just long enough into the season for them to care and not too long enough for them to have fun.
this porridge is just right.
just long enough into the season for them to care and not too long enough for them to have fun.
this porridge is just right.
Or now would be a great time to start minding your own business and rather focus on building up your own inferior toons.
they’re gonna get you, cheater
Care to unhide your own profile, or are you afraid someone might actually be able to counter your drivel?
Why the heck would people not care about cheaters getting banned.
Unless I have better things to do with my time than complain about stuff that never affected me in the slightest.
And the OP wouldn’t rank even if you paid him to, not with his whopping ~p150. Which means it doesn’t affect him either. Which means he’s just another parrot mimicking a tiny forum minority who wouldn’t rank either.
No need, your squirming is amusing me enough. Besides, there’s nothing to see. Even if there was, I can start botting anytime here since there hasn’t been a banwave on Asia server for years.
You can care without spending time posting about it.
Yet, you did spend time posting about how little you care.
Whether people would rank or not seems quite irrelevant.
The reason some people make their profile private is because they don’t see why anyone else should be allowed to look at their Summary / Activity pages, not because they don’t want people seeing their Armoury pages but, because there’s no granularity as to what you can make public / private, it’s an all or nothing thing.
However, it’s incredibly easy to see another player’s Armoury pages. Let’s use my Armoury Career pages as an example…
EU - https://eu.diablo3.com/en/profile/Meteorblade-2266/career
US - https://us.diablo3.com/en/profile/Meteorblade-2266/career
Asia - https://kr.diablo3.com/ko/profile/Meteorblade-2266/career
You’ll notice that in each of the three URLs, you can see my Battlenet ID, albeit that the separator in the URL is a dash rather than a hash. So, you could look at your own Career page, and then just type another player’s Battlenet ID into the URL to see their pages instead. If you hover your mouse over someone’s forum avatar and/or their posting name, your browser will show a preview URL that includes their Battlenet ID.
Still not convinced. Not everyone knows about the BattleTag workaround, and a reputable poster won’t have need to hide their activity. I can see it for the blues, but for regular posters here? If they aren’t willing to take it, they shouldn’t be dishing it out.
I guess I’m disreputable by this standard then.
Oh, well.
yes I agree, too many bot people and it’s been a while, I find it a shame to act like that and that the game is necessarily broken and does not act against cheating firms like the famous Ros-Bot CucuBot. … and co. cheats everywhere modern Warfare, Diablo and probably all the others and to come, too bad for the game publishers (blizzard), there is more fairness … it’s scary for the future, that’s what I had in my heart, while the others do not cheat
They will, but you need to wait until the week before season’s end, and then the 50% off D3 promotion. The botter meta, right? Bot, ban, buy - rinse and repeat.
I agree with you, the higher frequency of bans we get, the less cheating will affect competition.
We really don’t need less people playing the game ATM. It’s already in maintenance mode as it is. If they keep running people off, D3 won’t last till D4 comes out.
lots of people dont play because of botting, i’ll trade botters for them any day.
We just had a bot banwave…
This looks like an attempt to get another, not against bots but for botmakers.
What I mean is, if banwaves are too frequent, botmakers learn what got them caught and they can change thing about their program to make it undetectable in a future banwaves.
And let’s be honest here, we were all thrilled to see tons of botters get “bamfed”. I wouldn’t want the next one to be less effective because the botmakers found the key to evasion.
Just sayin’.
According to this twitter, It will be coming this season. Just don’t know exactly when.
So you want to keep cheaters in the game, just to make it look populated?
I think this is the tactic they use in politics too.
The less people playing, the quicker it gets shut down.
I don’t condone cheating, but botters have literally zero effect on my playing this game. There is no economy. There is no real trading. There is no incentive to bot other than paragon, which may have an effect on the leaderboards, but since I’m not a top 1% player, it doesn’t matter to me at all.