Paragon Cap Sucks

All of them

We are talking about removing features here. No other season had a feature that existed in the Non Seasonal and all of the previous Seasons, but was removed for the new Season


and you’re still crying about it. Don’t you have anything better to do?

I’m just miffed that the movement speed paragon bonus was reduced by too much. Previously it took 50 points to get the 25% movement speed bonus. Now it takes the full 200 points for that category. It shouldn’t have been reduced below 0.25% per point. I have no spare points for more primary resource unless I have movement speed on both boots and another item. This one was a boneheaded change.


800 is definitely just too low. I’m going to level my gems and see where I can push wizard this weekend. But after that I think I’m done.

Anyway, the cap should have been 1600 to 2400. And I say this as someone whose non season paragon total isn’t even 1800. I wouldn’t mind grinding the paragons if I knew it was capped at an amount I could make in a month or two. It was going against cheaters with ridiculous hours played per day that did me in and made me quit after the journey was completed.

SSF with the portal theme is great though.


All 800 paragon of it.


Honestly, it hasn’t really done anything either way for me. The season is 2-3 days long and I’m geared to the point of where I have no more motivation to find incrementally better gear. Paragon points or no paragon points, this is my wall. Need some lateral meta builds that are rare – something to go for.

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Have to agree, you hit the 800 cap in a couple of days and then that is it, season over. Even with some of the very good changes that they have made to the game in the last few seasons, I have no interest in playing the next one if this continues. The loot grind is not enough for me without the ability to develop my character in a small way, and for me that is what the post 800 system was, a very very small power increment for the time put in.


You have no idea do you? How many perfect items or optimized builds do you own? How many builds do you understand what even the perfect item is? The reason paragon is botted not for its power but more about the process of chasing gears is…boring?? That because 99.95% loot dropped is useless and fake rng algorithm induced time sinks demanded large amounts resources for something remotely usable?

We have spreadsheet and data from clan wide to unions between major clan wide across 3 servers on average resources cost per item/per build. The findings were rediculous and 99.95% is not from feelings either, its derived from calculations.

The only consistency in power lies with paragon chase. Paragon also reflects time spent. Poor gameplay reflects on pure botted paragons, but its a fact its more common reflected in low paragon casuals than high paragon cheaters. Its not about whether you can 1 shot the mobs or not, its about how efficient usage of the GR time. If you venture into pubs you will see low paragon casuals sits on 3% mobs far too long = negative progression, you will see them sitting on elites far too long. Even with Google map, they picked the wrong routing. Shortest way to next floor doesn’t mean it’s fastest way to GR times. Etc etc etc.

You might want to ask why a wiz with full ancients and full 125 augs dies 21 times in a 130 SPEED run where my group TK Who have 0 augs and 1 ancient ONLY doesn’t drop HP at all. Its because this wiz despite been 400 paragon higher than my group TK this season, has never been 3k paragon in his life in any season. Our tk lands in 8K minimum usually.

Its not the paragon problem, its how you use it. Any of us can challenge you with a 5k account with you been on a 20k account. Don’t need to know how you play.


Considering how split the community is they should have considered it. They knew very well that some ppl would hate a cap.

I believe they should have added a mode were the paragon is capped. Simular to challenge rift. U enter game with all gears but u can only assign point up to 800 paragon. Then when u done u go back play adventure mode or whatever. They could even keep that permanent.

They did so with follower update. Ppl who didnt play solo didnt experience the change.

Im happy they wont make new seasons and just recycle old ones. Else we might see them remove items or cap the amount of items u can equip. However i would still rate that season higher than this one. I rly hope they wont be as dumb when making d4 seasons.


Fun is objective.

Maybe some people just like infinite numbers that mean nothing in the long haul. To me that seems pretty un-fun… Watching some numbers increase.

Too me the fun of the game is to experiment and have fun with different builds, killing demons while trying to get those sweet rolls on gear. Push myself as far as I can and not give a damn about what others think. You know, the main design goal of the game.

Paragon point means nothing to me for the most part but this season they actually do mean something. Rather then just getting +5 int every level, I can choose to get more Crit/CritDMG/AS/CD/Arcane Power/Area DMG simply from paragon. Which in some cases is better then the infinite paragon.

Players complaining about no cap have no valid points. They never explain why it was so good to have the infinite cap. Many I bet have never been high para themselves. This is why so many people are probably right when they say the “botters” are the ones upset. Again I don’t see why high para matters.

In the end are you not just killing demons waiting for that Ding with a Devil Icon. Don’t matter if you are going GR 70 or 150. You are still playing the same game, for the same reason. That paragon numbers means nothing since you are not rewarded for the “High Paragon” at all. You are rewarded for playing the game and killing demons.


We have, several times, you may not have read it

Its RNG free progression. You can say its watching numbers rise, but so it getting new loot, this is the same, a rewards after your efforts, with the only difference being that is not based on RNG

You dont seem to understand Paragon, which is sad after so many years. Its just another progression system the game has, just as loot, crafting, enchanting, etc. The novelty, and what made D3 unique, is that is was almost infinite (though not quite so)

Now, you dont understanding other people’s preferences dont make those preferences less valid than yours

I never understood the need to meassure appendixes in a leaderboard, but i am ok with those that enjoy that, so i am ok with Blizzard giving those people options

And that’s where they made the mistake, the mistake wasnt the Paragon Cap, the mistake was not giving options to the ones that are not interested in it


Blizzard please end this :poop: now! Bring next patch with the altar.


Exactly. Capped paragon meaning you are not rewarded for killing demons since the gears are not rewarding at all. @ 800 paragon with rank 0 gems and all normal gears, some people can clear 110 consistently, some cant. Hence gear isnt the biggest factor in clearing GR. D3 isnt known for its itemisations, in fact its probably one the worst, its gear chase is psychological more than essential power buffs. Perfect gears usually are 0.6 - 2.x% upgrade, hardly noticeable.


Why not play non-season?

Because Non Season is the same as it has been for 10 years

This game has been kept alive by Seasons and its new perks, mechanics, etc

Is it really that much to ask for one uncappped seasoal option? Does it bother that much to those that want the cap, that others can enjoy the game without it?

Does it somehow ruin your capped experience, that others can have fun in the season without the cap?


Where were all of you when me and others raised this issue over a month ago ? Now you woke up ? Geez… we had to deal with Blizzards groupies for a month and you come here now to complain ?


I have been asking for an uncapped mode since S29 announcement has been made, both here and in the PTR Feedback forum


There has been an overwhelming response against a cap at 800.

I see why they went forward with it, but it’s not like there was no feedback regarding this prior to season start


I was here back then too. It is crap now and it was crap then.


Were paragon uncapped, once you have enough keys this season, is the play experience really that much different than NS? You’re basically saying not uncapped paragon by itself, but uncapped paragon plus xp horribly inefficient fissures is the only reason to keep playing. Unlimited paragon is a massive crutch for this game.