Paragon Cap is Appalling

I wasn’t referring to banwaves at all, but when D3 would drop a patch, their precious turbohud was useless and they would start crying about how they were unable to use their cheats.
Imagine a zNec actually having to play zNec properly without macros/scripts, and with out maphack.
Some people could do it, but VERY few.

Your argument was that every cheater was subpar as a player.

So you retract your earlier premise then, glad we agree.

Exactly, which I still stand by 100%.
I have yet to see a cheater with actual game knowledge or skill. Maybe they exist? There have been a few streamers over the years that got banned for cheating, and turned out they were filthy cheaters all along.
All we have to look at is the leaderboards for position, and actually playing meta or speed runs in game.
These types of players would be crying and waiting for their cheat software to get updated or else they couldn’t play whenever Blizzard introduced a patch.


if “even the playing field vs botters” means that the paragon cap will nullify the edge botters have, thats plain wrong…cheaters always have some degree of advantage, thats the point of cheating

but saying that the cap will greatly reduce the advantage botters have is completely true
i mean, no one can deny that the current main advantage of botting is paragon farming

this “significant time” becomes nearly insignificant when compared to the time required to grind the paragon “needed”
acquiring great gear is much more feasible than grinding paragon for nearly 3-4 months
in other words, the standard will be lower which by definition opens more options for players
all players? never
the majority? i really doubt
more? i would bet good money that we will have more people competing this time


Sure, but it’s still hundreds of hours at the very least.

Don’t let anyone gaslight you on that. I see the same garbage responses from cheaters and supporters of cheaters and no matter what rationalization they try concocting, I’ll never buy it. They always try finding some silver lining in what they do, like they’re trying to find some sliver of hope that they can convince us that what they did was “ok” or to shift focus away from the fact that they’re a cheater and focus on some small good deed they did.

I’m not a gambling man, but I would bet that too. That was even my first thought when I saw “capped paragon”. It’s too bad something that didn’t make cheating encouraging could have been done back in the day for D2. People run their pindlebots all day long and hit 99 first so they can go around telling people “I’m a very skilled player and I have the rank to prove it”.


a couple hundred at most imo
gear comes easier in d3
anything more than that is just for fine tuning

Let’s not do too much mental gymnastics please. Capping paragon will obviously bridge the gap noticably, that much is certain. A cheater possibly being good at the game is an entirely different argument but certainly he won’t be able to enjoy the thousands of extra paragon points to his advantage. Regardless, you don’t cap paragon points primarily because of botters. You cap it because the amount of players it discourages instead of benefits is so ridiculously high I’m surprised it took this company some 8 years to see it. It’s not a question of whether there should be a cap or not but rather at what number. 800 is too low considering it takes about a day to reach, the upside however being you cannot acquire all stats. I’d say keeping it at 800 but slowing the exp gains is a viable option, or raise the cap but have every point beyond 800 only allocatable to mainstat. Too bad it took so long though.


Well, given that my gear this season in 150+ hours compared to perfect gear is still 40%+ weaker, hundreds is a fair bet.

It really comes down to how much time a company should expect a person to play a season. And that’s where contention for where a raised cap should be. We’ve already seen it throughout the forums. A player who is 2200 paragon may think 2000 is the right number. A player who is paragon 3300 may think 3000 is the right number, etc.

The bottom line though is in a 3+ month season, almost no one is going to even play an hour a day, let alone 2 hours, 3 hours, or 14 hours. While the average gamer does play 2 hours of video games per day, remember this is spread over multiple video games. You’re probably looking at 50, maybe 60 hours any one player devote to any one game. That’s what I’d probably aim for. How many paragon can a player acquire in 50 hours of play time? And that would be your ceiling for the absolute maximum a cap should be.

But remember, even if you take 50 hours, this isn’t a “I got power leveled to 70, and started from there, 3 minutes into my season.” This is more about you having to do everything from scratch. And you’d have to remove the top (and bottom) several percent of players, as they’re statistical outliers. Finally, remember that you have to look at data, not what people say. People have absolutely terrible memories, and are terrible judges of time. It’s one of the reasons I started keeping track of season starts. Because if you’d listen to these forums or reddit, everyone levels to 70 on season start in under an hour. But the reality is, typically fewer than a dozen people level to 70 in under an hour. And only a couple thousand, out of millions, even level to 70 in under 2 hours.

