Making a few Legendaries Legendary

Just musing - giving some Legendary powers to Legendaries that need it, Thanks to Gasnick for the list in a prior post and I apologize if I missed updated items or this type of thing tickles your fancy, it’s a long list.

The Wedge(Crafted) - Increase your damage to chilled or frozen targets by 30-40%.

Utar’s Roar(Crafted) - Increase your damage to chilled or frozen targets by 40-50%.

The Horadric Hamburger - Reduce the cooldown of your potions by 60%.

Sledge Fist - Your generators deal 50% extra damage and reduce cooldown on Dashing Strike charges by 1 second.

Logan’s Claw - Increase your Life per Second by 45,000-55,000 and increase your dodge chance by 20%.

Demon Hand(Crafted) - Deal 50-70% extra damage to Demons.

Demon Claw(Crafted) - Deal 70-90% extra damage to Demons.

Nutcracker - 100% chance to stun for 1.5 - 2.0 seconds on critical hits.

Telranden’s Hand - 20% chance on hit to spawn an Arcane Twister that lasts for 10 seconds and deals 500% weapon damage per second.

Nailbiter - Increase your thorns damage by 15% every time you attack. This stacks up to 5 times and lasts for 6 seconds.

Neanderthal - After you kill an enemy, gain Might of the Neanderthal for 10 seconds. (Increase all your stats by 25%).

Sun Keeper - Increase damage vs elites and movement speed by 40%.

Harvest Moon(Crafted) - Gain 5 additional Fury any time you use a Primary Skill and your Primary skills deal 40% more damage.

Night’s Reaping(Crafted) - Gain 5 additional Fury any time you use a Primary Skill and your Primary skills deal 60% more damage.

Monster Hunter - Whenever you deal fire damage with an ability, gain 30% movement speed and attack speed for 10 seconds. (Always rolls with 20-25% additional Fire Damage instead of beast bonus)

Wildwood - Increase attack speed of your pets by 20% and increase the damage they deal by 60-75%.

Doombringer - 15% chance on hit to cast Threatening Shout - Falter.

The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis - Increase the effect of any gem socketed into this weapon by 75-100%.

Spectrum - After you kill a Nephelam Rift Guardian on T10 or higher, you have a 3% chance of spawning a Rainbow Goblin.

Exarian - Nephelam Glory globes last twice as long and you gain 20% damage per stack.

Gift of Silaria - Gain your cooldown reduction as bonus movement speed and reduce all your cooldowns by 20%.

Devil Tongue - Reduces your armor by 15% but increases your critical hit chance by 10% and all your damage by 50-60%.

Griswold’s Masterpiece(Crafted) - 15% chance on hit to knock enemies up and Enemies hit by knockbacks suffer 40-50% more damage for 5 seconds when they land.

Griswold’s Perfection(Crafted) - 15% chance on hit to knock enemies up and Enemies hit by knockbacks suffer 50-60% more damage for 5 seconds when they land.

Blackhand Key - Blackhole gains the effect of all runes and its damage is increased by 500%.

Ruinstoke(Crafted) - Increase the attack speed of your Primary skills by 20-25% and increase their damage by 4% for every 20 Arcane power you have.

Atrophy(Crafted) - Increase the attack speed of your Primary skills by 20- 25% and increase their damage by 5% for every 20 Arcane power you have.

Skorn - Increase your chance to deal Area Damage by 10% and increase your Area damage by 50%.

Lai Yui’s Taiji(Crafted) -Your generators’ third hit attacks also cast Cyclone Strike and reduce the cooldown of Epiphany by 1-2 seconds.

Lai Yui’s Persuader(Crafted) - Your generators’ third hit attacks also cast Cyclone Strike and reduce the cooldown of Epiphany by 2-3 seconds.

Rozpedin’s Staff(Crafted) - Inner Sanctuary gains the effects of Sanctified Grounds and Intervene and has it’s cooldown reduced by 3-5 seconds.

