Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list

Is there any chance the two CM’s will at least acknowledge the Console forum? We have not had one post in there despite a healthy playerbase playing Seasons.

There are some fundamental issues with the console version, cheating aside, that need addressed and after no interaction from previous CM’s I had hoped the two new ones would at least interact with us.

But as yet…nothing.


Agreed, I also like the idea that he will keep it up to date with more info as needed.

So most of these changes sounds good. But it’s just not going to make the game better, if you really want to solve D3’s problems, you should consider some of the following:

  • The loot frequency is waaay to high, having legendaries drop every 5 second or less, is not rewarding and shortens the games life. It’s simply not fun being fully geared with all the items you need after 1-2 days of a new season, sometimes it’s after hours. Also the set-item bag we get every season is a complete bummer, there is no excitement in finding new gear when you just get a full gear set instantly after reaching level 70.

  • “Support” / “Zero-dps” players is a lame way to play the game. 3 players can create a fresh character, gear up with support items after a few hours and be able to run the highest greater rift with ease, given that the “damage” player has what it takes. This is a VERY unrewarding way to play the game, especially for the support players, they have no purpose of improving their gear. Which this game is all about. This would be fine, if there were other options to compete with this, but there just isn’t. Having a support on your team makes everything so much easier and faster but also super boring.

  • Paragon levels: Is gained too fast, being 800+ after a few days of a fresh season ruins the end game. Having endless levels is fun, but the progression after paragon 800 should be slowed down by a huge amount.

  • Make bounties harder and increase it’s rewards. 1-shotting every bounty on highest difficulty just feels like a boring task, to gain some crafting materials. Nobody really enjoys this.

  • Increase greater rift difficulty - People are doing 150 GR’s after 2-3 weeks of a fresh season, that’s not end-game content.

  • Runes on skills; a lot of runes on skills are still very outdated or unbalanced. Some runes are even straight up useless compared to other runes.


  • Over all; tune down the progression by a lot, every season is popular for 1 week, then everyone feels bored because their is no excitement of finding new items or completing the next difficult chapter.

Please no… Adding primals to the game was a great addition. Loot is already way too easy to obtain, it should rather be scaled down…

Some more suggestions to increase build diversity and improve gameplay for casuals and SOLO players (groups too):

Sage's Journey Set

Change it from:

(2) Set:
+250 Strength
+250 Dexterity
+250 Intelligence
+250 Vitality
(3) Set:
Double the amount of Death’s Breath that drop.


(2) Set:
+750 Strength
+750 Dexterity
+750 Intelligence
+750 Vitality
+250 Resistance to All Elements
(3) Set:
Quadruple the amount of All Crafting Materials that drop.

The (3) set pieces bonus includes crafting materials from Horadric Caches and Ubers organs. This means that on T16 instead of 22 of each Act specific Crafting Materials you get 88.

Bounties are already a HUGE PAIN to SOLO and even doing them in groups takes too long…

Those who don’t spend more than 4-6h a day playing D3 Ros would greatly appreciate this change.

Cain's Destiny Set

Change it from:

(2) Set:
Attack Speed Increased by 8.0%
+50% Experience. (5.0% at level 70)
(3) Set:
When a Greater Rift Keystone drops, there is a 25% chance for an extra one to drop.


(2) Set:
Attack Speed Increased by 8.0%
+250% Experience. (25.0% at level 70)
(3) Set:
Double the amount of Greater Rift Keystones that drop.

This is a much better solution for Solo players in early seasons and the Experience bonus helps getting more Experience faster.

Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Change the Legendary power from:

Reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by 1 second when you hit with a resource-spending attack.


Gain 15% Cooldown and Resource Cost Reduction and reduce the remaining cooldown of all of your skills by 1 second when you hit with a resource-spending or generating attack.

Remove “Reduces all resource costs by [5.0 - 8.0]%” from roll and replace it with Main Stat.

Pride's Fall

Change the legendary power from:

Your resource costs are reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.


Your resource costs are reduced by 30%.

Thanks to this change you no longer have to worry about being hit and combined with the Obsidian Ring of Zodiac it could really help you with builds based on “spamming” resource spending attacks.

Depth Diggers

Change the legendary power from:

Primary skills that generate resource deal 80-100% additional damage.


Primary and resource generating skills deal 150-200% additional damage.

This change would give a reason to try out builds based on legendary items that allow certian skills to generate resource instead of spending it like for example the Chakram and Elemental Arrow for Demon Hunters or Blessed Shield for Crusaders.

Visage of Gunes

Change the legendary power from:

Vengeance gains the effect of the Dark Heart rune.


Vengeance gains the effect of the Dark Heart and Seethe rune.

As a Demon Hunter only I would love to see this change happen.