If I had to guess, I’d say 600 Paragon at the 20 hour mark would be generous. I’d probably say that it would be around 1500 Paragon by the 50 hour mark. But once again, you’d really need actual data.

Definitely, and they’ve had plenty of data throughout the years to make a proper decision one would assume. I’m surprised they went with 800 tbh. They also have to take into account the amount of players that’d potentially stick around to level further when there is an attainable goal in sight compared to when there isn’t. If you stop at 1300 or 1700 it doesn’t matter one bit when the cap is 20k. But if the cap is 2k? Maybe you’ll try to reach it or get close.

Feels like one of your made up stories

Have you played D3 rat runs? Then you would understand that it is fact not fiction.
No one came make up your mind for you, however the obsessive opposition is boring and baseless.
Join the convo or move on.

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right back at ya, you assume you can make all kind of made up stories and everyone should blindly listen to them. Yes i have played rats, so i know for a fact i havent seen any people crying when their cheating software was down.

And if we talk about streamers or cheaters and skill in any of that order, lets take for example wudijo, banned in s5, you can dislike him as a streamer, you can dislike that he cheated. But since then he didnt cheat, became pretty anti-cheat, and is a good player, so the whole all cheaters are bad players is a faulty one.

i dont think anyone ever got perfect gear in one season, even bots
but just for the sake of comparison

your wizzard seem to be missing

  • topaz on helm
  • rcr on shoulders
  • armor on boots
  • armor on belt
  • ad instead on one ring
  • and some non perfect rolls

your meteor average dps is 399,818,508,093,107
changing the above and getting all rolls perfect,
your average dps would jump to 498,834,865,385,054
this represents an increase of 25% more dmg
this problably falls under 20% bc not even botters can get perfect gear

i used the capped paragon of the next season
the paragon distribution was the following

200 for main stat
100 for chc
100 for chd
100 for life%
100 for armor%
200 for AD

i personally dont push so i dont know if a difference of 20% in power is possible to be compensated with fishing and fingers

i’ll let someone experienced with high push answer that

now, the same scenario and gear difference but with the current paragon mechanic and against a 10k paragon bot

he has about 200% more dmg
1.557Q dps against yours 556t dps


My seasonal Necromancer is paragon 1785 with roughly 108 hours played.

A quick look at shows that means I earned around 85.558 trillion XP.

50 hours from 108 is 46% of the hours. If we apply that percentage to the XP earned during the season, that gets us 39.610 trillion XP.

Using the paragon site again, that amount of XP would get you to paragon 1404.

(Also, I spent 11 of those hours hunting for the gibbering gemstone)

Then you most likely played with a cheating zNec, which isn’t a make believe fantasy story, it was unfortunately a standard.

Then you must not have played much D3.
The forums, discord and in game chat were filled with skilless cheaters complaining that their cheats wouldn’t work after blizzard dropped a patch or hotfix. This isn’t “made up stories”, they happened and frequently.

Yes he was banned for cheating, but how can you prove he didn’t cheat again?
Usually, once a cheater, always a cheater unless proven innocent.
No one is going to stand over someones shoulder unless at a tournament.
I have zero respect for anyone that has ever cheated, especially someone that cheated in order to gain publicity streaming.

Back to the topic, I am stoked that the new D3 team finally implemented a permanent fix to the pargon botter issue. I hope they find a way to eliminate all 3rd party cheaters in the near future.

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Got any proof of that? Especialy if it has been on the forum, you must have a quote ready? Otherwise another made up story.

Fun world you live in, once you steal a bread always a criminal.

Anyway i dont have acces to his computer, but i do see he doesnt use th (where he was banned for) as he identifies his items, runs into dead corners, doesnt see things he cant see, etc. Furthermore his paragons are very small in comparisson to botters, and yet he makes many pushes. He streams his bounties. He doesnt even uses a sell macro in town. He makes videos where he checks leaderboards and has made suggestions for more banwaves. Come to think about it he could be your best friend.

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Blizz doesnt ban for TH, he was using something more substantial :wink: to catch their eye, regardless of what was said on his channel.
Obviously anyone would choose to come forward after a ban and say whatever it takes to keep their income, but respect goes completely out the window regardless.

Not sure why you keep trying to derail the primary topic off coarse yet again, but you might want to do a ton of research before you post again and stop the fanboyism.

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Got any proof of that?
Your word alone doesn’t sound convincing

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