Paragon Cap is Appalling

LOL. Beacuse PTR ladder boards are taken so seriously by anyone. XD PTR is to test the theme and balance changes, not to compete in any seriousness on it’s ladder for 2 weeks.


To be fair, not many take the release boards seriously either. You could tell someone “I was high ranked on the PTR” or “I was high ranked on the season ladder” and they’ll likely go :+1: ”cool…”

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At least, these cheaters will not have an additional significant advantage in main stat.

So you are advocating to make it more “impossible” for legitimate players to compete.

Yes there was. It was the end game for when INFERNAL was the highest difficulty mode. When you hit max level you started gaining paragon levels…up to 100, each level would further increase magic find and some other crap. It took forever to get that high, but was necessary to do Infernal difficulty.

They revamped it later on into the infinite power gaining state that it’s in now.

There is no infinite power gaining though as it capped at P20000. Also, the reason why paragon 2.0 was introduced because people at the time were complaining that there is nothing to grind when they reached P100.


If you had to choose, would you either replace your current gear with perfect rolls or an extra 1 000 paragon on top of that 3 500?

Sure they still have an advantage but it takes away the major one. I actually do have a primal trifecta Squirt, perfect primal boots and weapon and I would trade those for your paragon level.

I fail to see how setting the endpoint at ≈12 hours playtime in a 4+month season is a good thing.



If you just completely made that up, don’t reply.

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Very specific example, but ok.
I’d take the perfect primals in a 3500 paragon character instead of my current rolls on a 4500 paragon char.

However I’d rather take my current gear with 1800 paragon instead of perfect primals at 800 paragon

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You forgot:

  • it should’ve been done years ago

No. Walking back “endless” progress is idiotic, removing the primary carrot to keep playing is just not smart. You could argue it should never have been implemented in the first place, that ship sailed a long time ago though.


there is no need to speculate anything
dev’s note was crystal clear
as said, the intend is to shift the the main source of power in the game

Developer’s Note: We understand that Paragon was king in terms of character power. With the change this Season, we wanted to shift that power from Main Stat grinding to gameplay knowledge and gear hunting.

no, not really

being able to hit the LBs is one thing
having the same odds as every player its something completely different

i also find the current 800 low so i have suggested to make the xp necessary to reach 800 after cap the same of reaching 1.5-2k now

I can independently confirm that what was said is true. I remember the complaints on Blizzatd’s D3 forum.

The old D3 forum is now deleted. Presumably, you can see for yourself the veracity of what was stated using internet wayback for the precise source.

Raising the paragon cap above 100 was introduced with RoS if my recollection is correct.


Don’t some D4 players complain about what to do when you reach 100?


Indeed, it came with the patch 2.0 to be more precise. Prior to it paragon was capped at 100 and was separate for each character. After the patch it became account/gamemode wide and has been almost untouched since. Some small changes have happened over the years like the useless gold find was finally replaced with pick up radius a while back.


He’s correct. When the game initially came out, there was no Paragon. It was released with Patch 1.04 on August 21, 2012.


2.0.1 :slight_smile:


Nope, there was no paragon at the release of the game, it came later…

" Blizzard added the Paragon System in patch 1.0.4 , and it received a major update, titled [Paragon 2.0] in Patch 2.0. 1."

Your memory is failing you.


Exalted is correct. Paragon levels came with patch 1.04, which was months after release.

Edit: I didn’t see he had already replied.


Well, even though I have grinded a ton of Wiz, perfect rolls would give me 50% more crit damage, 7% more attack speed 8% more cdr, 20% more area damage, 1500 more armor instead of resist all, so ya, I would take all that over 1000 paragon.

Not everyone gets lucky with their gear. Paragon is power you can actually get without having to pray to the RNG gods.

As far as the advantage, it will still be there. Gear is more important than you think. The top 100 spots will not be taken up by players with 40-50 hours of play time. They are still going to be taken up by those with many hundred to a few thousand hours of play time.

They say what they are told to say. Is that the real reason? Maybe. It wouldn’t be the first time that they have made a statement that was laughably BS. Again, we weren’t in the room when it was discussed, so there is still plenty of room to speculate.

Which you still do not have the same odds as everyone else because those with the superior gear are going to dominate the LB’s. You won’t get that gear without serious grinding or lottery winning luck. Casuals will not be topping the LB’s. It will be the cheaters and no lifers as it has been in previous seasons.

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