Increasing Build Diversity

Instead of the current formula of class specific sets:

(2) pieces
(4) pieces
(6) pieces

change it to:

(2) pieces
(3) pieces
(4) pieces

This change would allow to even combine TWO full sets or increase the efficiency one a lot.

Allow Barbarians to DUAL WIELD 2H WEAPONS...

Do it, but lower the damage by 10% when you use TWO 2-Handed weapons (similar mechanic like in D2 LoD).

Resource generating Globes

Why weren’t they added to D3 from day 1? Each globe would replenish 20% or your resource.

Crafting Materials

All Crafting Materials dropped from monsters, chests, “clickables” and goblins should be in STACKS instead of multiple single pieces like Death Breaths or Forgotten Souls.

Auto pick up Crafting Materials like Gold

Rename the affix “Increases Gold and Health Pickup by … Yards” to just “Increase Pickup Radius by … Yards” and allow all crafting materials to be AUTO picked up like gold and Health Globes.
All Crafting Materials are added seperatly to another window like Gold and Blood Shards. You can’t unstack them or phisically move them, so this change would make perfect sense.

Fix Armory

Right now it’s design is just horrible if all the items need to be in your stash INSTEAD in the ARMORY like it should be from the start. This change would greatly benefit players who play with ALL classes instead with just one, because of lack of storage…

Stash Tabs

Add 2 or even 4 extra stash tabs after completing Season Journey. By doing this maybe more players would consider buying another D3 RoS copy, cause they wouldn’t have to worry about limited storage space after completing just ONE season journey like they have to now.


Lower all 60-120 seconds cooldown skills to 30-60 seconds. This way we won’t have to “stack” cooldown reduction on almost all of our items…


Thanks for the lists and I’d like to add a few suggestions of my own -

Blackthorne’s Battlegear:

2 Piece:
Nephelam Glory globes have a chance to drop when you hit enemies and increase your damage vs elites by 10% per Nephelam Glory stack.

3 Piece:
While under the effects of Nephelam Glory, you become immune to Desecrator, Molten, and Plagued monster affix ground effects and gain 50% movement speed.

4 Piece:
Increase your damage done and reduce all damage taken by 20% for each Nephelam Glory stack.

5 Piece:
While under the effects of Nephelam Glory, increase all your non-ability, item based damage by 25,000%.

Comprehensive suggestions to existing legendaries that need it:

Suggestions to outdated crafted sets:

Would be nice if you could implement this 1:1 into the next season. (Ofc let us test all the stuff on PTR first, so numbers can be adjusted). :wink:

Now that legendary items drop as candies from pinatas, would be great to have salvage all legendary items (with exclusion of ancient and primal) option at blacksmith.


That would be a downgrade imo.
More items should have qualifiers for when their bonus applies, to be better at being “gameplay changing”, as I believe was originally the goal for legendaries.
The whole point of that item is that you should worry about being hit.

While I would be quite happy with reducing the set sizes (since sets in D3 are awful, so anything that makes them take up less item slots is good), you would most certainly have to make it impossible to gain the effects from 2 different class sets in such a scenario.

Because resources were supposed to be limited.
Oh well. RIP resource system.
(I am not necessarily against resource globes, though it should be a build choice then, something that reduces your power in other ways. Like make it gear affixes, passive skills etc. For D4 it could be interesting).

That would be good. Should probably also cut the power of the skills in half however.
Also, the cooldown on the skills should only start after the effect runs out.

Some follower legendaries:

Enemies hit by a follower takes 50% more dmg for 3 seconds from the same dmg type (fire, lightning etc.)
(so a follower using a lightning sword, would make enemies take more lightning dmg etc. Also affected by their dmg skills of course)

Follower gets an aura
Templar: Might - Players affected deal 30% more dmg to enemies within 20 yards, chance to stun enemy for 1 second on hits.
Enchantress: Holy Freeze - enemies affected attacks 20% slower and deals 20% less dmg. Has a chance to randomly freeze enemies for 1 sec
Scoundrel: Blessed Aim - Players affected deal 30% more dmg to enemies at least 20 yards away, chance to stun enemy for 1 second on hits.

(alternatively, just have 3 items, so people can mix aura and follower as they want - though I’d be fine with having some consequence to which you use)

(and immortal followers should become baseline, so the other follower unique items could get some use)


I think follower specific legendary is a very good idea. It will help close the gap between solo and group play.

I think Templar should be a healer and defend buff.
Enchantress should damage and debuff enemy.
Scoundrel should be about control impair and speed buff.

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I get the idea and I agree that everyone should have a specific roll, but I think that the Enchantress should be about CC’s and debuffs, while the Scoundrel should be the damage dealer and also increase your damage.

