Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list

Just being designed without the ability to set-mix did not prevent them from having been interesting and creative.

If they would have been been able to mix with other sets, then this eventually would have disabled potential creativity in the first place.

I agree, but that is a discussion about sets in D3 as whole in the context of the question if these massive skill-specific multipliers should even exist in the first place.

If we have this discussion from the point of where D3 currently is, and assume that there will be no large redesigns in regards to the itemization philosophy of D3 (aka sets are king), then there is nothing we can change about these 10.000% damage multipliers on 6 piece sets.

Okay, I see.

But as I said, for a similar purpose, a legendary item (or a legendary gem) that would give you a similar effect would be better for that instead of the Blackthorns set:

  • As long as you do not have more than a (2) piece set bonus enabled, gain xx% increased damage and x% reduced damage taken.

That way you can have the (2) piece bonuses from at least 5 different sets activated (3 class sets + weapon/off-hand set + F&R or Endless Walk) or even more, which is imo much more interesting than Blackthorns taking away 3-4 item slots.

Exactly, just as being able to be mix doesn’t prevent them from being creative and/or interesting either.

Of course, my point though wasn’t about sets as a whole, only that I don’t find the set bonuses that give massive damage boosts interesting in the first place. Of course, that could just be because after playing Diablo 3 for so long, I’m used to seeing it. If I were a new player, then maybe I would find it interesting?

Copy-caters indeed cannot think for themselves… This much has already been known…

Those with underperforming QOL sets need to first re-evaluate their lives and only then should they resume online gaming… Oh Emm Gee, like, I thought that was obvious, like oh em gee…

Seriously, like, oh em gee… :neutral_face:

Yes, but it leads to (potential) balance problems that come from (unintended) synergies.

Me neither.

Sure, maybe, but in the end D3’s itemization with the focus on these massive skill-specific multipliers is just not really good.

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I just want countdown timer for ubers like the one on greed.

Also rase the primal drop rate too!

It would be nice if you could close the uber portals instead of needing to make a new game.

Now you’re getting it. your idea might even be better, if it’s limited to only 2 pieces. a lot harder to code, though, right?

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Might I suggest reaching out to well known players of each class and getting a list of what they view as high priority, simple fixes, and seeing what the design team is able to implement? For Wizards, I would suggest Cratic or Tinne-onn-muin?

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I don’t know, I can’t tell you.
Maybe it would be more difficult to code, but still fairly easy, dunno.

Here is some small suggestions:

Any item that gives a special effect to the X skill should get the damage boost as well.

For example:

Spines of Seething Hatred - Chakram now generates 4 Hatred
Kridershot - Elemental Arrow now generates 3 Hatred.

This quiver should give Chakram damage bonus as well or else no one will use that. The same goes for Kridershot.

Also, all those crafting legendaries from Blacksmith should have legendary power as well. All those crafting manuals that gotten from bounty is pretty wasted since we have no reason to craft most of them.

And lastly, I hope that you can make the follower is more useful for the solo player by making them deal enough damage at higher torment as well. Maybe those every follower’s special token should have 2nd legendary power that will boost follower’s damage (10,000% damage boost?).

The follower with Immortal Token is pretty much needed for higher torment level so maybe it is time to make them immortal by default so we can pick other useful tokens (unlock all skills or reduce CDR for follower skill).

Please consider some of these suggestions.


I would love to if you didn’t have to upgrade your gems AT ALL in GRs, but instead the GR Guardian would just drop ONE random gem with the rank of the level of the cleared GR. Of course every time you clear a GR you would get a different gem and once you have all gems the GR Guardian just drops them again in random order, but each time a different one.

Urshi would appear only ONCE after your very first GR clear and after speaking to her you would get a special “jeweler recipe or unlock a new Kanai Cube recipe” allowing you to upgrade a specific gem by 5 ranks when you transmute 2 legendary gems of the same rank and kind, for example:

  • 2 Bane of the Trapped Rank 80 legendary gems = 1 Bane of the Trapped Rank 85 legendary gem

Would also love if all gems would be maxed out at rank 100 and their power level would be adjusted to the current 150 one.

This would require to adjust caldesans too. You could do it by making the highiest caldesan 500 instead of 750, but instead of getting 500 main stat you would get 1000 at cladesan 500 plus 1 random primary and 1 random secondary additional affix.
This change would allow to make sets like UE multishot stronger if you get additional discipline on your Yang, DML quiver and UE Chest Armor, but you would have to “fish” for it to get it, same with thorns set for crusader or other sets, legendary items or builds…

These changes would allow players who prefer to play solo instead of joining META groups to have a chance of clearing highier than just 100-120 GR max GRs in seasons and would make META runs faster, so it’s a gain for both casual or hardcore SOLO GRs players and for those who spend 4-12+ hours in META groups only. Of course it would probably allow some players to clear 150 GR in the 1st or 2nd day of season, but other players who can’t play the game for over 10h a day mostly in META groups would have a chance of doing up to 120-130 GR or maybe even try to clear a 140 GR if it’s possible with their build.

