[Now Live] Patch 2.6.7a Update

Nev already said it won’t happen Tuesday

It’s not going to be released today. Nev already relayed this earlier. It will be released BEFORE S19 though.

Hi Nev, got a question for patch 2.6.7a here.

How about the fact that the season buff stack can only be increased by killing a monster while the patch notes were saying “hit or killed”? Was it an error in the notes or the other way around?

The current system will cause several problems for the players, especially solo players: We can never get the full 100% damage & 50% move speed increase as stated in the patch notes in the GR (Killing ~500 monsters will be enough progress for the GR boss. And the 5s time is too short, so the buff itself will likely to disappear before the GR boss finish spawning). No one was complaining about this in the last PTR since the 500 kill streak angel was killing GR boss with one shot. But now that you guys are fixing that bug, is there a way so that we get the full 100% dmg seasonal buff which as designed?

For the duration of the Season, all players will have a stacking buff that persists as long as you have hit or killed a monster within the last 5 seconds

See Morticks Bracers and patch 2.2

Hey Nev,

i don’t hope it will be Friday in the early. I really want to test my barb before season starts and make my plan that i have for the season to finish it. I know it takes time to fix game breaking bugs that will make a bad season if they will be abused, but still i hope it will be on Wednesday or early Thursday :).

Love you and the Dev Team for your work :heart:

The intention was always for the buff to be gained by kills, but for stacks you already have to be maintained by kills or hits.

Apologies if this was not more clear, but that is both the intention and the current functionality.


Thanks for the clarification. So I guess it is theoretically impossible to reach the full stacks in the GR with the current design?

There are some bugs in the sets of Captain Crimson on the consoles in 2.6.7.
1,Damage enhancement increases skill damage rather then independent damage.
2,Damage reduction effect is invalid.
Please fix these bugs as soon as possible.

10 second would be a sweet spot. Else, as others have mentioned, the buff will very likely drop off when switching floors in GRs.


Has the pet hits/kills not counting toward the streak been fixed yet? That kept me off the PTR…

One thing I’d really like to see is the three Diablo franchise iconic items that are currently useless - The Grandfather, Tyrael’s Might, and Windforce - get new legendary powers that make them more than just soul fodder. A suggestion for Windforce, which would tie in thematically to how the weapon worked in Diablo 2, would be to give it a generic damage bonus that increases with each Paragon level gained, up to some maximum cap. For example, 0.1% damage per level, capping at 300% at Paragon 3000. So in essence, it becomes a generic version of Manticore or Yang’s Recurve (without the cost reduction), along with the existing knockback.


Actually, your example is for capping at Paragon 30000.

0.01 = (one/hundredth)
0.01 x100 = 1.0
300.0 * 100 = 30000

… just saying :stuck_out_tongue:


Release date for this patch ?

“later this week, but before season start” :slight_smile: Probably thursday.

30% extra damage should be enough for anyone. :wink:

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maybe today, probably tomorrow.

New DH meta:

  • Ignore 100%, 200%, 300% and more percentages of damage increasement for the full 300% of Windforce 3.0
  • Tell everyone: “I GOT PARA30k ! MUM ! LOOK ! I GOT PARA30k !”
  • ???
  • Profit.

Atleast 37cm, maybe even more!

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Or new set for DH:
2 piece bonus: get chance to insta-gib RG. The chance is 1/4 of 60% chance to upgrade legendary gem ( = approx. 0,00005% chance)
4 piece bonus: increase chance to insta-gib by 0,01% for each like on D4 forum
6 piece bonus: If you preordered D4 deluxe edition and RG is 75% hp or lower, increase chance to insta-gib to 100%

AoV crusader may have been able to stand in before the nerf. Let’s not pretend the moment something is stronger than Bazooka (on it’s own with no exploits) that the community won’t scream for nerfs because we’ve already covered that.

If you’re OK with them leaving the exploit you should’t be arguing for nerfs to others, and you certainly argued for Lamentation/Crusader nerfs.

AoV sader says hi my dude.

Leave the Shield of Fury alone I say, and disable Bazooka.