Paragon Cap is Appalling

That might be, they are still a wall you won’t climb unless you spend the time to grind them.

Or you use bot for it.

That’s spending time, not you playing but your account accumulates time played nonetheless.

I dont agree. If a secret robot does my work i did not spent time for working. But i agree, that on my time clock i have fulfilled my duty and my boss pays for the work.

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For botters, it doesn’t matter. I’ve seen the most “out there” rationalizations on how they still “actually earned” what they “accomplished”. I mean, you’d have to be naive as all heck to buy that but…

I personally think the cap should have been there to begin with. It’s a little rough changing something like that this far into the game but I guess we’ll see how it all pans out. They very well could undue the cap if it ends up being too much of an issue. It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has went back on a change.

This is not correct.
Speed limit (and absence of one) is for all lanes, however it’s forbidden to Overtake from the right lane (unless traffic is jammed)

We even have portions with minimum speed requirements, unless you can drive the minimum speed of the lane, you’re prohibited to use it. (Which often applies to trucks and trailers)

There are caveats to it.

Certain limits are imposed on some classes of vehicles:
60 km/h (37 mph)

Buses carrying standing passengers
Motorcycles pulling trailers

80 km/h (50 mph)

Vehicles with maximum allowed weight exceeding 3.5 t (except passenger cars)
Passenger cars pulling trailers

100 km/h (62 mph)

Passenger cars pulling trailers certified for 100 km/h
Buses certified for 100 km/h not towing trailers

That’s all just from wiki.

In that case how me video of you doing 300+ km/h in right lane.

No problem, you just have to gift me a car able to reach 300km/h


There are quite more speed limits then like 20y ago, during my vacation travel i got a flash at a speed camera for going 110 km/h downhill on a stretch with max 100 km/h.

But i do agree that everyone gets “punished” for the few offenders, but in my view its more like there are a few that go 300 km/h and because of that blizzard will cap everyone at 20 km/h on a highway.


Why are you suggesting that cheaters have Usain Bolt skill?

You did hit the nail on the head when you stated: “Bots are still going to have an advantage, just not as much of an advantage.”

If the cheater is low skilled, then taking away a cheated advantage likely will mean they are less likely to win.

Since I was the one who posted after you… I have ~2,750 paragon in S28 and ~3,000 paragon in non-season. Even with underestimating, there are thousands of players that have more paragon than me.

Do you think that I have reported thousands of players for botting? This is nonsense. I have not reported anyone for cheating in S29 or in non-season. You definitely lost your bet.

Fine. 240. Your M5 can do that.

I am from germany and in easy words: If there is no special speed limit to any lane, you can drive as fast as you want at any lane.


You can’t disagree with a fact. A bot will accumulate exactly as much time played as if an actual person played that time.

Now it’s clearly cheating and reprehensible, but you can’t argue that it’s not time spent (in game).

That is correct. Nothing to add

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If I say that I spent an hour vacuuming, is that true if I just hit go on my roomba and the roomba vacuumed for an hour?

It was vacuumed for an hour. That’s a fact. I never claimed a person played for X amount of time, I claimed the account was played for X amount of time.

The only way to compete is to accumulate said time, time you have to spend yourself unless you consider the rules to be optional.

English is not my mother tongue. Maybe that’s why I don’t understand the statements correctly.

So, for example, if I’m taking my dog ​​for a walk and he’s chasing a cat, could I say afterwards that I spent some time chasing a cat?

You could also say that in the German language. But that would be meant ironically.

As an aside, I’d like to know how much time I’ve spent mounting dog ladies.

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If you’re taking your dog for a walk, I would hope that you’re not doing that.


Just having fun…

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Paragon cap has nothing to do with bots. It just removes one of the excuses that people point out for botting, which is the long mind boggling grind. That doesn’t mean a Season theme meant to catch bots or ends their reason to exist.
From that perspective, I guess the only major hit would be on the blackmarket because long grinding is gone now. Legit players just hopefully expect cheaters existence to diminish over time, which would be a long process. That has nothing to do with individuals that abuse bots to gather materials; they will get caught and get banned like it always were.

Developers just sat down and trusted that, their game reflects the player skill and dedication at individual level and they wanted to showcase it. Everything has to start from somewhere and now seems to be the time. Tweaks and tunes will arrive later. The developers’ objective here would be making human decision matter at high tiers.

Let’s try another anecdote that is more accurate. Usain Bolt is a human like you and I; humans can be trained through dedication while machine will stay stagnant if it is “good enough”. We have willpower and control over our fates, machines don’t. Stop comparing yourself to social media celebrities, professionals or business magnates to point out how a Season theme in a video game doesn’t solve a major problem that plagued the entire industry.

For example, as of now popular artificial intelligences can not code efficiently or in a way that code block executes properly; if a decent programmer and artificial intelligence get in a contest of coding, human wins. If you are a decent photographer, your photo techniques and catching the moment will win contests, while cobbled portfolio photos of artificial intelligence will stick out like a sore thumb. If you are good at expressing yourself with literature, you can even write a masterpiece novel which can make you a millionaire and artificial intelligence will not even get close to that. Do the comparison from here.