This change would also lower the gap between SOLO players and META groups in GRs in both season and non-season.
META groups would still be arround 10-20 GRs highier in clearing highiest GRs from Solo players, but it’s still better than 20-50 GR difference.
You wouldn’t also be forced to play in META groups or any groups at all to achieve your highiest GR clear in game by playing solo.

Whimsyshire and Whimsydale (the rainbow pony levels) should also drop Royal Gems only from all the “clickables”, same with Horadric Caches from bounties or in the “Ancient Vault”…

If you really care about our suggestions, than think about it, cause as of right now casual and SOLO GRs only players are being COMPLETELY IGNORED by you…


This is a terrible way to accomplish that.

All that needs to happen is for them to make it so you only receive bonuses from the set you’re wearing the highest number of. So you wear 2 piece Natalya and 4 piece Dreadlands, you only get Dreadlands bonuses.

The way you want to do it would remove a lot of what little gear diversity there is when it comes to sets.

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Would it be fair to say that players giving ‘feedback’ should be realistic in terms of ‘suggestions’ ?
By which i mean suggesting a complete mechanic overhaul, complete change of skill/spell, or complete changing of existing set effects/mechanics, should be avoided as it is unrealistic to ask for such a time/money/effort investment over ‘simple’ tweaks and changes.

I dont think its much to ask for Acitivsion to simply and poignantly state what limitations we are working with.

If you allow ‘players’ to build themselves up thinking grand changes may be coming from openly allowing them to give more complex ‘feedback suggestions’, it is likely to lead to disappointment when the patch drops and things are …‘less’.

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I would enjoy pretty much all of this. It would freshen the game in ways that would take quite some time to get stale. That being said it is a massive undertaking and would require much testing to ensure balance. If the devs are up to the challenge, I am up for the experience!!!

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Hi all!
I got some proposals about transfer S18-21 bonuses to NS and 1 proposal for barb.
Dear Blizzard! Check this list pls!

  1. Oculus Ring has new power: 3 area from S18
  2. Hellfire Ring has new power: something similar like S19 or S21 bonuses.
  3. Hellfire Neck has new power: something similar like S19 or S21 bonuses.
  4. Hellfire Ring and Hellfire Neck is going to new set with additional set bonus with something similar like S19 or S21 bonuses. At the same time items retain their previous properties (the ring has a secondary property with an experience bonus, as well as a new passive power from item two of this list, and the neck retains a bonus with a passive skill and a new passive power, as well as a new passive power from item 3 of this list)
  5. Kanai’s cube got properties from S20 permanent on NS and all next seasons since s22.
  6. Remorseless has a* New Legendary Power: Hammer of the Ancients gains two additional hammers and deals [200-250%] more damage While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active

P.S. sry for my english, I live in Russia and I play in Europe region.
Thank you!

Is there any chance the two CM’s will at least acknowledge the Console forum? We have not had one post in there despite a healthy playerbase playing Seasons.

There are some fundamental issues with the console version, cheating aside, that need addressed and after no interaction from previous CM’s I had hoped the two new ones would at least interact with us.

But as yet…nothing.


Agreed, I also like the idea that he will keep it up to date with more info as needed.

So most of these changes sounds good. But it’s just not going to make the game better, if you really want to solve D3’s problems, you should consider some of the following:

  • The loot frequency is waaay to high, having legendaries drop every 5 second or less, is not rewarding and shortens the games life. It’s simply not fun being fully geared with all the items you need after 1-2 days of a new season, sometimes it’s after hours. Also the set-item bag we get every season is a complete bummer, there is no excitement in finding new gear when you just get a full gear set instantly after reaching level 70.

  • “Support” / “Zero-dps” players is a lame way to play the game. 3 players can create a fresh character, gear up with support items after a few hours and be able to run the highest greater rift with ease, given that the “damage” player has what it takes. This is a VERY unrewarding way to play the game, especially for the support players, they have no purpose of improving their gear. Which this game is all about. This would be fine, if there were other options to compete with this, but there just isn’t. Having a support on your team makes everything so much easier and faster but also super boring.

  • Paragon levels: Is gained too fast, being 800+ after a few days of a fresh season ruins the end game. Having endless levels is fun, but the progression after paragon 800 should be slowed down by a huge amount.

  • Make bounties harder and increase it’s rewards. 1-shotting every bounty on highest difficulty just feels like a boring task, to gain some crafting materials. Nobody really enjoys this.