Rozpedin’s Force(Crafted) - Inner Sanctuary gains the effects of Sanctified Grounds and Intervene and has it’s cooldown reduced by 5-7 seconds.

Crushbane - 8-10% chance to slay non-elite minions.

Wrath of the Bone King - Gain the power of the Bone King the first time an elite pack damages you. (Increases damage by 35% and 100% chance your Chill effects will Freeze, lasts 20 seconds.)

Sledge of Athskeleng - You are immune to crowd control and movement impairing effects. Increase your attack speed by your resource cost reduction.

Unending War(Crafted) - Reduce all resource costs by 20-25%

War of the Dead(Crafted) - Reduce all resource costs by 25-30%

The Zweihander - All your damage is creased by 1% per character level.

Blackguard - Gain 30% extra gold from monsters after killing an enemy monster. This stacks up to 5 times and lasts up to 8 seconds. (Always rolls with 3x Life per Kill for 2h weapons.

The Sultan of Blinding Sand - Gain 75% increased attack speed for 4 seconds after you blind an enemy.

The Grandfather - If you have nothing equipped in your offhand slot, gain 200% damage, 25% Damage reduction and reduce the cooldown of all your skills by 25%.

Warmonger - Gain 3% damage for each enemy within 15 yards, gain 15% for each elite.

Pledge of Caldeum - Summons a pair of guards to fight beside you, they each deal 100% weapon damage. The guards have 100% of your toughness and respawn 15 seconds after dying.

Heart Slaughter - 20% chance on hit to spawn a Blood Nova on target.

Empyrean Messenger - Increase attack speed by 15% after hitting a target. This stacks up to 5 times and lasts 5 seconds if the same target is attacked.

Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness - Chance on hit to gain Righteous Wings for 10 seconds. (Gives the character Angelic Wings and bolsters their attacks. Attacks deal 50% more damage and send a holy smite at the enemy. The holy smite deals 12,000% weapon damage to Undead and Demons.

The Broken Staff - Increase your attack speed and critical hit damage by 60%, but reduce your critical hit chance by 25%.

The Magi(Crafted) - Shrines also cause you to explode with Arcane Novas every second for 20 seconds. The Novas deal 175-275% weapon damage to enemies in a 25 yard radius.

Mark of The Magi(Crafted) - Shrines also cause you to explode with Arcane Novas every second for 20 seconds. The Novas deal 275-375% weapon damage to enemies in a 25 yard radius.

Uskang - Piercing attacks deal 75% more damage each time they pierce.

Longshot(Crafted) - You deal 50% increased damage to targets more than 20 yards away.

Etrayu - Ignores Durability Loss, each time it would lose durability, you gain a 40% experience bonus for 30 seconds.

Windforce - Enemies that are knocked back also take 100% of the damage dealt over 2 seconds.

Venomhusk(Crafted) - Deal 55-65% increased damage to Poisoned enemies.

Sydyru Crust(Crafted) - Deal 65-75% increased damage to Poisoned enemies.

Unbound Bolt(Crafted) - Your follower deals 800% of your weapon damage.

Bakkan Caster - Increases your damage by 125% against targets with more than 90% health.

Starspine(Crafted) - Channeled abilities deal 45-55% more damage.

Arcane Barb(Crafted) - Channeled abilities deal 55-65% more damage.

Balefire Caster - Always drops as level 70 and has no level requirement.

Deadeye(Crafted) - Your attacks also fire Holy Bolts that are 150-225% more effective. (This would be Justice - Holy Bolt and would affect both damage and heal amounts)

Blitzbolter(Crafted) - Your attacks also fire Holy Bolts that are 225-300% more effective (This would be Justice - Holy Bolt and would affect both damage and heal amounts)

Leoric’s Signet - Whenever you kill a goblin, it also drops bounty materials from each act. (Amount based on Torment level but less than actual bounties give)

Eye of Etlich - Any attack against you that would deal more than 50% of your maximum health in damage is reduced to 0 and you backflip up to 10 yards. This effect can only happen once every 12 seconds.

