This is what was initially posted.
My read is that:
2 week PTR
The traditional gap between a PTR patch end and a seasons end will be extended by a week to allow a greater window for the developers to make and test changes based on the PTR feedback.
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My read as well. I am expecting a week or two delay on the notes.
I am not sure when to expect the patch notes. Friday August 28 will mark 8 weeks of the current season.
I’ll be surprised if we see anything before next week.
This is the day that I call for the notes to drop.
Fingers crossed.
Should we get a pool going? I have $5 on the 10th.
$10 on the world ending before we get notes. It is 2020 after all.
I don’t see it happening before a week or two…
Can I have $10 on these not being the final Patch Notes ?
I could see the patch notes dropping next week and the PTR starting on the following week. S21 has now lasted 8 weeks, we can expect the notes to drop reasonably soon.
Looks like you rickrolled 5. Well played, sir. Well played.
If the PTR drops on September 10th, I will expect my $5, Dieharder
. If it’s sooner…well, that’s a bet I’d gladly lose.
Can’t see this happen. All those builds seems like lag-creating builds.
I’ll take your 70 primal, instead. 
If only that were possible.
All those builds are already in existence.
Yeah but no one is playing them because they suck. And Blizz ain’t gonna buff them because of lag.
Based on your theory the Barb and several other builds with masses of area damage are going to be nerfed because they do lag- not to nerfing.
They may well suck for you. Last I checked nobody made anyone other than a Community Manager spokesperson for all of Blizzard and the entire Diablo owners.
The Zunimassa’s will be buffed and what I named are mostly pet builds. Many people have asked for dogs to buffed for the WD and a phalanx buff for the sader and more. Many of those players were high tier solo players. You are talking about builds that only apply to meta and groups. 30 million copies were sold of D3. There are a lot of solo players too.
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