Personally, I am all for shared loot continuing the same way it was in the original Diablo 2 so no one needs to argue that with me that would definitely be my preference.
But I do somewhat understand some of the concerns people have with pickit if it continues to be an issue and if there HAD to be a mechanic put in to deal with it, having thought about it a lot here with the debate going on there is one option I would consider if it was feasible.
If there was a really quick like 1 or 1.5-second loot assignment that basically would let people beat the people using pickit if they were fighting right on the boss or in a pile of mobs but also not leave enough time for people that were leeching or standing off screen to come and scoop up the loot after I could live with it.
I think it could sort of maintain the chaotic feel to free for all loot dropping and people still having the chance to run round and collect it a second later but also deal with the frustration people have with people using pickit to instagrab.
I am just curious what people feel about this. Like I said personally I am for sticking with the original system so people don’t need to fight with me about that but this is one compromise I think could potentially be viable if it were to go in that direction.
I think it’s a good idea. Hopefully things like pickit will be detectable and banned, but you never know if they’ll find a way.
People leeching is definitely a concern. I wondered if having a requirement to actually hit the monster (or to do >1% damage to it) would also stop leechers?
Yea and to reiterate I am not trying to turn this into another us vs them type thread on the issue those are already going around I am just weighing this is a productive alternative to discuss.
Hitting the monster is a decent idea but also people would probably be pretty quick to figure out they could just invest in an aoe skill and tag some monsters.
Great, I’m all for actually discussing things. True about monster tagging, that’s what made me think about a small damage threshold.
I think the biggest issue I can think of with this kind of system (where loot is personal for a short period of time and then becomes shared) is there are two options:
Everybody sees all the loot as soon as it drops. In this case you need something visual so you know which is your’s for that 1.5s. It could be confusing or ugly depending on the UI.
You only see your loot during that 1.5s, so you can pick up anything you can see. The issue with this is a ring randomly appearing after 1.5s without so much as a lovely ping sound to tell you it’s dropped.
That is not a bad suggestion. If there was a couple second delay to pick the items up. Also, could be that anybody that tries to pick up the item in that time frame would be put in to do a /roll and highest roll wins. That could combat bots, or people with pickit, etc. Also, ranged players would have a chance to get the loot.
Why is leeching an issue? its a legit way to build up characters wit the help of other characters already through the game, this was also already nerfed with the addition of the Ancients level requirements.
I remember being under level 10, naked, and running Hell Cow Runs with a new character way back in the day
Its alot more work not to power rush a character now.
There’s like a 183 comment thread with people purely arguing about it in existence already so I would refer you there to keep this one relatively civil and focused on any potential solutions/compromises instead of rehashing that.
Shared loot keeps the original D2 style loot.
Shared loot keeps items more rare since it wouldn’t be distributing that item to every person in the party.
Shared loot should be “shared” among party members. If no one needs the item you can keep for yourself, or trade it off. Of course this usually happens if the party knows each other. If not, and it’s a public game, then drops are first grab, first get usually.
Leeching experience is/never was an issue for me much in D2 at all the way it was I was always perfectly cool with people leeching on their rushed characters and I did it a lot myself.
The issue in this case is IF there was a personal loot mechanic jammed in and it was assigning loot to the leechers who weren’t fighting that people who were couldn’t pick up I would find leeching more annoying than I did in the previous iteration with shared loot where at least the people fighting were the ones with the chance to grab it as most of the leechers would die getting near the action.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand why we are still discussing this. There’s no personal loot needed and nobody should want it. People have wasted enough time explaining to all of you why Baal runs aren’t even a good way to earn loot. And even then, it’s your own responsability if you join pugs instead of playing with your friends or people you trust. You’re also wasting your own time trying to advice some weird unnecessary complicated non-roleplay mechanic of either adding delay or magically distributing the loot to random people.
