Paragon Cap is Appalling

I certainly think the time to reach the end point is way too short.
Only saying it is positive there is a reachable endpoint.

Personally, I would say the new cap should take the same time as maybe P2000 does now. Could be a bit more, or a bit less. That is less important imo.
I’d also say paragon lvls should be individual per character though.

True. But it is always praiseworthy when a company tries to fix past mistakes. Even if it is too late.

It’s not fixing anything though. The game would need a complete overhaul to make capped paragon a good thing.


There has always been a 20k paragon seasonal cap that no bot has ever achieved, even the 24/7 ones.
I am all for lowering it to 800.
Not too much higher and definitely not lower.


The difference between all primals and good enough gear is roughly 2-3GRs.

Good enough gear is 600 out 650 gear / 900 out of 1000 gear.
600 x 9 pieces of gear = 5400 main stat
900 x 4 pieces of gear = 3600 main stat

so basically 9000 main stat vs 10,000 Max mainstat on primals gear - 1000 main stat difference between good enough gear vs perfect stats.

125 level augment = 625 mainstat
625x13 augment = 8125 main stat

Your gem legendary gem levels is the most important. If you’re running 25 level gems vs 125 level gems, you’re talking 8+GRs

0 augments vs 125 level augments - that’s another 10+GRs

perfect gear vs good enough gear - that’s around 2-3 GRs

For Mundu at least, P5100 for me is 139 in non-season. P800 in PTR is GR130. So roughly 9-10GRs from paragon. Because of the non-standard paragon distribution in PTR - I would guess around +2-3GRs for Mundu.

I don’t think non-leaderboard players understand how little primal gear does for you compared to a massive paragon difference.


Whether the gap is 10 GR or 3 GR it’s still a gap you can’t bridge unless you put significant time in. I really don’t see the practical difference, the end result is still that you can’t compete.

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Yes. but the 10GR gap can’t continue to grow with more paragon in mainstat. The 3GR gap stays the same.


I’m of the view that second place is the first loser. Glass half full kind of people perhaps view less of a gap they can’t traverse as better than a larger gap they can’t traverse.

To me it’s the same.

I gained +3GRs from figuring out the proper paragon distribution for my Mundu build. 3GRs can be overcome by the right GR, and avoiding one-shots at your highest levels.

There are good vs bad players who bot. The good ones will still be good if they remember how to play glassy.

The bad ones, will get frustrated that without their extra paragon, they’re constantly dying.

Sure, you might be slightly higher on the boards, but going from 600 to 400 is still not competing. Not in my eyes at least.

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I’m more interested in whether the high paragon players remember how to play glassy. I think it’s going to be hilarious.

The good players are amazing. I know their names for the WD players and PTR showed that. I expect them to be in the top 10 during season also.

It’s the 10K botters that will flounder and quit which is fine.


I like the Paragon cap. Tired of Para9000 players facerolling 150 on every class, every spec, all over the leaderboard.

As I’ve played PTR, 150 is still possible on the strong specs, as you get like 150% AD extra for example


we have dev’s note so you have proof of any other reason or you dont
feel free to make any speculation out of thin air
i wont be part of that bc thats just a big waste of time

not the same odds
perfect gear and near perfect gear have a much smaller gap between when compared to 2k vs 9k paragon gap

yes, but they advantage will be much smaller now bc of how easy to gear is in this game

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This take is old as the early days of D3v

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It’s not wrong though. Nothing in D3 is a fair fight (Challenge rifts excluded). You have layers upon layers of RNG to contend with, from gear to GR map layout, monster types and pylon spawns, all which substantially caters to significant time played rather than skill.


I agree with you there. Not even just 50, I assume someone like me with around 170ish hours per season also won’t get there. In part because someone who plays many hundreds of hours is just on average going to be better at the game.

And also lets not forget the time required to get all those fishing keys.

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But what it actually does is allows for other systems the game has to be more potent. And to make the game more about gaining power from items instead of just being gifted your next GR from playing long enough and getting paragon points. It will make somebody cracking the next GR a bigger event. Instead of simply just grinding it out out until you inevitably get to the next one because of Paragon points.

It’s one of the best ideas they’ve had.


It’ll be more a question of finding the best way of assigning the 200 points in each of the categories in combination with rolls on the equipped items (perhaps with the Guardian set being mandatory in most builds) and then fishing for the perfect maps over and over.

Oh, and also run a lot of 1% upgrade chances at Urshi.

Challenge rifts were pointles as far as competitive leaderboards since the builds and classes were whack and the rewards were not worth it besides beginning of season.
I was referring to GR boards.


Yes but remember the cheaters spam open GRs looking for the gg map and mob type, so they will have that edge still unless blizz bans them.

what’s wrong with stopping bots and power creep…I think it’s great

I remember when critting for 10 million was high…seeing 150T is now normal…there’s no need for it.