Paragon Cap is Appalling

I see. You’re welcome to remain ignorant.

Wouldn’t be the Blizzard forums without someone who can’t just agree to disagree and devolve to insults.

I hope you have a good Labor Day.


If it leads to winning, you win. It’s not honest winning, but you reap the rewards nonetheless unless you’re caught.

I remember cheating in super Mario, contra and GTA 2. Those was the good old days.

Why are we bothering discussing botting here?? What are groups even suppose to do? Paragon 800, that’s like 2 hours of GR 110 speeds okay let’s gem level…okay done…see you next season?

Seriously, this is way too SSF focused and anti bot focused that’s why if there even is going to be an 800 cap it needs to be SSF only. Otherwise OP is right you are pretty much castrating everyone that didn’t want to SSF. My opinion is that you castrated even any SSF that didn’t want to play an S tier build to push due to the toughness loss of main stat and Altar.

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I know, This should have been implemented as soon as seasons went live.
I get that they wanted to promote players to play through an entire season, but once they started noticing bots and other cheats, they should have put a hard paragon cap years ago.


its called Skill, and skill cannot be downloaded.

100% true. I have playing D3 for a very long time, and holding high leaderboard spots.
I can confirm that the cheaters have absolutely no skill or game knowledge once their cheat software doesn’t work.
They’re absolutely useless and entertaining.


This sentence lacks any connection to the quoted post

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Really? Every banwave I’ve ever seen tends to remove a lot of people from the top of the boards.

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Which presumably means their cheat software did in fact work.


Bots can farm for you, they don’t give you high ranks on the boards.

The cheated paragon lvls, and items, do.

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Even with that advantage you would not be able to compete for top spots if you are a below average player. The argument was that a decent player in semi decent gear would win over a botter with perfect gear. And that’s bullcrap.

Considering the bot can also farm keys, and how much a perfect GRift matters above anything else, eh, it is hard to buy that the cheater would be able to do much on their own.
The cheater getting beaten by any decent player seems likely.


It really doesn’t, not if we are talking the ones that end up top tier, which we incidentally are.

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It seems some people really deluded that thinking cheater doesn’t have skill. Just like some people think that hardworkers can beat genius. It is like they never even entertain the existence of skilled cheater and hardworking genius at all. :laughing:

Just like some people call my clan mate, the whale, is an unskilled PVP player, so when Immortal Team released a limited time fair PVP mode where everyone is equal in terms of everything, the “so-called” unskilled PVP clan mate ended up destroying those people in the fair PVP matches too. It was hilarious when I heard that. :rofl:

If someone makes a claim that all cheaters are bad at the game, non-belief of the claim (i.e. some cheaters might be good at the game) isn’t the same as the negation of the claim (i.e. all cheaters are good at the game).

Think of it like the difference between guilty, not guilty and innocent.

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Ok, quibbling again. I forgot the word “all”. So i mean some cheaters have maybe good gaming skill.

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There’s no “maybe” about it, it’s a fact that there are.

and why do cheaters having some edge matters?
isnt like this since “tennis for two”?

the paragon will also be capped for them, greatly dimishing their edge

in the end, cheaters and exploiters are the reference for nothing but banwaves
or people in their right mind compares their ability to accumulate wealth to that of a dr*g cartel lord?

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Because a common argument in favor of a paragon cap is that it evens the playing field vs botters.

Which granted, given that the power is effectively capped you can technically catch up, of course that requires significant time investment so the vast majority of players will never reach that point, making the argument of an even field moot for pretty much everyone that’s made it.