Now would be a great time to banwave botters

That is your opinion only, not those that actually play this game competitively.
Think outside the box and how botters affect tons of players trying to push their skills and climb the ranks.

Let them try! I disagree with not banning every season and more frequently because it forces the botters to adapt and bot less! In the end, this is what we legit players want, less botting.

It is possible to care about things that does not directly affect yourself.

Sure. Still, botters should get banned at least once a season, otherwise the battle is kinda lost already.
Once every 2-3 month is hardly often.

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It is which is why I said it doesn’t matter TO ME at all, and explained how it has no impact on me personally.

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So, if you saw someone break into your neighbour’s house, I guess you wouldn’t call the cops because it doesn’t impact you at all?

Some of us realise that just because we may not be personally affected by an issue shouldn’t mean we can’t appreciate that some people are affected by it and want it addressed.

Most people will never be capable of winning a gold medal in the Olympic games but that doesn’t mean we don’t want athletes that are taking steroids to be banned because we want the competition to be as fair as possible.


Why join this conversation which is all about others?
I get that we all have an opinion however, like meteor said, yours seems contradictory to the topic.

Unfortunately botting leads to pointless nerfs, cause when Blizz sees a player with over 10k and maxed out caldesans and gems they have no problem with nerfing any build that comes close to clearing a 150 GR solo (cause of BS reason) in non-season or 150 GR solo with less than 2000 paragon and only 100-110 caldesans in META groups, because of “clever use of in game mechanics”…

Many players who either BOT or play like a BOT over 10h a day in META groups usually also using THUD too gain a huge advantage over normal or casual players who are happy to play the game 2-4h a day and will never even come close to the “TOP” players or even reach a 10-20 GRS lower than the so called PROs who if they didn’t need to sleep at least for 5h they would be playing in META groups over 20h a day leaving normal players who play in it’s own pace faaaaar behind…

Not too mention those who abuse exploits like crazy which makes all the TOP 10 or even TOP 100 leaderboards look like a joke and don’t forget that most of the “Pros” played in groups to level their legendary gems or make almost maxed out caldesans in items…


This is why I am very proud of myself hitting in the 300’s on WD and Barbarian and I tell myself not to be sad when I hit the wall on GR’s because 1: I do not want to spend hours and hours fishing for one extra level. 2: I do not use meta 4 player runs for paragons and gem leveling. 3: I don’t bot and quite frankly I am too ocd on my computer to want it to run all day and night…

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True to the first part and to echo you pretty much, I’m not completely convinced on the second half. I share a house with a lovely human being and she values her privacy. So much so, that she never posts here and pretty much nobody knows anything about her or searches her profile. She appears on the leaderboards from time to time, ignores all friend requests so on and so forth. She simply passed the privacy wish to all areas.

I do agree with you in part, being that if someone is going to go on the forums, then they are into the public eye and as such, probably should have nothing to hide if they wish to try and make some kind of valuable contribution.

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Hopefully, the ‘Based on 5,000 paragons build-theory’, they are walking their own talk and won’t crucify everyone else who does not have ridiculous paragons as a result. I guess we will all see in the coming ‘Balance seasons’.

Considering, that the very endgame (Greater Rifts and Leader Board) is essentially a competition, he is in the right to complain about cheating.

If he is competing for a place on the ladder and he sees a bunch of them occupied by botters (you know, you check the profile, you calculate the hours and it turns out, that the account was active 24/7 and it’s either account sharing or botting, both of which are against the rules), I’d say it is his business, very much so.

Do you honestly think Blizzard would just shut down D3?
D2 is up and running, I think D1 as well.
Unless the company goes bankrupt, D3 will stay up.

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It’s a Video game. :upside_down_face:

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D2 is up and Running because tens of thousands of people are still playing it everyday.

They wouldn’t have another banwave now, it is way to soon after the last one and it would look real fishy to everyone who cares if they put Diablo III ROS on a super sale again after only a couple of weeks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Even if it was merely 500 people, the game would still run as long as Blizzard is operational. Same goes for D3.
I am pretty sure they have tech, that allows them to shift server capacity to whatever needs it.

They are not gonna shut down D3, the company as criticized so much throughout the last several years, their reputation can’t take the hit of them shutting down a game, while still operational.

Stop thinking along the lines of City of Heroes or Marvel Heroes. This is Blizzard we’re talking about.

Could we also get a ban wave in non-season? There are a lot of bots on the Americas servers right now. I’m practically finding one every time I play pub bounty.

what’s the point of asking for it? shouldn’t it happen by itself? I often see botters that are so obvious!
the well-known exploiters are still there. According to the blue post, they are also supposed to be good players who do everything right. Is not it?

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not even top 100 now, but the complete list is full of 150 clears. I was mostly interested in DHs. not all characters are in season now. I wonder why? botted too obviously? LOL
without a lot of luck you can’t get anything dead with theme. but the guys there farm it regularly and cleared almost every rift?
we also had a game of luck with snowballs on the bridge or in narrower areas. in the end even 5 packs to lightning pylon pulled and killed. but that happens once a week … so really …
and if you don’t find enough small mobs and kill them, you can restart the game right away.

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Nice the forum troll supports bots. Also be more constructuve than just duhhh mind your own business. Its an online game with a leaderboard, stop that nonsense


What I find hilarious about the leaderboards is seeing a player with 4500 paragons at around 142 and directly below at 2,000 paragons less only 2 GR’s less another player, and some people still think the better player is the guy 2 GR’s higher.

If you do the math on the time necessary to get that many points since season start … welll…threads like this occur for a reason.