Paragon Cap Sucks

Still, you don’t seem to get it… We’re all in the same boat with the limitation… It makes the game more challenging…

What do you want? A game so easy that only breathing is required to play it? Wow, your time to power advantage was limited… Big frickin deal. Adapt.

I swear, some people are thick skulled…

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Is it so hard for people to understand the whole season was built around the paragon cap? Yes that includes the portals we are enjoying. It has been pointed out several times: You can’t have one without the other. Deal with it! Your whining is not going to change a thing.

Its you the ones that still dont get it… Not everyone wanted more challenge

I have enough challenges in my everyday life, i want to chill, slay demons and progress both in the Season and with my Character power

And i am ok with you wanting more challenges and with Blizzard providing an option for YOU

The problem is that you want the option for ME to no exist, an optoin we ALREADY HAD


No. We’re not in the same boat.

If you think a lower paragon cap is a good alternative to banning botters, you’re delusional.

Botters will do the following always:
Auto reforge items for perfect ancients/primals.
Auto farm materials.
Auto fish for oreks dream.

It’s not rocket science. Botters will always be ahead, no matter what you do.


I have no doubt about that. Vegetate and mash buttons with little to no neural activity. No doubt contributing to the de-evolution of the human race.

You can’t have fun anymore because Blizzard wants to punish peole for rejecting D4. They will destroy every piece of D3 just to force you and others to go back to D4… thats the goal here


Right, surely the 800 Paragon Cap will make humanity evolve…

I think you dont even understand the purpose of entertainment


We’re talking about gaming here. But sure, I’ll take you up on that argument.

Why do you believe the human race is devolving?

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It just might… Certainly more of a chance than those brainlessly grinding (or botting) infinite paragon points… The inability to assign above 800 points might bore some people, maybe at least get them up and moving around the room, looking for another game to install.


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If that was their intention, mission accomplished.

A lot of us moved to other games, and thats why you have such a low amount of players

Maybe some day you will learn the purpose of entertainment


Not going into that… However I will say one simple word that is both a cause and a symptom of our devolving:


Oh, yes, I forgot… Counting higher than 800 is entertaining.

I’m having trouble finding the words about how dark of a word that is, because what you’re saying is effectively wrong. We’re not overpopulated. We’re in fact improving living standards across the world by a huge margin.

Not to mention how horrible of a notion that is to say, because what you’re really saying is “someone needs to die for the world to get better”. That’s a horrible thing to imply, because who gets to choose who lives or dies? You certainly don’t seem eager to volunteer, simply by the fact that you are still alive and responding.

On average we’re lifting 130.000 people out of extreme poverty each day. I’d say that’s us changing for the better.

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Just wait until an event that causes worldwide famine happens. Then you’ll see how right I am. We’re walking a razor edge line.

Supervolcanoes, asteroids, comets, global warming, nuclear war, a close direct fast radio burst blast, a direct large CME blast from the sun… Plenty of things that could wipe us out, significantly cull our population or destroy our technology in a short period of time. Given enough time, something will eventually happen.

Have a look at the estimated biomass of the Earths mammals:
Humans (36%) and their livestock (62%) make up an estimated 96% of the global mammal biomass.

We can grow, yes… But the world doesn’t get any bigger.

Ah yes. The ole “just wait”.

Nuclear war is very unlikely to ever happen, no matter how much anyone “threatens” to use them. Mutually assured destruction is a thing for a reason.

Asteroids, okay. But that’s got nothing to do with overpopulation, comets neither, nor CME blast, or direct fast radio bursts.

You’re speaking about cataclysmic world ending events that wouldn’t matter if we were 30 billion people or 3 billion people, things that general population wouldn’t have any impact on.

Climate change, is real. The data does show that in the last, iirc, 4000 years, earth’s temperature is rising faster than it did all the other times many million years ago.

I’m not sure how this all ties into “people are stupid for playing easy game in vegetative state”, education is going up worldwide, almost every country is raising the general education

I don’t see us devolving, not only is that impossible from a biological standpoint, but also from a societal one. Yes world ending cataclysmic events can happen, but should we all live in fear of them and not have lives? I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply.


All of this is because of people whining about not getting their time to power after paragon 800.

The cataclysm discussion was separate, and obviously off topic. Devolution happens on many different scales, including on the personal scale… I was just talking about the “big” ones.

I’m muting this thread, because there’s no convincing a fanatic (in general). I tried though.

But you were arguing that people who want easier games for entertainment are contributing to de-evolution.

Which, the data just doesn’t show.


Fun police: “You think you do, but you don’t.”


There has never been a season that gave everyone what they wanted.

I have to admit, Vengeful Blizzard would be fun to watch.

There has never been one that REMOVED something you already had, untill now

Seasons should be about adding options, mechanics, etc, not removing

The obvious solution to that would have been to provide OPTIONS.

I suspect the real reason why they didnt is because most people would have preferred to play the uncapped one, and they didnt want that to be so obvious


Please show me a character that had iits paragon removed?

For those who chose to play S29, Blizzard made it clear tbat NEW S29 characters would have a paragon point allocation cap.