Paragon Cap is Appalling

The main use of botting is to farm paragon levels. Many people actually play the game but use bots to do those “mundane” tasks. This is common in any game with a similar system. Their excuse is “farming those levels doesn’t improve my skill”.

Now, with a cap, they’ll lose that handicap.

Because that’s the most reward/time spent. Remove the paragon and the goal just changes from most XP/hour to most items/hour.

The purpose of capping paragon at 800 is to kill grinding in D3 so people would stop comparing D4 to D3… They want people to come back to D4 so they need to kill D3 first… simple :slight_smile: with paragon cap they will be able to say “see ? there is no grinding in D3 as well”

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D3 non-seasons says hi…

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No matter what, people will continue comparing D3 and D4 until the latter is no longer so… generally unacceptable, to put it nicely.

Let bots run free! No one cares about bots anyways!

The people who go around reporting everyone do. They’ll have to narrow their scope on who to make false reports on going forward.

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Isn’t botting pretty much dead since rosbot was discontinued?

A friend who doesn’t bot himself told me that his bot friends whine a lot because they can’t bot anymore.

I’m sure if they tried hard enough, they’ll find a way. I’ve known a lot of people who cheat in various games and they never give up finding a way.

This has never occurred in D3 and can not ever occur in D3.

Point that out to the people claiming that it does.

Me and Usain Bolt are both humans, that’s true, but he’s absolutely not like you or I. That’s why he was, quite simply, the best 100m sprinter in the world for over a decade, i.e. he’s a complete exception / outlier. No matter how much I trained, I’d never beat him. Regardless of whether you take away his fancy shoes or not.

People just hope that bots will have less meaning since grinding progress lose impact on the game by stagnant limits. This is why, people hope to see skillful play prevailing over bots in time as blackmarket slowly get their hand away and developers make human decision matter at high tiers.
You are telling everyone that bots will not go away just because a Season theme capped some numbers, which is true but not entirely related to what people hope the future to be.

There is a reason why best and worst scores are left out of a bell curve. He mettled his fate, pushed himself, went through long training sessions but come out victorious thus deserved his place.
Moral of the story is that you shouldn’t underestimate yourself or mankind; haven’t you get the idea behind the Diablo 3’s story? Nephalem didn’t kill every threatening demon because it stacked paragon level and sit in town whole day, it was you, the player.

I haven’t told anyone that, and I’m not trying to tell anyone that.
Capping paragon will not stop the use of bots what-so-ever.

Most seasons, botters have these advantages…

  • More Bounty materials
  • More equipment
  • More Gem ranks
  • More augments
  • More GR keys
  • More paragon

This seasons, botters have these advantages…

  • More Bounty materials
  • More equipment
  • More Gem ranks
  • More augments
  • More GR keys

Capping paragon will not stop bot use at all, it just removes one of the advantages of using them. Legitimate players will still have all the other disadvantages to overcome if they want to win on the leaderboards.

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I’m a bit more optimistic actually.

What would capping the paragon level achieve? Making items more worthy and important, right? Because you augment them, reroll and what not.
Now keeping that in mind, try to guess how bots go through the cycle of recovery once they got banned. In non-Season they lose the items, paragon levels, augments and everything else, but they always can compensate the lose of main stats with paragon once they restart. As it is non-Season, banwave will arrive pretty late too.
With the paragon cap of this Season, they can not compensate if they lose a set of five decent rolled equipment to a banwave that easily. They farmed 500 GR keys before banwave? Now it’s gone with their augmented Primals and crafting materials. That 8-9% advantage they got from having a few Primals? It’s gone. Now there is no Paragon level to be overpowered while farming and they have to adapt to their current item power manually by optimizing it each time they found an upgrade.

They can find a Primal or two once they start again, but those are not guaranteed rewards like paragon levels; they can roll horrible or unrelated to the build they play and utilize. Now bans are more meaningful and it doesn’t worth risking it because randomization is a punishment to them on its own.
You can worry about how botters stack materials and will be back, but that means they will get stuck farming and farming just to be at the similar item power as before. That loop should keep them away from Leader Boards and pushing for a while and their skill won’t grow while doing so.

