Patch 2.7 re-balancing mega wish-list

and this

and than ALLOW followers in groups. If each party member had a follower (maybe a different one for every party member for better efficiency) in group and an Offensive or Defensive Aura it would make playing in groups even more fun and give die hard Solo players a reason to play more in groups…

I don’t think that is desirable.
If anything, the gap between group and solo should be closed more by making solo more efficient (or group less efficient).


The game is already spammed with spell effects. Adding 4 more characters on top of everything seem undesirable.

Speaking of which, for 2.7, add a setting to disable (or drastically reduce) other players spell effects.

As for group and solo balancing:

  1. XP/MF boost in 4man-groups. Make it baseline for all group sizes. Make it 20% instead of 30% for solo if you want a small difference to remain. But it should be the same for 2, 3 and 4man. 2man is just as much multiplayer as 4man, why such a discrepancy?
  2. Bounty change: solo gets 3x the bounty rewards. 2man gets 2x, 3 and 4man unchanged.
  3. Monster HP. Kill speed is the main difference between groups and solo. Blizzard already lowered monster HP solo (and 2-3man groups) once, although in GRifts only. Lower it some more, and both in and outside GRifts. Like, maybe decrease monster HP by 20-30% solo (and somewhat less in 2/3man) and see how it goes. Adjust further up or down if needed.
  4. Buff the follower. New legendaries (see peoples ideas in this thread), and skill rebalancing. Make the immortality follower item baseline so we can use the other ones instead.

I think it already is fairly easy to kill enemies outside of GR’s if you also consider that T16 is the limit.

Maybe we need higher Torment Levels, or some sort of Torment Crush/Squish where maybe starting at T8 or so the old T8 is as difficult as T10, T10 is now as difficult as T14, T16 is now as difficult as T20, or something like that…

… the only other alternative is to remove one 0 from the multipliers of legendaries and one or two 0’s of the damage multipliers of sets and readjust GR levels, XP, etc, but we all know that this is somewhat unlikely to happen atm, although it would be awesome.

I am not sure if it is a good idea to make the follower invulnerable, since it might be bad for new players that are experiencing the game. However, I would make the invulnerability baseline for all legendary Follower Tokens.

Legendary Follower Token 1
Your follower gains access to all skills and becomes invulnerable

Legendary Follower Token 2
The cooldown of your followers skills is reduced by 50% and he/she becomes invulnerable.

Legendary Follower Token 3
Increases the effects of your followers baseline aura by xx% and he/she becomes invulnerable. — assuming that something like a follower baseline aura has become a thing.

Legendary Follower Token 4
When you and your follower encounter an elite, your follower starts raging, dealing 50.000% increased damage for ~10-15 seconds - this effect can only occur one all 90 seconds. Your follower also becomes invulnerable.

Legendary Follower Token 5

Agree. Wont make that much difference (might make speed running Rifts a bit faster solo than it is now). There is just no reason for having such a difference to begin with.

Sure, that would be great as well.

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I have created a new post for discussing followers. Please drop by and give me further suggestions.

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[quote=“clueso-2790, post:105, topic:20319”]Also, not needing 100% uptime on Vengeance will also make you a lot less reliant on Cooldown Reduction and eventually even the Captain Crimson set, which opens up even more options.

Damn now we are going into a direction where equal strength builds are just not going to happen easily at all. I am not sure of the math and numbers but if you replace that many cooldown rolls on gear with things like Area Damage or crits etc it will make up for the damage loss of not having Vengeance or if the item gives all the effects make the build way stronger. Unless you give the item a cooldown but then you get screwed by not being able to control when it is up and without any fault of your own facing an elite pack without it.

Well, all the endgame builds are already using items that have attack speed, crit, crit and area damage.

The best solution is to rework how Area Damage works.
imo it should only effect up to a maximum of 5 additional targets in a ~10-12 yards radius, but not every single enemy in it, as it currently is.

But I am sure that a non-Vengeance amulet can be balanced in accordance with the other things.

I will jump in, thanks!

Would be nice if Blizz actually did something with legendary gems, cause some are completely useless and only good for making caldesans…
Some should also gets more love, so we have an alternative from Bane of Stricken, Trapped, Zeis etc.
Simplicity strength for example should also increase damage for all “resource generating skills”.
Many other legendary are just underpowered, so maybe instead of focusing only on class sets why not look closer at legendary gems for a change and maybe even add 2 or 3 new ones, cause I know you have at least 2 unused ones (seen in datamined files)…

You could also go crazy with other items… (made just for fun, yeah I know having FUN is not allowed) :roll_eyes:


Agreed, I used your list from a while ago to create a topic for Legendary suggestions, had very little feedback/additions, I linked in this thread but don’t think anyone clicked through. Most players just aren’t that interested so I wouldn’t expect the Devs to put much effort into it considering the overall lack of feedback, input, etc.