Rondal’s Locket - You deal 10-15% more damage and take 12% less damage for each player in your party. This effect is doubled if there are no other players in your party.

Holy Beacon - Each time you deal Holy Damage with an ability, reduce your remaining cooldowns by .5 second.

Ouroboros - Your Primary Skills deal 100% more damage after you pick up gold. This stacks up to 10 times and lasts for 10 seconds.

See No Evil - Blinding Flash gains the effect of each Rune and increases your damage against blinded targets by 50%.

Erlang Shen - Gain 5% of your maximum health and 75 Spirit each time you dodge or block an attack.

Bezoar Stone - Increase your damage and attack speed by 35% for 6 seconds after falling below 50% health.

The Eye of the Storm - Each time you deal area of effect damage, increase the damage of your next attack by 4% for each affected enemy.

Blind Faith - Increase your damage by 5% for each blinded enemy within 20 yards.

Mempo of Twilight - While you have no set bonuses equipped, increase your Area Damage and Critical hit damage by 100%.

The Helm of Command(Crafted) - Increase your damage by 45-65% of your block chance.

The Helm of Rule(Crafted) - Increase your damage by 65-85% of your block chance.

Tyrael’s Might - 20% chance on attack to cast Judgement - Mass Verdict on target location.

Robes of the Rydraelm(Crafted) - Whenever Reusable Parts, Arcane Dust or Veiled Crystals would drop, they drop twice as much.

Mantle of the Rydraelm(Crafted) - Whenever Reusable Parts, Arcane Dust or Veiled Crystals would drop, they drop twice as much.

Seven Sins(Crafted) - Increase all your damage not created from abilities by 750-1000%.

Corruption(Crafted) - Increase all your damage not created from abilities by 1000-1250%.

Lost Boys(Crafted) - You take 55-65% less damage from ground effects.

Board Walkers(Crafted) - You take 65-75% less damage from ground effects.

Pendergrasps(Crafted) - Health Globes drop more frequently and increase your damage by 15-25% for 10 seconds.

Penders Purchase(Crafted) - Health Globes drop more frequently and increase your damage by 25-35% for 10 seconds.

Wondrous Deflectors(Crafted) - After dodging, blocking or being hit by a ranged attack, reduce ranged damage taken by 40-50% for 8 seconds.

Kethryes’ Splint(Crafted) - After dodging, blocking or being hit by a ranged attack, reduce ranged damage taken by 50-60% for 8 seconds.

Lacuni Prowlers - Add your attack speed bonus % to your Critical Hit Damage.

Vigilante Belt - If any attack deals more than 25% of your maximum health in damage, cast Smoke Screen and reduce your remaining cooldowns by 5 seconds. Cannot happen more than once within 10 seconds.

Quick Draw Belt(Crafted) - Gain 20% attack speed for 10 seconds after damaging an elite minion.

Fleeting Strap(Crafted) - Gain 30% attack speed for 10 seconds after damaging an elite minion.

The Witching Hour - Gain 20% damage and attack speed for 10 seconds after using your potion.

Gehennas(Crafted) - Increase your movement speed by 50% but lose 4% of your maximum health every second you are moving.

Skelon’s Deceit(Crafted) - Increase your movement speed by 60% but lose 4% of your maximum health every second you are moving.

Lidless Wall - If you go below 25% health, gain a magic shield that stops 80% of all damage for 5 seconds. (45 second cooldown)

Stormshield - Blocks release a Fist of the Heavens on attacker.

Singularity(Crafted) - Your attacks have a 5% chance to create a Black Hole.

Fletcher’s Pride - 50% chance on attack to spawn a Shadow Clone that mirrors your attack and aims it back toward you from targeted location.