What people complain about the paragon cap? At least they keep repeating the same thing to the people who are excited about this; “having paragon 800, doesn’t mean you are ready to take on everything”. What can I say? That’s right. Nobody claims otherwise either. You need to augment and find decent items which would take you long enough as if you would get to Paragon level 3000+ before you feel you are ready, but haven’t gained any single paragon point beyond 800.

Would a mere cap or fear of hard recovery, stop the use of bots? No, not really when you think about it, as there are different types of bot users with varying skills and financial income. But still, makes me wonder what is gonna happen and how that gonna impact the gameplay. Think about the gap between botters and legit players after a banwave a month or five into the Season 29.

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Alot of the disadvantages dimish over time, with seasons being 3-6months.

I think through fissures we will get more mats and more gear without the need of that much bounties. The bots will have their gg gear in maybe 2 weeks, but with a 6month season legit players will have enough time to catch up. With paragon you could never catch up to botters, but with only gear you can catch up eventually.

If you dont play SSF you can play groups and up your gems and augs to 150.

If you dont play SSF and played 150s in group you only need to grind for like 2000 keys and you are bound to get that perfect 150 solo. 2000 keys is easly doable for a legit player.

So all in all bots will have diminished power this season, a legit player with skill will easly beat a bot player without skill. But for a lot of people they dont care about leaderboards or dont only play for leaderboards it will be a heck of boring season.

If anything this season will make it easier to make a restart. Imagine grinding your bot 24/7 for 5 months straight and you get a ban, you dont recover from that in 1 month remaining. With next season bots will need 2 weeks to only recover gear and augs.

Also dont know why you mention Non season because they wont be paragon capped. But also NS, imagine grinding your bot for 9 years straight and being 17k para, and get banned, how will you recover 9y of para accumulation?

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You’re thinking abit on the gloomy side. Once banned, they won’t find the same or similarly powerful items at the remaining days and now with Paragon cap, the only thing matter are items.
If they got lucky and accumulated wickedly powerful items, a banwave sweeps them away and they won’t find the similar items in the remainder of the Season. Thus losing their advantage, and they can not compensate for the small diversions and losses of main stat that easily because Paragon is capped. That means if a banwave were to get them, they would lose their edge to the legit players. That’s how I see it at least. Test it for yourself, try to find duplicates of same Primal across different regions. I believe you can not.

Appears from the news, bot developers got a big hit recently and I guess developers want players to enjoy it while it lasts.

It’s a comparison. Also you don’t need 17k paragon to clear GR150 even in non-Season. To add, if you were botting in Seasonal, where it matters, that 17k plvl account should’ve been banned ages ago.

I dont need to try it, primals are overrated to begin with. My point is they will recover most of their gear in 2 weeks, maybe it will be at 90-95% of their previous item power but it is much easier to overcome than a hit going from 10k para in season to 0 with 1 month remaining.

I didnt say they needed 17k to clear a 150.

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perfect, at least blizzard acknowledges the severe botting problem that has been going on since forever and figured out a way to combat it so that their “real” players that actually grind themselves up can have a chance to be competitive now.

wait what? someone must have a bot!

Because they roll terrible, and this is why I think it’s nice. Some ancients roll terrible, but some could be godlike as well; quirks of randomization role as a real drawback here. I just hope developers alleviate this further by making human decisions matter at high tier play. This way, bots would lose the advantage of augments as well. This is for us to witness later on I guess.

What are the odds that a botter finds all godlike Ancients and Primals in a matter of two weeks? I think it’s smaller than a legit player who played for 6 months. Even with Fissures and Visions of Enmity theme, it will take them a while and keep them away from Greater Rifts.

Again, you don’t need 10k plvl with a Season theme that offer gratuitous amount of power surge to hit GR150 solo. S29 doesn’t offer any true power surge, or huge experience boosts like S28. I keep calling at GR150, because it’s the endgame and top of leaderboards.