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Could we also please have the cow portal close after opening the 4th chest from the tipping point event? Opening that last (4th) chest could trigger a 1 minute closing countdown. It’s annoying that we have to leave and create a new game so we can open a new one…

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Also, I came up with a good solution for Legendary Gems and item proc’s in my earlier post using Blackthorne’s to increase all non-ability, item damage (can’t have haunt or Fires of Heaven getting even more nuts, etc). That would be a great addition for using unused gems and proc’d items, maybe even make Ashbringer usable in a good build.

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I have fooled arround with legendary gems and other legendary and set items too.

Most of my suggestions were made in here:

Some like the one you see are just mocking versions of current items, but there’s also a list of many mostly for barbs items too, but it will take some time to scroll through all the posts to find them…


I kind of liked the idea with demons hide with fire thorns dmg in it, though idk what was the real intent with that bizarre affix. Having an AD set that transforms into dmg would be cool, I think the wording here needs some work though.

sorry English is not my first language, I tried to state as clearly as possible. :joy:

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Would want to see a donate blood shards for Kadala feature to get upgrades:

  • 250 blood shards invested: doubles blood shard limit.
  • 1.000 blood shards invested: removes blue items from gamble table. Doubles gamble cost.
  • 2.500 blood shards invested: doubles blood shard limit.
  • 10.000 blood shards invested: removes yellow items from gamble table. Doubles gamble cost.
  • 25.000 blood shards invested: doubles blood shard limit.
  • 100.000 blood shards invested: doubles chance of legendary items. Doubles gamble cost.
  • 250.000 blood shards invested: doubles blood shard limit.
  • 1.000.000 blood shards invested: removes normal legendary items from gamble table. Doubles gamble cost.
  • 2.500.000 blood shards invested: doubles blood shard limit.
  • 10.000.000 blood shards invested: removes ancient legendary items from gamble table. Doubles gamble cost.

my suggestions:

Hallowed Protectors
(2) Set:
+50% Attack Speed
+50% Damage Reduction

easy and useful fix for Hallowed Protectors :slightly_smiling_face:

Blackthorne’s Battlegear
(2) Set:
(3) Set:
(4) Set:
You are immune to all elite monster’s affixes and deal ???% more damage to elites.

Born’s Command
(2) Set:
+15% Life
Reduces cooldown of all skills by 10.0%.
+50% Experience. (2.0% at level 70)
(3) Set:
Elite enemy drops one extra sphere of progress.
Gain 50% increased damage against Rift Guardians.

for example:
1 - if you go in rift solo with Born set then you will get one additional sphere of progress after killing elite.
2 - if you go in rift in full group with Born set (and each mate have this set) then you will get four additional spheres of progress after killing elite.

Here’s my humble wish list (which ofc will never happen but whatever):

Charms aded to game :joy: (but with it’s own “inventory”):

All charms would be rare, but they would only have ONE legendary power like affix. Charms would be rare, so they could be traded or dropped in parties for other players if you don’t need them.
The amount of charms you could have would depend on your Paragon Level…

New skill system:

Each paragon (might be every 5 or 10 paragon levels) levels would grant 1 point for skills and 1 for runes.
The image above is just an example how it could look like…

New passives system:

Each time you unlock a passive while leveling up to 70 you can max it out up to level 5.

Runes with 3 additional stronger effects:

To unlock each “effect” you would either need to kill a specific amount of monsters or gain a specific paragon level.

Quick Skill Select:

Right click with your mouse to easily select the skill you want on your HotBar…

I made all of these ideas when RoS came out or few months after, so you can see the stackable HP potions in some images…


Oh my god, people. Let’s keep suggestions reasonable here. There won’t be passive revamps, or follower revamps. There will be small item tweaks. I wouldn’t expect very much at all in terms of new affixes. Maybe Firebird’s and some of the worst performing sets in the game.

While some of this stuff would be amazing, we’re ten years deep in a game that is no longer profitable.

 Temper your expectations a bit! We're more likely to get simple stuff they can tweak fast rather than complicated fixes.

I disagree on the ground that some of the new sets have new graphic and mechanism. Beside they just hire someone new for the diablo 3 team.