  • Increase greater rift difficulty - People are doing 150 GR’s after 2-3 weeks of a fresh season, that’s not end-game content.

  • Runes on skills; a lot of runes on skills are still very outdated or unbalanced. Some runes are even straight up useless compared to other runes.


  • Over all; tune down the progression by a lot, every season is popular for 1 week, then everyone feels bored because their is no excitement of finding new items or completing the next difficult chapter.

Please no… Adding primals to the game was a great addition. Loot is already way too easy to obtain, it should rather be scaled down…

Some more suggestions to increase build diversity and improve gameplay for casuals and SOLO players (groups too):

Sage's Journey Set

Change it from:

(2) Set:
+250 Strength
+250 Dexterity
+250 Intelligence
+250 Vitality
(3) Set:
Double the amount of Death’s Breath that drop.


(2) Set:
+750 Strength
+750 Dexterity
+750 Intelligence
+750 Vitality
+250 Resistance to All Elements
(3) Set:
Quadruple the amount of All Crafting Materials that drop.

The (3) set pieces bonus includes crafting materials from Horadric Caches and Ubers organs. This means that on T16 instead of 22 of each Act specific Crafting Materials you get 88.

Bounties are already a HUGE PAIN to SOLO and even doing them in groups takes too long…

Those who don’t spend more than 4-6h a day playing D3 Ros would greatly appreciate this change.

Cain's Destiny Set

Change it from:

(2) Set:
Attack Speed Increased by 8.0%
+50% Experience. (5.0% at level 70)
(3) Set:
When a Greater Rift Keystone drops, there is a 25% chance for an extra one to drop.


(2) Set:
Attack Speed Increased by 8.0%
+250% Experience. (25.0% at level 70)
(3) Set:
Double the amount of Greater Rift Keystones that drop.

This is a much better solution for Solo players in early seasons and the Experience bonus helps getting more Experience faster.

Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Change the Legendary power from:

Reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by 1 second when you hit with a resource-spending attack.


Gain 15% Cooldown and Resource Cost Reduction and reduce the remaining cooldown of all of your skills by 1 second when you hit with a resource-spending or generating attack.

Remove “Reduces all resource costs by [5.0 - 8.0]%” from roll and replace it with Main Stat.

Pride's Fall

Change the legendary power from:

Your resource costs are reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.


Your resource costs are reduced by 30%.

Thanks to this change you no longer have to worry about being hit and combined with the Obsidian Ring of Zodiac it could really help you with builds based on “spamming” resource spending attacks.

Depth Diggers

Change the legendary power from:

Primary skills that generate resource deal 80-100% additional damage.


Primary and resource generating skills deal 150-200% additional damage.

This change would give a reason to try out builds based on legendary items that allow certian skills to generate resource instead of spending it like for example the Chakram and Elemental Arrow for Demon Hunters or Blessed Shield for Crusaders.

Visage of Gunes

Change the legendary power from:

Vengeance gains the effect of the Dark Heart rune.


Vengeance gains the effect of the Dark Heart and Seethe rune.

As a Demon Hunter only I would love to see this change happen.

Increasing Build Diversity

Instead of the current formula of class specific sets:

(2) pieces
(4) pieces
(6) pieces

change it to:

(2) pieces
(3) pieces
(4) pieces

This change would allow to even combine TWO full sets or increase the efficiency one a lot.

Allow Barbarians to DUAL WIELD 2H WEAPONS...

Do it, but lower the damage by 10% when you use TWO 2-Handed weapons (similar mechanic like in D2 LoD).

Resource generating Globes

Why weren’t they added to D3 from day 1? Each globe would replenish 20% or your resource.

Crafting Materials

All Crafting Materials dropped from monsters, chests, “clickables” and goblins should be in STACKS instead of multiple single pieces like Death Breaths or Forgotten Souls.

Auto pick up Crafting Materials like Gold

Rename the affix “Increases Gold and Health Pickup by … Yards” to just “Increase Pickup Radius by … Yards” and allow all crafting materials to be AUTO picked up like gold and Health Globes.
All Crafting Materials are added seperatly to another window like Gold and Blood Shards. You can’t unstack them or phisically move them, so this change would make perfect sense.

Fix Armory

Right now it’s design is just horrible if all the items need to be in your stash INSTEAD in the ARMORY like it should be from the start. This change would greatly benefit players who play with ALL classes instead with just one, because of lack of storage…

Stash Tabs

Add 2 or even 4 extra stash tabs after completing Season Journey. By doing this maybe more players would consider buying another D3 RoS copy, cause they wouldn’t have to worry about limited storage space after completing just ONE season journey like they have to now.


Lower all 60-120 seconds cooldown skills to 30-60 seconds. This way we won’t have to “stack” cooldown reduction on almost all of our items…