of the people asking for all these drastic changes aren’t considering development time or finances and just talking out of pure emotion. The demographics on this forum vs a different one may be completely different as well so to not get a biased opinion these surveys/feedback collection should happen in game based on certain time triggers, or even event triggers.


You are too optimistic. You know what happens around these parts!

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Play in a passworded game w friends, there fixed it

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Current Diablo playerbase

General Discussion

Play in a passworded game w friends, there fixed it

1 hour

Personal VS FFA Loot in D2

General Discussion

Use a passworded game, play w friends.

27 Feb

Personal loot confirmed?

General Discussion

nah, personal loot… not good. it goes against the dark diablo world.

your post history. LOL

GTFO :rofl:

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I understand some QOL changes here and there but people are wanting this to be an entirely different games. Why fix what’s not broken. I’ll Be happy if they keep the game the same, and are more strict with hackers. Botting, duping, bot spam and map cheats really ruined the experience for me

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