Black Bone Arrows(Crafted) - Restore 1-2 Discipline each time you use an ability and increase your damage by 1% for each point of Discipline you have over 30. (Always rolls + Discipline secondary)

Archfiend Arrows(Crafted) - Restore 2-3 Discipline each time you use an ability and increase your damage by 1% for each point of Discipline you have over 30. (Always rolls + Discipline secondary).


That’s a big list. I haven’t done a sanity check on it, but numbers can always be further tuned.

D3 would BOOM if they allow modding on it.


I’m sure people will think a lot of them are overpowered but they’re probably wrong and some people will think that some of them are overpowered and they’re probably right. In S20, it would probably be more the case, after S20, not as much.

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The flavor is palpable. :slight_smile: Gotta wash that hamburger down with something.

Another flavor home run.

Oof. :wink:

This would be really interesting.

I’m getting Final Fantasy Dark Knight vibes. Love it.

I don’t really play Wizard, but this seems very fun.

I feel like this one doesn’t really follow the design principles of D3. They destroyed Sever (RIP), and in the case of the proposed Crushbane effect, it completely ignores the mob HP.

I’m not sure I get the flavor of the increased attack speed, but it’s an interesting mechanical concept.

Clever use of a low-level legendary item (level 9 minimum). That said, I think the percentage at the top may be too high, but I’m not certain. It’s hard to say since multipliers by slot vary so much from class to class. If it did decrease, it might need a floor percentage (e.g. 10%) and then half character level added, or similar (10+30=40 .: 40% at maximum).

This would have to be Demon Hunter only, just due to animations, but seems fair otherwise.

So you get 20-30% more damage and 24% damage reduction, which increases at 3-4 players? This seems weird. I’m not sure what the rationale for the item behaving the same at 1 and 2 players is but then increasing.

I’m of mixed opinions on this. It attempts to address item procs sucking, but then it becomes mandatory for builds that want to use item procs rather than just fixing those procs to start. It’s probably the only solution at this point, but I still wish D3 had ended up in a better state with regard to these types of items.

This one seems busted relative to discipline generation available. I know the quiver/off-hand slot is important, but if this really means any ability, that’s an incredible amount of Discipline generation. Compare to the Unhallowed Essence 2-piece, which adds just 1 Discipline to generators only.

Overall, very nice ideas, and I didn’t comment on every item that I thought looked good, just a couple that seemed particularly exciting to me. It would make the currently useless legendaries worth at least a second look, and many could help shape new builds or elevate existing subpar builds. Gift of Silaria would definitely make me consider some possible new builds - in Demon Hunter even.


Wow! Great effort! Maddening but sharp.


Yea, I forgot to go back and fix Crushbane, I realized that it was OP after I did it but missed on the edit. Really wanted to do something like Crushing Blow from D2 but they did that with The Furnace and that also got nerfed heavily.

Sledge was a little more about the Flavor text, how the wielders couldn’t be slowed down in battle or some such.

This one is tough, being a locket and all, I wanted to get the group aspect, 1 person it either sucks or it scales too heavily when you get to 4 players. Definitely better ways to handle, almost made it so that your Hireling stays in multiplayer but that could potentially cause trouble with unity and scaling of regens, etc.

Not sure about that being a problem, discipline isn’t really that special most of the time, at least the builds I’ve played enough of. Would have to really test that one I think, but that’s my favorite part about the game; testing out interactions and off-META setups. Most of the time META builds are just too good, but that occasional betterment feels worth it. Not sure if this one could supplant any META build quivers, but just be good before you finish off your gear.


Im old enough to remember when Skorn was a good weapon


Mmm, all that sweet, sweet Bleed + Life Steal…

Very nice one. Would totally use everytime in normal Rifts or Bounty hunt. Blue Gobs :slight_smile: And there a lot more cool powers you created.

As of now you almost ever know wich items you want/have to use. With your suggested updates not everything seems to be a clear victor. If D3 would been modable it would probably enriched it’s playability by 1000%. Also Devs could have taken over great concepts.