[Now Live] Patch 2.6.7a Update

Well, I hope they buff some builds and destroy “meta” (I hope every class kan take a role somehow). For monk you can make God monk viable for T16/Bounty’s and Generator for RGK.

It would be fun if you have an option to mix groups up for higher GR’s. Every class should have at least 1 trash build or 1 rgk build wich is viable.

Thank you very much nev, truly, and please do not feel like some of the negative feedback are direct attacks towards you, but rather towards blizzard and the entirety of their decisions to not go with a very overwhelming consensus by the community. I understand that every community request cannot be met, it’s just simpl not possible. But regarding the ww rend, the post had actually equivalent and sometimes more views and replies than the d4 request post. Certain things like that need not go unnoticed because the base of d4 players are going to be ones who played d3, and don’t get me wrong i’m extremely excited for d4, and i think i can speak for many other d3 players when i say two things: Don’t completely neglect d3 due to d4 development, blizzard is a huge company, and i know that the ultimate decision doesn’t lie in your hands, but if you have upper management to show them collective opinions from the community then you can do so in order to remind them that continous work still need to be done in preparation for seasons for d3 (and i know that you have done that, and there is much to do) so ultimately this is a thank you for your efforts, Nev. I appreciate what you have pushed through towards the community, and don’t feel like you need to respond to each and every comment, but rather read them, and once every week or post a small discussion simply addressing the matter ( Which you have been). So once again, thank you for your cooperation Nev, it is very much appreciated and blizzard could use a lot more assets like you. Keep the community informed, and perhaps create a poll for controversial changes! You don’t always have to use the information but if it’s in a great majority i think it could provide some good information

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Very poor choice of words :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi Nevalistis and D3 team, please look into the same Epiphany teleport issue sometimes happening with WoL Pillar of the Ancients rune.

Also, for a part-technical part-balancing issue, please do something about Wizard’s Manald+Hydra interaction and maybe Manald in general; I enjoyed (or in Hydra RGK’s case, would have enjoyed) those builds and think there’s room for them to be “unlocked” by now.

I meant the current meta.

Shield of Fury should cap at 50 or 60, not 20 so we can RGK in group. Or leave it at 20 but raise the multiplier from 30 to 100.

Fist of heavens added to 2 set bonus, Kassets goes to 500 instead of 170.

The AoV set bonus is fine as is, it doesn’t need to be brought down.


havent been in d3 for a while. whats wrong with “general demon hunter performance”?

In exception of rapid fire, all other builds are lacking in power/fall behind in GRs.

And I would love to have a rapid fire build that is viable without grenades. Please add a belt that increases rapid fire damage.

To enable a non-Fires Of Heaven playstyle for the new Crusader set I would like to see the Eberli Charo shield changed into:

  • Reduces the cooldown of Heaven’s Fury by 50% and the damage of Fist of the Heavens is increased by XXX% as long as Heaven’s Fury is active. (Crusader Only)
    (Yes it excludes Fires of Heaven rune)

The shield is not being used at the moment and it would be a good fit to support Fist of the Heavens with Heaven’s Fury beams on cooldown playstyle. Please make tweaks to existing items before introducing new ones. We ended up with a set for something LoD/Akkhan was able to do already.

A set that was intended to be all about Fist of the Heavens, turned out to be mainly a Fires of Heaven set. I believe this item change empowers the Fist of the Heavens portion, while still staying true to the mechanics of the new Set and keeping the current build options open.

Edit: Now that I think about it, just slapping a Fist of the Heavens damage modifier to this shield would probably be enough, as you wouldn’t use it with the Fires of Heaven rune anyway.
Would also enable using the shield in a pure Fist of the Heavens build at the cost of losing some Set identity if the intended build is always using both spells. But hey, I’m all for more options.


Demon hunter is still a great class, multishot UE is arguably one of the best t16, bounty, and speed gr farmers. Last season under 1k para i was doing 85s in 3 mins with 1 or 2 augments and mediocre gems. Impale could use a very slight tuneup, it still is very strong but perhaps allowing karlei’s point to extend to 450% would give it the buff needed to gain a few grs. But still, UE is great and easy to play, overall screen obliteration, not the best gr pusher but amazing at gr farms, impale could use a bit of an update. But overall DH are pretty neutral in power at the moment, it’s just comparitive to other classes who got buffed this patch. And i remember when UE set went from 100 to 350% as well as impale got huge buffs a few seasons ago, so DH will get their time again they’re not completely out of the game but they do require some more power or reworked sets to reach higher in GRS


Not sure why Cruder has to be nerfed. First time anyone played one and got invited to anything in a long time. How about restore the Captain America build to last season’s PTR at least then it can be a decent trash killer.

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Since everyone now knows that there is a Diablo IV coming, and that the servers for Diablo III are not being shut down, then it just makes a good business sense to do what you’ve described in this post here, and especially in this quoted passage.

It is important to reinforce the idea to present customers that Diablo III is not being hung out to dry and that the company still cares about the game (even though it generates no revenue). It helps to remind current players that based on player feedback and the developer’s vision of the game that changes, however small, and however infrequent they may come, will nevertheless come, and that Diablo III will continue to be fine-tuned to an even greater game than it already is.

I’ve been playing this game since June 1, 2012, and I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on additional accounts and expansion packs, not to mention the thousands I spent at the auction houses when they were open. During the last 7 1/2 years this game has brought me thousands of hours of leisure time enjoyment without any required additional cost or commitment. The fact that the developers care enough about public opinion and product quality to continue to improve this game is impressive and gratifying.

Now for a suggestion for the upcoming Demon Hunter tuning.

I’d like to see a “Trapper Hunter,” with a new set that buffs all of the trap-type skills, along with a buff to grenades and daggers. Naturally, I’m not looking for a set that duplicates what the Shadow’s Mantle set does, but provides a buff for close-in melee work while setting devastating traps.

I’d really like to see the original sticky bomb system come back, where the sticky bomb jumps to additional close-by targets and continues to explode for decreasing damage on each successive jump. When the Demon’s Demise hand crossbow first came out, I had a great time using that system, even though it wasn’t very powerful, and I was disappointed when I had to trade up to a more conventional build when the sticky traps finally petered out.

That’s the conclusion of my suggestion.

Thanks for the update, Nev, and we’ll see you in Sanctuary!


Actually it should have Cold, cause the current pushing Tempest Rush builds utilize the Flurry rune, but i guess that wont happen. Best case would be it could roll any element i guess so youre neither forced to play ascpecific build nor to waste a stat.

omg, some how people realised that apart from having a speed build for rifting, DH life actually sucks… Looking forward to that.


Not only the Lamentation buffed back enough to make the Whirlrend atleast viable, but both of the annoying bugs fixed, that made the Tempest Rush Patterns of Justice less playable.
Only have one thing to say about this…:+1:

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now everybody is happy…Crusader is dead.
good job!


Crusader needs the 50% dmg bonus in the shield instead of 30% if they want only 20 stack to left.


u kiding me? Have u seen the leaderboards, they are filled with 150 clears, 40 ish in asia so the nerf is very much needed.
And no im not a salty DH player or whatever i play crusader and was planning to still play that

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The issue is that Rapid Fire, our top build, doesn’t benefit from group buffs. (DIBS from strongarms, etc)

Impale, our RGK doesnt kill bosses fast enough.

And everything else is ineffective by about 10-12GRs (Multishot, Cluster Arrow, FoK, etc.)

If you solo clear GR130 with any build outside of Rapid Fire, you have done something exceptional.


Thank you for this update! It is nice to see that players comments are being looked at and addressed.