Only 10% of players want Rend/WW Barb Nerfed for next season

I mean, isn’t this optimal? Sounds like double power double conduit would > any passive

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You are correct. By switching to FoT he wrote that would give him a bump of 1-1.5 tiers if pylons were in the right order.

If blizzard chose to buff the ww/rend build really well but lets say 2-grifts rifts less strong, it would still be the top build assuming wizards drop 2 rifts with their nerf.

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Well I would like to try it out in the next season, but that depends on if they nerf it or not.
Tried the chantodo vyr build just today and I did not like the playstyle.
If I like this Barb build I might just put some time into it.
That would be pretty much the first time since vanilla d3, other than leveling a barb to 70.

Oh my bad, I misunderstood, he did that clear with a Hellfire and unoptimized rune. Gotcha.

And yes that would be correct, the wizard nerf is about 3.5 GR’s, which at the top end due to higher toughness and a Squirts fix might only be about 2 GR drop, indeed.

Yes that’s why taking Lamentation to 100% instead of 200% would be a far better approach than these guys wanting a 6-7 GR nerf by removing Rend modifiers all together on a 6pc! That’s too much.

But at the end of the day, I really wouldn’t mind seeing it just stay and maybe adjust it next season. Let Barb be OP for once :smiley:

Right now we got Angels and Geysers laughing at us all!

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Maybe, but I thought I’d bring it up as a voice for my community and to check if the wider player base feels the same.

Being upfront, I don’t really want it Nerfing, so people could be picking up on that, although only 10% wanting a nerf is very low


I’ve watched your channel a few times in the past to get a rough idea of things I’d like to try, and I get the sense that you prefer necro over most classes, so I’d think that your audience isn’t primarily barbarian. But I feel that there could be possible bias from the community, as people are searching for WW Barb builds and you’ve made a few videos about them, so your community may have quite a few barb watchers now. But people aren’t going volunteer to be nerfed. Ever. Especially in the community that exists within Diablo 3, and especially when most barb players have been itching for something that isn’t HOTA/FC to play…

I touched on a slight nerf for WW Barb that would be fair to WW barb, but not “heavy handed” as blizzard is known to do. (The idea that “if we made something too powerful in PTR, we must nerf it into the ground” is a common theme amongst blizzard games.) Let me know what you think about my post if you’d like, and possibly share the idea with your community and see what they think? The nerf would be roughly a 35% damage reduction, which is completely fair considering how hard Rend hits (6-10T) for the average geared player with ~lvl 80 gems and no augments (which is easy to obtain at this point)

Another issue I have with this build is that its extreme mobility and continuous damage makes pulling mobs together so easy. A great player with this build will really rip up a fished rift like paper.

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And RxT was supposedly plowing 125s back in the day. Caused a nerf. WW barb was in dust since then.

Now we got darkpotatoes…


The issue is still the Chantodo case or The Furnace case more explicitly.

If the Ambo’s Pride goes live, then Whirlwind is history. Rend is more than 20 times stronger than Whirlwind, so there’s no chance of it getting buffed to that level.

Unless they go in and nerf Ambo’s Pride later on, but then you face the whole legacy item issue, where existing items have to be changed. And that is very tedious and troublesome, but much easier with sets as they change dynamically.

So it is a matter of what they want for the future of the build.

I think they should leave it alone, at least for a season or two.

Unless it’s just rediculous, it should stay as is.

Let Barbs own for a change!

But on a more serious note, it will give us all an opportunity to see where it, and the other updated items/builds, stand.


Agreed …
Please no nerf
Finally fun to play a WW barb again :slight_smile:


I needs a full season to see it’s real power using players that started from scratch. I think it will be nerfed either before or after sadly, but hopefully they won;t take out the mechanics like they did with todo’s.
I also did a basic gold run with it and it responded how the original wastes build did when T6 was the highest level. It was great.
If they do I hope they temper any reductions with wisdom.

spot on…

Does it really bother ppl that a barb can do more dmg now. The complaint that rend does all the dmg now. If your not ww rend wouldn’t do all that dmg. You have to ww for rend to work. It says durning ww. Then don’t use ww at all then. It’s not like this is a pvp thing where we would die instantly. I don’t think anyone said a word about the wiz being buffed and pushing greater. So y the barb. Even when boomer was top no one said to nerf it. But what do I know.
Also. You don’t have to use any of the new support for rend. Just don’t use it if that would make you feel better

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So when will us normal casual player w/o a perfect group and 10k paragon being able to clear 150? Is 150 the end game of diablo3 or what?

Please buff barb, crusader, any class to be able to clear 150 solo. Yes, perfect gear is fine, yes, fishing is fine, just buff all of the classes to 150 able level.

Put your ego, jealousy aside for a better diablo please?

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Great to see you here, FC.

So far, the only argument I’ve seen in favor of nerfing Barbs has to do with “balance,” but that’s a term that seems to have no single definition. Should every class be capable of clearing the same GR tiers? That’s impossible since the mechanical interactions of skills and items differ wildly from class to class.

Could not balance also mean letting a class that has, historically, gotten the shaft (Barbs) have a chance to be really, really powerful? I argue it very well could.

Anyway, Barbs shouldn’t be nerfed, and I’m happy to see you on the forums.


The guy with 10500 paragon and skill to be number one on the PTR leaderboards with 5 out of the 7 classes? Why would we balance around the 1% of the 1% again? There are always going to be extreme outliers in skill/paragon like him.

The question is, where will 90% of the players be able to clear? 144? I don’t think so. Someone lower-mid skill with 1500 paragon will be lucky to pop a 110.

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It needs nerfed…it replaces Vyr’s Chantodo’s as the “easy” option to clear GR100’s and get gem ups and Paragon…like Vyr’s, which got nerfed, everyone will roll a barb just for these reasons in S19.

Is that balance? No…sure have other classes do similar clears but there is in’t…this barb is easy to gear for and decimates high GR’s just like Vyr’s Chantodo’s.

It needs a slight nerf.

So it needs a nerf because it might be a little stronger than wizards second strongest build?


Vyrs can still do as good as ww barb. Look at the clears on non season ptr.