Maybe it also could be made that we can have all three followers with us all the time, either by default, or by equipping a legendary ring that allows us to do so.

Maybe Unity had to change a bit because of that so you don’t just get 75% damage reduction from it in solo (not sure if that would be a good thing or not.


  • 50% of the damage you take is instead transferred to everyone in your group who also wears this rings and the damage that is transferred is split evenly among them.

That way, regardless of how much people (or followers) in your party are wearing the ring, you still only get 50% DR from it.

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This is my wish list for 2.7

  1. A close button for GR if is a very bad map.
  2. Ancient cow portal with more pools
  3. Blacksmith update
    3.1. auto burn white, blue and yellow items when you pick up
    3.2. empower creation of items to make ancient easily but more expensive
  4. Jewelry update
    4.1. More sets like Cain
    4.2. new level of gems
    4.3. extract caldesann of item
  5. Mystic update
    5.1. new transmogs
    5.2. more colors
    5.3. create wings
  6. Add t17, t18, t19, t20
  7. Update Ubers for more challenge
  8. Balance to all classes
  9. Follower update
    9.1. Follower exclusive items
    9.2. caldesann can give more power to follower
    9.3. follower now can work like a second cube with items
  10. Now we can buy tabs with real money
  11. Primal vault
  12. Primal cow level with ultimate boss fight all bosses at same time
  13. Cow level can be closed
  14. Max level of GR is increased to 175
  15. Balance with never used legendary items
  16. Blackthorne update
  17. Cube recipe for upgrade old items (only primal)

It’s needed. Cuz when krinder shot was created we didnt have a lot of set bonus. After that all spender got boosted by a lot to be viable. So it make total sense to boost it.


Problem imo is, in D3 the only thing the followers can really offer, that players care about, is player dmg, and to a lesser degree, player survival. There is no way Blizzard will manage to make followers valuable on their own, they will only be buff/debuff machines (hopefully in D4 they can be something more).

If one follower buffs your dmg, another buffs your survival, and a third CC enemies, my assumption would be that nearly everyone pick the dmg one, some pick the survival one, nobody picks the CC one.
So I’d rather see it be 2 dmg dealers and 1 survival buffer. With the survival buff being substantially larger than the dmg buff, in an attempt to balance it out. All 3 could offer CC too, as they do with the amulet above.

Of course, their actual skill set should still be about healing, CC etc., as they are now. Making immortality baseline for the followers would allow us to use the follower items that lowers CD on their skills, so their “class fantasy” roles would be strengthened.
Might be a good idea to buff the followers skills too. But in the end, I bet only stuff that directly buffs the player will really matter.
And since D3 is all about the loot hunt, it seems reasonable to add follower power through new items, and not through their skill set, which is already fully unlocked during lvling.

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I also feel that follower’s skill number should be adjusted further or higher too.

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I would pick the Survival one.
Templar tanks and holds stuff in melee range away from ranged classes and heals.
Nothing beats that at the moment.

Maybe the Enchantress could also give you resource regeneration, reduced cooldowns and maybe even CC Immunity.

It might be worth considering to give every follower its own baseline aura:

  • Scoundrel: ~5-10% increased attack speed and 10% increased movement speed (can go over cap)
  • Templar: regenerates 2% life every second and increases armor, resistances and life by ~2-10%
  • Enchantress: CC Immunity, increased resource re-/generation and 8% coodown reduction, you can move through enemies unhindered, or gain x% of your life as energy shield that replenishes over time

Or something like that.
I know, some of these things are already on the followers as an option, but maybe they can be baselined (as in an aura) in a way and be made more powerful?!


Nice insight, which make me think that all follower should have both defend and an offend buff. We can also let them include a utility skills and make them do best at what they did.

Templar - elite damage buff (RGK)
Enchantress - area damage buff (mobs killer)
Scoundrel - attack speed (speed farming)

Templar - CC immunity and redirect 50% damage to hit
Enchantress - increase armor and all resistance
Scoundrel - control impair and dodge chance

Templar - healing
Enchantress - group monster
Scoundrel - increase movement speed

With this changes, maybe armor should also save follower option.


Yeah that would be nice.

Not sure if you can change follower in the middle of a GRift? Might have to prevent it at least, if their buffs were powerful enough to make it worth going for mobs killer and switch to RGK at the boss.

+1 for the effort on this fine topic;

my take on your opening:

it doesn’t have to be.

not all players, many play solo…or MP.

i agree.

now i explain my reactions:
-in an aRPG, i don’t mind roles, like tank, healer, cc, DPS, etc.
-that’s why i asked for more transparency about roles and balancing.

-so solo players or MP-DPS’ers can choose, wich classes to play.
-and the devs have a way, to explain and defend their balancing solutions better. :statue_of_liberty: