Patch 2.6.8 Balance changes Nerfs/Buffs

That seems reasonable. Have you ever analyzed the in game data for player under 2.3K paragon who made the leaderboard in non-seasons. I have in this thread.

It is more than one by one. In patches 2.6.7 and 2.6.7a, 3 classes were buffed (barbs twice, monks once, crusaders once) and 3 were nerfed (wizards, crusaders, and necromancers). Therefore, Blizzard introduced balance changes for the majority of classes. Unfortunately, they clearly missed the mark on some of these modification.

I am waiting; however, Blizzard has already said that they plan to both nerf and buff as illustrated by patches 2.6.7 and 2.6.7a. Using your logic, why can’t you wait to see how the balance changes turn out before invoking “only buff, never nerf”? I am trying to make sure that posters know Blizzards stated plans on game design so that classes are not overnerrfed or overbuffed.

There were 3 classes just improved (monk, barbs and crusaders). They differ at the top end by 7 GRs. So even the just improved classes have siginificant differences.

Stating what Blizzard has posted is not “whining”, it is simply providing information. Whining typically involves wanting something changed that is happening contrary to your personal desires.

When the PTR patch 2.6.7 notes were released, how many players complained on these forum about the thorns necromancer nerf? It was very, very few. Moreover, even necromancer players advocated for a nerf for thorns necromancer even before it was announced. There was more who complained about the wizard nerf, but it really was not that many people. The majority of posters who voiced an opinion were in favor of the nerfs.

I have one and only one seasonal character (linked below). I main a barb this season. Even playing barbs exclusively over the past couple of months, I endorse a minor barb nerf to align it with Blizzard balance goals. I have modest paragon ~1200 in season 19. Barbs at this paragon level outperform all classes with the possible exception of crusaders. Of note, barbarians and crusaders are also the top 2 classes in non-season at low paragon.