A monster dies, everyone should see the same drop at the same time, everyone gets a chance to click, and that’s it. Perfectly roleplay. Plain and simple. You are proposing an unecessary delay-based loot, but nobody should want randomly attributed personal loot either : I don’t want to kill N Baals and ask myself everytime who got the loot ? Should I ask everyone EVERY time in PUGs if they looted and what it was ? If I play with a newbie, should I have to tell him everytime to check the huge amount of drops on the ground to see if he didn’t miss something because no one else can see it ? Should I worry about all that ? No I won’t, because 1) I wouldn’t waste my time caring about loot in PUGs whose purpose is to farm EXP and 2) It won’t be in the game anyway because this is a remaster and it will stay faithful to the original and last but not least, 3) this adds unnecessary work to the developers for a “feature” that will be ignored and never used outside of pugs and will just make the game more confusing.
Personal loot is the way to go. Your idea does not take into account that the servers will be global. If US-based and you are lucky enough to live near the server, then you will have a huge advantage in getting items. Furthermore, I showed mathematically that personal loot promotes a robust trade economy in comparison to global loot.
Also, global loot promotes leeching and autopicker hacks. There is almost nothing meritorious in global loot. Personal loot works much better. There is a reason that D3 and D4 will have personal loot.
Because they are not remasters of a game that featured the mechanic? That seems like the obvious initial consideration. If you’re super attached to the idea fire up your Diablo 3 account and go participate in the thriving trade economy the new-gen experience provided. /s
This thread was proposing an option to satisfy both parties on the merits of a system that beat pickit and still allowed for some FFA loot aspects.
Apparently, you have done a mathematic equation to prove something that seems like a total non-sequitor. Personal loot with the same drop rate wouldn’t change the economy it would be the same amount of items just a different loot mechanic for how the item s were picked up. If you did a mathematical equation to prove it created a different economy that means you were operating off the premise of some kind of altered drop rates which would have just been a number you made up while also assuming they changed another fundamental mechanic and either way ultimately useless to both the overall argument and this thread.
And what happens if you have a slow computer connection or you are not just as good as a mouse clicker as everyone else? You still lose all the time every time. Shared loot is the worst thing about diablo 2 and created the most toxic atmosphere in any online game during its time. NO!
If you want it so bad, then give us the option as game creators to select whether we want shared loot or individual in each game. So, as you create the game you get to select how loot works in your game.
You play with friends? Play in a private game? Solo mf which is a totally viable and efficient way to find loot? Actually one of my favourite things about FFA loot is encouraging me to chill and solo MF when I am tired of it.
If you don’t want it so bad play literally any other game that doesn’t have the mechanic instead of the one single game in the genre that’s being remastered that did?
i would be 100% against this…
all personal loot does is promote leechers who dont contribute, and with tele and enigma, personal loot is still a terrible idea i would never want to see in this game.
“yoU MaGic fInD LiKE eVerYoNe eLse”. Yeah, that requires you to have the MF gear to begin with, and the enemies and unless you have end game gear for your hammerdin finding stuff is next to impossible since 50% of all the enemies in the game are immune to your insert element Sorceress and everything else is basically worthless. You purists couldn’t be more dumb. If you love the game so much, leave this forum and stop giving your imput for ideas and…oh, I dunno, since all you purists seem to want is a 100% pure carbon copy of the old game…just do what anyone else with a functioning brain does and…PLAY THE OLD GAME! No changes what so ever just how you want it! Kinda defeats the purpose of remastering an old game. What’s that? You think remastering just means new graphics? Hate to break it to ya, but making mods like that for old games happens all the time and I am sure someone out there can easily do that for ya. Sod off. lol
Basically your whole premise here is that you weren’t really capable of playing the game properly? I can easily farm MF in Hell with immunities on an averagely geared sorc by myself lol and I am not even that good/serious of a player? Hammerdins are definitely most efficient but pretty much any class is viable. But in other words you are just rehashing the concept that players that the game was too hard and needs special systems to out players like you.
I still do play the old game actually so thanks for the suggestion.
I can’t believe I have to explain this but here is a definition for you
Remaster (also digital remastering and digitally remastered ) refers to changing the quality of the sound or of the image, or both, of previously created recordings, either audiophonic, cinematic, or videographic
If someone remasters a classic song do you also ask them to change the lyrics for you because you didn’t like it? There’s a reasons the dev’s themselves keep saying they want to keep it as faithful as possible lol.